17. Liquid Love

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You and Willy had managed to make an entire stand's worth of chocolates. The two of you were selling right in front of the frozen fountain.

"Well, there's chocolate!
And there's chocolate!"

People rushed to the two of you, eagerly throwing money in every direction.

"Only mine will find you buying
wedding frocke-lets!"

Willy sang whilst throwing candy in the air. Your hands worked on their own while your eyes wandered to the scene behind you. Colin and Barbara were dressed in grey and white, rushing out of the cathedral with flowers.

"We have just tied the knot
and it's all because of Wonka's chocolate!"

Barbara and Colin got into a getaway car. Leaving the reception with tin cans tied to the back of their vehicle. A sign reading 'Just Married' behind them in case the cans weren't enough reassurance.

"Off to a life of bliss!"

People under the influence of Willy's chocolate danced and sang with joy.

"You've never had chocolate like this!"

You sang, still passing out candies to passersby.

"No, we've never had chocolate like this!"

The crowd responded. Willy grabbed his walking stick, going to dance with the crowd. While you'd much rather stay behind the stand passing out treats, he pulled you with him, singing as he did so.

"Have you ever had chocolate like this?"

"No, we've never had chocolate...
No, we've never had chocolate like—"

Abacus, who was pretending to read the news at a cafe, waved his paper in alarm. Both you and Willy ceased dancing. Larry whistled from the sidelines as a last warning and the two of you caught sight of the police force. Noodle did the same from a fruit stand.


As the police whistled and the crowd sang, you and Willy pulled the stand together, disguising it as a simple laundry cart. Once that was done, the two of you sprinted to the nearest drain hand in hand.

"Willy," you paused, causing him to do the same as your hand left his. You knelt down to pick up a handkerchief that had fallen from his pocket.

"Thanks," he muttered quickly, stuffing the fabric in his pocket with haste. He pulled you down the opening before jumping in himself, closing the lid as he did so.

This was the seventh time that you'd been down in the sewers with Willy. Ever since that first day, he'd refused to let go of your hand for a moment. While it was a bit overbearing at first, you'd grown accustomed to his presence. It was actually quite pleasant. Or, at least that's what you told yourself in the hopes of avoiding heating up enough to cause a fever.

"Oh, wait a moment, Willy." You reached towards the waistline of your dress and untied the ribbon, revealing the hem to have been a separate piece of fabric. "Works like a charm." While it would've been easier to just wear the blouse and trousers the way they were, many traditionalists would call you mad for your lack of dress.

"Woah... I-I guess it works," Willy stammered. You turned to find the man staring, apparently unaware of the invention that he created himself. It was his idea to create the practical garment, the seamstressing of it executed by Lottie. Though, it was obvious he'd never seen you in it as his face was just about as red as your own whenever he held your hand.

"Like it?" you chuckled.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times before stuttering out an answer, "I... um... I-It works."

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