10. When Execution Goes Downhill

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Willy pulled open the sliding door to the other guests. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you a brand new contraption of my and y/n's creation, an innovation of laundrification."

"Scrub, scrub." The others observed. They stared, astounded, at the invention. Laundry was thrown around from vat to mangler to clothesline, wrung out and folded, and spun at incredible speeds across the room. This was possible because of Tiddles, who was running on a conveyor belt attempting to reach a hanging patch of Willy's pants.

"Let me ask you a question, how does Tiddles want to spend all his time? Chasing after mailmen," he showed off, answering his own rhetorical question with a smile. "And what do I and y/n have to do all day, fellow scrubbers, please?"

"Scrub, scrub," they replied once again.

"But now, with y/n and Willy's Wild and Wonderful Wishy-Washy Wonka Walker, please don't make me say that again, Tiddles gets to run and I can have fun!" You rolled your eyes at his alliteration.

He took your hand and sped towards the dumbwaiter while the others followed. "Scrub, scrub!"

"Just popping out for a bit, right y/n?" He looked to you for approval.

"He's right, we'll be back before roll call. Not like I've never done this before." Willy pulled on his overcoat and grabbed your scarf while you picked up his walking stick. He lifted you into the cabinet before entering himself.

"Until then, Tiddles has agreed to..."

"Scrub, scrub," the guests finished.

Willy turned the latch and the two of you lowered to the ground. "Here you go," the enthusiast handed you your beloved scarf. You passed along his cane, which he had for who knew what reason, and wrapped the f/c fleece around your neck. "Oh, and this." Taking the laundry bag, you both clumsily entered each one.

Once you could see the faintest shine of light through the beige fabric, you shuffled down into Noodles cart. You heard some clattering and felt her traverse down the bridge. Eventually, she pulled your bag open, whispering, "All clear."

"Phew," you carefully pulled the laundry bag off and watched as Noodle did the same to Willy.

"You can come out," she said.

"Really?" He quickly asked.

"Seems so," you replied.

"We did it! Well done, Noodle. And y/n, I would have never finished the uh..."

"y/n and Willy's Wild and Wonderful Wishy-Washy Wonka Walker?" You asked.

His lips curled into a cheeky grin, "Without you."

The two of you shared a laugh while Noodle just looked on, confused. He crawled out of the pile of laundry with an eager expression. "Wait till you see how much chocolate I made last night." He started, pulling off his hat and reaching into it, "We sell this, and we're gonna be—oh no." The jar was absolutely empty. Not a single chocolate in sight.

"What's going on, Willy?" Noodle asked.

"Not again," he muttered, staring off into the distance.

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