12. The Impossible is Just a Setback

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"Hmph!" you collapsed on your bed as soon as you and Willy got off duty. Luckily, Bleacher was just late enough from his little escapade with Mrs. Scrubitt to keep your new friend from missing roll call.

You heard a quiet titter from the other side of the room. Ignoring how hilarious Willy probably thought your tiresome manner was, you just stared at the ceiling. There were some unattractive cracks in the haphazardly painted plaster. You reminisced about being a twelve-year-old, always afraid it would crumble to pieces and the roof would give out right over your head in the middle of the night. Since then, you'd gotten used to the familiar creaks and snaps you'd hear before bed. Sometimes they were even accompanied by hurried pitter-patters. Though that just reassured you that it was a raccoon or stray cat.

The short silence was broken by the whizzing and clicking of machinery. That, the warm flashing lights, and the muttering of a chocolatier at work confirmed it was Willy's suitcase.

You heard things such as 'A little perseverance' and 'Another dash of Thai coconut' before the man paused. You sat up, leaning on the bedpost to figure out what he was rambling on about to himself. No worries, it was just him gawking proudly at the jar of chocolates he'd manifested into existence.

You collapsed for a second time out of boredom. Tuning out Willy's random whispers, you continued to dwell in your thoughts. You hadn't asked Noodle how her day with Willy was. She seemed so happy you didn't even get the chance. Though, that was a good sign, right? You stared glumly at your hands, playing around with your mother's old blanket. The faded plush fabric rolled through your fingers. You'd already lost one woman, and now you were stuck spending the majority of your time with a peculiar roommate rather than your once favorite companion. You needed to reconnect with Noodle, lest she somehow manage to spend all of her time with the exact man you spent all of yours with.

"Y/n?" spoke the man in question. Uhh, why was he always sneaking into the recesses of your mind? You felt the need to bang your head on the wall before he piped up again, "Y/n? Are you alright?"

"Yes?" you groaned.

He immediately caught on to your decided lack of enthusiasm, "Am I disturbing you? I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask you something."

Suddenly, you felt bad for being so terse. Then again, was it your fault for being a little annoyed at half past ten? "No, no, I'm sorry. I'm just tired... what's wrong?"

He perked up, but spoke softly nonetheless, "Do you have anything that could aid in getting these chocolates to Noodle's window? I've been trying with this," he gestured to the piece of string in his right hand, "but it hasn't been quite as effective as I'd expected."

You couldn't help but let out a little giggle of your own at his meager attempt at chocolate transportation. He scratched the back of his neck bashfully, quickly realizing how it felt to be laughed at because of one's own antics. "I've got just the thing for you," you strode over to the desk he'd just been working on. Soon, searching for the brass handle underneath the table with little success. Then again, it was probably the lethargic daze thrown over your perspective that made such a simple task seem impossible. "Aha," opening a hidden cabinet, you pulled out a wooden slingshot. "Here, it was a children's toy that I repurposed into a way to send items across the roof. I don't know if it still works though, or if it'll be able to hold up a jar of candy."

"No, this is perfect!" he took the toy from you and started reinforcing it with the string he held. Adding a hook and tying it to a rock—both of which he got from who knows where—he then had a sturdy piece of equipment on him.

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