26. A Day to Being Sisters

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"And that, I believe, is the end of Wonka's chocolate shop."


"Y/n, I think Mr. Wonka needs to be alone for a moment."

Ignoring Abacus, you stared at Willy, your hands tightening their grip on his shoulders. You searched his eyes for anything; a glimpse of hope or happiness. You could've sworn you saw something in the flecks of green and gold, but his head dipped once more and you were left with nothing.

He truly had given up, hadn't he?

He had yearned for all his life to see his mother once more and just that not happening was enough for him to give up. Was that all he cared about; his mother appearing out of the blue and congratulating him? Did the effort the guests made to rebuild the shop and risk their lives mean nothing to him? Did your dreams mean nothing to him? Did you mean nothing to him?

It was all a ruse, wasn't it?

At the revelation, a tear slipped from your right eye. You dipped your head in shame, letting go of the man you dared to love and wiping your eyes. He flinched when you let go, but you couldn't care any less at the time. Noodle took one of your hands, squeezing it as a form of reassurance. You stared at her, mustering up the courage to smile softly as she led you out of the shop with the other guests.

"Do you think Willy will be alright?" Lottie asked as you all walked cautiously to the nearest storm drain.

"At least he won't get cavities from any more chocolate!" Larry exclaimed cheekily. When none of you commented, he seemed to realize that the joke didn't land and just cringed awkwardly. Attempting a comeback, he continued, "He sure wouldn't want to meet my dentist, scary—"

"Larry! I think you're making it worse," Piper interrupted him. While you usually encouraged his passion—even at your own expense—you were happy she cut him off, not in the mood to joke about the man just yet.

As you reached the grate, Noodle spoke up, "Hey, uh... is it okay if me and N/n go to the library? We won't be gone long." You looked down at the girl whose hand was still wrapped around yours. She smiled up at you and you could tell this was an attempt at cheering you up.

"Well, I don't see why not," Abacus responded, already halfway down the sewer.

"Just don't be late for roll call," Piper added. "Oh, and if ya' can, bring back lover-boy before dark while you're at it."

"Uh, lover-boy?" you asked, quirking an eyebrow. Noodle and Lottie giggled at your confusion.

"She's referring to Willy," Lottie explained between chortles.

"Oh," was your only response as your face turned a violent shade of red. Why did they feel the need to gang up on you, or rather, play as a trio of matchmakers? "Anyways, Noodle and I must get going to the library," you said, quickly changing the subject and practically dragging her along behind you.

"Hey, slow down!" Noodle laughed. You did as told and just laughed with her.

It didn't take very long for the two of you to get to the library. The dull brick building seemed to loom over the two of you as you crossed the cobblestone archway and bridge before it. The first time you'd entered the library was with your parents. You were barely five or so at the time, and the building was exceedingly intimidating. You braved the formidable foe of large infrastructure that day and were greeted by grand shelves full to the brim with every sort of novel you'd ever heard of.

You stepped over the light dusting of snow on the ground, traversing the stairs—which were peppered with snowflakes—excitedly. Noodle was just about as giddy as you were and opened the large wooden doors with a smile.

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