09. A Break in the Cycle

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"Tweeee!" Went the prolonged toot of Bleacher's beloved golden whistle. Well, it was more of a screech now that you thought of it. "Bell."

"Here," you all began to descend down the stairs.

"Benz," he listed off the clipboard.







"As always," you rolled your eyes as he growled at your response. Rather than following the other guests, you stayed behind—concealing yourself underneath the arch—to eavesdrop on their conversation. Willy was supposed to plant the first seed in the plan.


Before Willy could answer, Mrs. Scribitt yelled from who knows where, "Bleacher! Toilet's blocked again!" Bleacher sighed in annoyance.

"Please don't ruin it," you muttered under your breath.

"Ah, the unmistakable sound of love," you facepalmed. Well, here's to hoping Willy'd somehow pull this together.

He was about to join you before—"What?" Barked Bleacher. Willy exited the archway once more.

"Don't tell me you hadn't noticed." Willy questioned.


"She's madly in love with you," something about the way he said it with no hesitation made you think he might have actually been telling the truth.

"Mrs. Scrubitt?"

"Besotted. And why not? Look at you: a fine figure of a man. You just need to tidy yourself up a little bit, get some new clothes, have a bath."

"A bath?" Bleacher repeated, as if he'd never heard of such a thing.

Willy got as close as humanly possible to Bleacher. You leaned over the archway to get a hint of what they were talking about. "You do know what they say, right?"

"What do they say?"

"She'll be thankful for an ankle."


"And pleased to see your knees."


"But if you wanna make her sigh..."

"Tell me."

"Show her some thigh." Bleacher grinned ravenously.

"Bleacher! It's overflowing now!" Mrs. Scrubitt screamed.

"Get in there, back to work. Time waster." Bleacher shoved Willy, somehow still not catching sight of you.

"Alright." Willy murmured.

"It's up to me ankles!"

Willy almost bumped into you. "Whoa, how long have you been there?" He spun around.

"Really Willy? "If you wanna make her sigh, show her some thigh"?" You scoffed as the two of you started down towards the others.

Willy chuckled, "Want me to start wearing knickerbockers around the laundry?"

You stuck your tongue out, pretending to wretch, "Ew, not in a thousand years."

He smirked, "What? Don't you want to see what the chocolatier has to offer?" He asked, his arm finding its way around your shoulders.

You rolled your eyes, "And I thought Bleacher was weird."

"Am I doing this right?"

"Evidently, no." The two of you shared a laugh and got to work on the laundry. Little did you realize, just as this conspired, Noodle was expertly engaged in her side of the plan.

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