29. The Greatest of Greetings

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Willy had been swimming. Oh, had he been swimming. As his aching arms pushed through the sea, the water felt akin to liquid ice rushing against his skin rather than a pleasant swim. He lifted his head from the freezing blue for a moment to find the port meer feet away. Though his jaw must've been frozen shut at that point, he managed to pull off his iconic smile as he pulled himself onto the edge of the dock.

'I must've been treading water for hours' he thought, though the darkened sky seemed to tell otherwise. How deep into the night was it? Was it past twelve o'clock? In that case, it would be morning. Or was it morning only after dawn? Then would it still be night? How close to dawn was it anyway? No, his wristwatch wasn't on his wrist, nor was it in his pocket.

He wasn't even halfway up the dock yet and he'd already stopped to whip his head up to the sky attempting to tell the time. To any onlookers, the sight would've been ridiculous, but Willy's head was chock-full of thoughts.

The moon looked somewhere in the west. Did that make it early or late? He racked his head for answers before realizing he didn't even know whether the moon was in the west or east. What direction was this island facing anyway? Alright, the North Star was the bright one right there, so the moon was in the east... but, wait, the star was more so above the moon. Did that make it early, or late, or right in the middle of the night? It was called the North Star, so was the moon in the south? No, that was preposterous... or was it?

With all the experience Willy had sailing, the answer to the question would've been simple. But, at the time, his head was muddled with saltwater and his thoughts just as foggy. Deciding he wasn't in the right mind to even attempt rationalizing the situation, be just pulled himself out of the water and onto dry land.

The first thing he heard was breathing. But, no, that wasn't his breathing... it was quick and choppy. Though he was still drenched, he opened his eyes to find a sight he didn't expect.

In the dead of the night, a solitary figure knelt on the ground, weeping in the encompassing darkness. As he approached to offer some form of comfort, he could discern a familiar silhouette illuminated by the faint glow of the stars. Was that, "Y/n?"

Her eyes fluttered open and she immediately shied away. Blinking back tears, all she could muster was a hoarse whisper of, "Willy?" She stared at him with wide eyes and a pale complexion—as if she'd just seen a ghost. If he didn't know any better, he'd say she looked emaciated compared to usual, but he was just dramatizing the situation.

"That's my name," he smiled, extending his arm to her. She didn't take his hand, instead reaching up to caress him. Her gentle touch seemed to affirm the fact that he was real in her mind, and her other hand went to wipe away the slicked brown hair on his forehead.

"Willy," she repeated, tears flowing down her face once more. She managed to choke out a few more words, "You... you're alive!" At that point, he was crying as well. Through the rush of adrenaline, as his fight or flight instincts went off, he had barely even registered that he'd nearly died. It was a fickle thing; the loss of life. The event cuts off an entire consciousness, and yet it can take place so swiftly that you wouldn't even realize it happened at all. The thought sent shivers down his spine, but the sight of Y/n was enough to warm his heart.

He mimicked her movements, placing his hand to cup her cheek as well. "Don't cry," he chuckled, though it was obvious through her smile the streams were tears of joy.

"You could've died," she said, though at that point she was laughing into the darkness. He couldn't have expected—nor described for that matter—what she did next.

Her lips collided with his unexpectedly. What could hardly be called a feathery sensation on his lips caused a fluttering in his stomach and managed to make him weak in the knees. For a moment, it felt as if his entire body was on fire. She kissed him.

Overwhelmed with emotions, his initial reaction was to move away—and he did just that. Y/n stared at him, baffled and equally mortified. His face must've been as flushed as a firecracker, and all he could manage to do was gape at her with his mouth open.

She covered her face in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry... I don't know what—"

Willy interrupted her by pressing his lips against her own. Her breath hitched, but she soon smiled into the kiss. The burning passion in his chest was nothing short of exhilarating. He didn't know what to do, but his arms drifted to her waist and it just felt right. While he doubted she had much more experience than himself, one of her hands tangled itself in his locks while the other wrapped around his neck. He found himself pushing against her harder at the act, and he felt buzzing throughout his whole body.

The two let go for air, Willy in particular panting for breath in his lover's arms. The feeling of her tender lips seemed to linger in his mind as his entire figure tingled with excitement. He looked up at Y/n's face, which seemed more beautiful and vibrant than it had ever been; painted against the stars. "God... Y/n..." he breathed, unable to describe the feeling he'd just had the chance to experience—unable to form coherent words even.

"Thank God I found you so quickly," she said.

He quirked a brow, "How did you find me so quickly? I don't remember writing anything about where I was," and he hadn't, he didn't want her searching for him; the pain would've been too much to bear.

"Remember that chocolate you gave me? At the shop?"

He nodded.

"God, did I hate it," she chuckled.

That statement made him even more confused, "You didn't like it?" Maybe the three chocolatiers were right to say it was awful.

She looked at him as if he was the most dense man to walk the Earth. "Willy I hated how much it reminded me of you!" He found his lips parted once more as if to say, 'Oh'. "The caramel brought me back to the ocean, and I left at my first gut feeling," she explained.

He absentmindedly licked his lips just to taste the chocolate on his own as well. He felt giddy that candy could be transferred by kiss and, though it was an accident, he found Y/n that much more brilliant.

"Willy, you're freezing," she pointed out with concern, her attention on his coat. He hadn't given the state of his health a single thought since... well that, but he was thankful that she cared. While it was difficult to pry his eyes away from her remarkably beautiful figure, he did just so and found that he was indeed still drenched. The edges of his burgundy overcoat were already covered with a thin sheen of frost. All of a sudden, the heat of love dissipated from his body and he was—once again—left with the feeling of the icy ocean.

"I'll be fine, but we have to get back to Scrubitt and Bleacher's," he said, the urgency of the situation bubbling up as well.

She looked appalled, "Willy, you're halfway to frostbite, getting caught should be the last thing on your mind!" It was a bit chilly, wasn't it? His coat was heavy and damp with saltwater, and—he hadn't even realized—he was shivering. Y/n ran her fingers through her h/c hair. Willy did the same to find his roots matted with sweat and his ends developing a glaze of ice. "Listen, we'll never make it to the laundry in time," she sighed.

The unpleasant thought of becoming violently ill struck him. Soon after though, so did the thought of not having any adequate shelter. "Where would we go?"

She mulled over the thought with a face full to the brim with concern. Picking him up—which must've been an arduous task with his legs akin to jelly—she bit her bottom lip and continued, "I think I know where."


1439 words

"Oh boy, oh boy, this was nothing short of DIFFICULT to write. For context, while you guys have waited a week—or even less, for that matter—for this chapter, I have been mulling over it for MONTHS. I've always found it difficult to write kissing scenes, so hopefully this lived up to your expectations. Anyways, while I'm tempted to write even more in Willy's pov, we've got to bring back Y/n's thoughts, so you can look forward to that! Vote if you liked it, comment your thoughts, and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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