30. Cold Nights and Colder Rejection

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"Where are we going?" Willy asked into the darkness. You could feel the slow vibrations coming from his body as he attempted to stay warm.

"It's not far from the port. We can start a fire," you stated simply, adjusting your grip as you held him up. The poor man was exhausted from the swim—it was more than easy to tell with his legs slipping along the icy pathway. Not only that, but the lighting was as dim as a faraway match. Or, in that case, a faraway set of scattered stars nestled above the blanket of darkness known as the night.

You pried your gaze off of the sky and watched as the neat cream-colored buildings surrounding the Galleries Gourmet came into detail. Your eyes darted around before your attention flicked to a familiar structure.

"Woah!" exclaimed Willy, almost tripping on a rock as your pace quickened.


The cobblestone streets seemed to go on forever, but as each lamp and yellow-lit window passed by, you could feel yourself inching closer to your destination.

And there it was; just as you'd remembered. It was a small building crammed in between the larger more luxurious lofts. The house was dressed in tan paint just like the ones surrounding it, but you could still make out the refreshing little blue accents that drew you and your parents to it in the first place. The poor building was the only one on the street to have all its lights out and windows darkened. Tears came to your eyes as you pondered how, in another life, you would've called this place home.

"Um, Y/n, I don't think it's a good idea to sneak into someone's home while they're away," Willy said, watching as you pried the door open.

"It isn't someone else's it never got sold—gotcha!" opening the door was a simple task as the lock was rusted and the wood slowly rotted. Apparently, a house that had absolutely no maintenance for seventeen years wasn't going to be in the best condition, go figure.

"What do you mean it never got sold?" Willy asked, following you inside.

"I-It doesn't matter... it's just a vacant house. We can warm up by the fireplace and everything!" you explained. Willy gave you a look that seemed to say he understood the topic of this house was sensitive and didn't continue questioning you.

The entire living room was bathed in dust and drapes. Curtains had fallen to the ground leaving the windows bare and even broken in some cases. Tree branches littered the floor, along with trash, and a mat so bleached you could hardly tell that at one point it had been f/c. In all honesty, it reminded you of the shop when you'd first seen it, the only difference was that this chandelier managed to stay on the ceiling.

"I'll get the fire started," you mumbled, picking up sticks and throwing them into the fireplace.

Willy though, took over, "I've got it." He took a lighter out of his hat and set the wood aflame. You wondered, for a moment, whether that was some sort of hazard or not, but then you remembered Willy's hat was practically a portal to another dimension.

As Willy huddled up by the fire, you took his coat from behind him, prompting him to mumble a little, "Thank you." Wringing out the coat, a cartoonishly large amount of saltwater oozed out of it and splashed onto the ground. Willy's eyes widened as what was practically a river flowed from his coat out the door and repeated himself, "Thank you very much."

You sighed, draping Willy's coat on the windowsill and jointing him by the fireplace.

"You're all wet too, huh?" he asked.

It was true, your blouse was just about soaked. "Well, I don't exactly have a change," you admitted.

"Here," he said, passing you his duffel bag which had miraculously dried. Before pondering on how he managed to swim across the bay with it, you pulled it open just to find one of your dresses in it. It was the same one he told you he'd wash for you after your first time selling chocolate. "I took it as a bit of a keepsake... you're not mad, are you?"

"Not at all, it's perfect!" you smiled. 'He even got the muddy stain out!'

He bit his lip to try and hide his giddy smile, "Thanks."

"Okay, close your eyes," you said, turning to take your blouse off and replace it with the dress. "Alright, I'm done." Willy opened his eyes at the cue and chuckled as you spun around. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" you squealed, collapsing next to him and enveloping him in a tight hug. He laughed into your hair before you pulled away to just sit beside him.

You gazed to your left to find his grin illuminated in the warm light. His hat sat next to him and his bouncy brown curls had finally dried. You couldn't help but beam as well thinking about him.

The smile on his face quickly turned into a fiery blush when he noticed your lingering gaze. You averted your eyes when he remained silent. Doubts flooded your mind. Did he genuinely love you, or was it merely an accident? His nonchalant attitude implied that he hadn't given the kiss much thought, and Willy was known for acting impulsively. Maybe it didn't mean as much to him as it did to you.

"Willy, um, at the dock er..." you started, feeling the need to clear things up. His eyes seemed to light up when you mentioned it, but his expression read blank otherwise. "I-It was a mistake... I mean, I didn't—I wasn't thinking, I was just so happy you were alive and... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you," you sighed, hoping you didn't sound desperate.

"Oh," he breathed, his voice almost cracking. His mouth hung open for a second before he turned, avoiding your gaze, but still facing you. "Yeah, sorry... I mean, of course, it was nothing..." he confirmed, trailing off. "We're still friends, right?"

"Yeah... um, we should get some sleep," you said.

This was going to be a long night.

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1047 words

"Alright, listen, don't kill me yet. I know what I'm doing, k? How are you guys doing? Anything new in your life? I'd love to know... (hopefully, that's enough of a distraction to stop you from absolutely murdering me). At least you didn't end the chapter crying again, right? Vote if you liked it (by 'it' I mean the writing, not the devastation, thank you), comment your thoughts, and I'll see you next chapter!

- Coffee

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