23. A World of Our Own

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"Everything will be fine, Willy," you reassured. He'd been bouncing around all morning in a mixture of paranoia and excitement. As of the moment, he was attempting to get his outfit in place.

"I can't get this scarf quite right," he murmured with a frown, staring discontentedly at his reflection in the cloudy window.

You sighed, pulling the garment out from the place he'd positioned it underneath his neckline. "Wait—I was almost done," he pouted. Rolling your eyes, you pulled your scarf off and tied it to his neck, letting it hang like a large one-sided bow.

"Is that better?" you asked the blushing chocolatier.

His mouth fell open and it was a moment before he responded with, "Y-Y/n, I... this is your scarf. I-I couldn't possibly—"

You took his fidgeting hands in your own, "Willy, It's alright." his breathing seemed to slow and even out a bit as you squeezed his palms. "That was actually my mother's scarf, you know. She gave it to me because I was frightened about moving to a grand place like this." You could practically hear his racing heart, but you seemed to calm him down nonetheless. "It helped me back then; maybe it'll help you now," you spoke gently, hoping to ease his anxiety.

He smiled warmly, letting go of your hands and wrapping you in a tight embrace. "I lo—tha-thank you, Y/n. That means the world to me," he murmured.

"Alright then, now go make your dreams come true, Mr. Wonka," you grinned, letting go of him and rushing off to your place. Before you were out of earshot though, you heard a quiet whisper from him.

"Here we go, mama. Let's hope Y/n's right." you smiled as he spoke to himself, but shook the warmth away as you grasped the ropes that would make the magic happen.

Willy briskly strode up to the door, throwing them open to face the crowd. As you stared out through a glint in the glass windowpane, you couldn't help but feel reminiscent of the first day Willy had been out here with nothing but a jar of floating candy, an impossible debt, and a hatful of dreams.

He eyed the passersby as the clock struck ten o'clock. Taking a deep breath, he began, "Ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you all, and welcome to Wonka's. Tremendous things are in store, both literally and metaphorically."

"What?" an older man asked, staring down at the seemingly unchanged desolate shop. "In there?"

Willy just smiled. "Humour me."

"Close your eyes and count to ten," Willy instructed. The man did so with little resistance.

"Make a wish then—" he snapped as you pulled the cables to turn the bright displays around, "—open them." People stopped to stare at the astounding sight. Lottie rolled out the red carpet as you flicked the lights to the sign you'd designed. All of this was done in the darkness as though it were magic to the eyes of onlookers.

Willy took the arm of the man and led him inside.

"Here's a store that's like no other,
If it were, I wouldn't bother!"

"Chocolate bushes;"

Lottie extended a gloved hand with a shrub-like chocolate in it. Willy turned,

"Chocolate trees;"

You did the same, a branch from the cherry tree upon your palm.

"Chocolate flowers;"

Abacus' hand appeared and Willy handed the flower to the man he'd met.

"And chocolate bees.
Chocolate memories,
That a boy once saved..."

Willy sang, lighting a candle. The guests were quick to trigger all the other lights, floating objects, and moving displays with pulleys, levers, and bicycles.

Who You Share it With (Willy Wonka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now