08. To Distract with Fantasies

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"Huh..." Noodle muttered.

"A double-huh! That's not nothing," Willy turned around. "That's the Silver Lining, it's given you an idea!"

But, how could a chocolate make someone's brain work better? "Okay. So, the one time she dropped her guard was when this aristocrat came to the laundry. He was only asking for directions, but she was all over him like a rash. It was disgusting," you didn't think it was possible for a single chocolate to influence her in any other way than placebo, but the ingenuity spilled right out of her mouth. And she was right too, you remembered it well. A tall redhead entered the laundry, he was looking to get to some park. Though, it seemed they were more interested in asking you for help than Mrs. Scrubitt because as soon as they asked her, she started fawning over their wealth.

"That's right, she's constantly fantasizing about getting married to someone rich and powerful," you finished for her.

"That's it, Noodle. All we have to do is find an aristocrat, and slip out while she's distracted!"

"All we have to do? Where are we going to get an aristocrat? We can't even ask someone to pretend; we aren't allowed to talk to anyone!" You took what was left of Noodle's chocolate and was about to take a bite before—"Wait..."

"What?" Willy asked.

You thought for a moment, it was ridiculous, but, "We just need her to fantasize about an aristocrat, right?" Both Willy and Noodle nodded. "What if we made her think someone here was an aristocrat."

Willy's eyes widened, "Brilliant."

And the stage was set. The three of you plotted to distract Mrs. Scrubitt with her own mind. After figuring out the main gist of the plan, you chirped up about a problem at hand. "Where are you going to sleep, Willy?"

He turned to you, and then down to the pile of deconstructed bed, and then back to you, "I can sleep on the mattress," he plopped down onto the the mattress just to recoil in pain, rubbing his bottom, "Ahh," obviously your sewing job didn't fix the rusted springs. He looked back up at you, slightly embarrassed, "Maybe not the mattress."

"You can sleep with y/n!" Noodle blurted out. Both yours and Willy's eyes widened. You took a sharp inhale which promptly turned coughing fit. "I—mean—"

"AHEM—CO—UH—HUH—CUH—" Willy looked concerned for your life and you were just trying to breath again. Willy started patting your back and handed you a mysterious liquid. Taking it without hesitation, you immediately downed the entire bottle. "Ahh, thank you," you mumbled, breathily. "Oh, and, beg your pardon, what was that?"

"Just some chocolate milk," Willy shrugged, still holding onto your back.

"Ahem," Noodle piped up, "What I meant was: y/n has the biggest room of all the guests since she's been here the longest. You could stay with her for a night."

"Great idea! Oh—well, i—if it's alright with you," Willy stuttered.

"It'll only be one night, why not? Besides, you should be getting to bed too, Noodle," you shooed the smug little matchmaker out of the room and led Willy to your own. "Well, this is my humble abode." It wasn't much, the bed was bigger, the room less damp from you constantly rummaging through it, and it had a second desk.

"Ahh," Willy collapsed on the bed with a sigh of relief. He grabbed onto your pillow and embraced it, "You smell like my dreams," he said, eyes closed and a content smile on his face.

"Um... thank you?"

His eyes popped open again, and he stared at you for a moment, "Did I say that out loud?"

You giggled, "Evidently yes." He blushed. You turned off the light over the bed to help him sleep and then got to work on the portrait of Bleacher.

───── ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ─────

It must've been an hour of constant rubbing and redrawing to get Bleacher looking anything other than hideous. Your eyelids were heavy against your head, and for a moment you debated just collapsing on your desk even though your bed was just a few paces away.

"It's amazing how you managed to make Bleacher look pretty," you let out a little yelp at the sudden voice.

"Willy! Don't scare me like that." It made sense though, his even breathing had relinquished just a few minutes prior.

"Sorry, but I think you should be getting to bed."

"I was just about to," you yawned just before Willy followed suit. You retreated to the corner of the bed whilst Willy snuggled up just far enough away from you to say he wasn't touching you. His soft breaths soon lulled you into the welcoming embrace of sleep.


797 words

"You don't see much of the characters at night, so I took advantage of that and added some fluff. How do you guys like it? Vote for more and comment your thoughts (I'd appreciate some constructive criticism as well) and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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