19. The Shop

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"Y/n, wake up," you felt someone lightly shaking your shoulders. They were trying to get you awake with nothing but a whisper. Opening an eye, you were surprised to see Noodle of all people looming over you.

"What's wrong, Noodle?" you asked, careful to match her tone of voice.

"Don't wake up Willy, we've got something to show you," was all she said before she stepped over Willy's unconscious form and left the room. Carefully, you did the same.

"So, what was so important you had to wake me up before the sun even got a chance to rise?"

"You'll see," she said in a sing-song voice. Recognizing that as the tone she always used when she had a surprise, you just followed her in silence. The cold morning drew in through the windows and thin-plaster walls, but the suspense of something to come kept you warm enough—or, maybe just numb to the pain of the freezing drafts.

Eventually, she led you to her room. Abacus was seated on the desk Willy and you had shared for so long, but once he caught sight of you he clambered up beside Noodle. "So? Where's the lecture on finances?" you asked sarcastically, sitting down in his place.

Abacus just shook his head, pulling out a letter and handing it to you. "Here."

"What's this?" your eyebrows furrowed as you waved the envelope around for emphasis.

"Read it, n/n," Noodle beckoned. You couldn't say no to your nickname she had so lovingly given to you after seventy attempts to get it right. No, getting distracted again, get back on track.

You thumbed over the letter, pausing for a moment at the burgundy wax seal, stamped with an emblem you didn't recognize. Carefully, as to not tear up the crisp white paper, you lifted the letter out of the envelope—which had already been done before since the seal was broken before you touched it. The paper was folded too many times to count, going on for longer than your average letter paper, but, like most things, you started at the beginning.

"Commercial Leasehold Agreement?" you read aloud, not expecting that of all things.

"Keep going," Noodle coaxed.

You did as told, "The following is a leasehold agreement between the management of the board of the Galeries Gourmet, herein thereafter the landlord, and Mr. William Wonka..." you paused, now knowing exactly what it was. "Noodle, Abacus... you got Willy the shop..." you trailed off, lost for words.

"Yeah, that's why we needed your signature a few weeks ago," Noodle pointed out. You remembered it clearly now; Noodle had urged you to sign as Willy's spouse to make him seem more legitimate. You'd told her that the idea was rubbish, but she was quick to retort with statistics on married men being more likely to successfully purchase property. Even though you knew it was just another way for her to play matchmaker, you gave in after she asked with a pout for the fourth time.

"Yes, we were able to get all our accounts in order in a few weeks time, and we have just gained custody of the shop," Abacus reiterated.

"So, why'd you tell me early?"

Noodle grinned cheekily, "Who else would break the news to him?"

"Oh, you can't, Noodle. You and Abacus were the ones who arranged this whole thing! One of you should tell him!" you insisted.

"Nope," Noodle stated flatly. "You have been by Willy's side since he got here, you are going to tell him."

You smiled at her determination, leaning in to hug her with a large smile. "Oh, Noodle, you are just too kind," you said, playing with her fluffy hair. "You too, Abacus," you mentioned, making sure he knew he wasn't just forgotten in the grande scheme of the cute little sister-figure beside you.

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