Chapter Forty-Six: "The Red Dahlia

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Archie's Voiceover
Previously on Riverdale:
In the bunker
Jughead says to Tall "Tall Boy, we know you're working for Hiram."
Jughead 's Voiceover
Why would he want the town quarantined?
In the Coopers house,living room
Alice says to Betty "Apparently, there was a mass seizure."
Betty says to Alice "Seizures aren't contagious. So, what?
In the barn
Archie says to Jughead "There's nowhere he won't follow me."
In the Rivedale General Hospital
Archie says to Veronica "It's over, isn't it?"
In the police station
Betty says to Hal "You will stoop to any level to get me back in your clutches."
Hal says to Betty "I just wanted some father-daughter time."
On the Bridge
Jughead says to Claudius "Claudius Blossom."
Fp says to Claudius "You may not be the Man in Black, but his stink is on you."
In Pops
Pop says to Veronica "Sheriff Minetta's body was found in the marsh last night.It was decapitated."
In the bunker
Fangs says to Jughead "Tall Boy was just trying to escape and I don't know... It was an accident."
At Southside trailer park
Jughead says to Fangs and Sweet Pea "As far as anyone knows, Tall Boy has been exiled."
In Hiram's study

Hiram Gasps
Hiram bleeding
Hiram is on the floor
Hiram Coughs
In the episode
Jughead's Voiceover
Riverdale. Once a safe, decent, innocent place, had become Noir Town, like the setting of a Raymond Chandler story,filled with dames to kill for, postmen who like to ring twice,and more mobsters than a Scorsese retrospective at the Bijou. We were a town of lost souls, each of us wrestling with demons.Each of us with secrets we were trying to keep. Mine was on the large side. 6'5 to be exact.
In the bunker
FP says to Jughead "Explain it to me one more time."
Jughead says to Fp "We drove him to the bus station at gunpoint,and got him on a bus out of town."
Fp says to Jughead "He murdered Joaquin.And you thought putting him on a bus was enough punishment? I don't buy it."
Jughead says to Fp "Look, I made a decision. I'm sorry that you don't agree with that, but he's gone."
Fp stands up
Fp says to Jughead,Fangs and Sweet Pea "I'm gonna pretend like I believe you idiots for now."
Fp picks up his sheriff hat
Fp says to Jughead,Fangs and Sweet Pea "I've got my hands full finding Hiram's would-be assassin. Next time you see me, have a better story."
Fp puts his sheriff hat on his head
Fp walks out
Jughead's Voiceover
I was covering up the death of a wicked man. But Tall Boy Petite wasn't the only fresh corpse in Noir Town. Claudius Blossom had taken the big sleep, and my girlfriend Betty Cooper had murder on the brain. And murderers, in Betty's world, needed to be brought to justice.
At the police station
Betty says to Hal "It's infuriating, Dad. The Lodge Ledger is calling Claudius Blossom's death a suicide, but I think he was murdered."
Hal says to Betty But if he ingested cyanide..."
Betty says to Hal "But how did it get in his prison cell? A gift from his former partner-in-crime Penelope, I'm guessing?"
Hal says to Betty "Poison does suit her. Subtle, elegant. But if nobody else is asking questions about Claudius's death, why are you?"
Betty says to Hal "Because it's black and white and wrong, Dad. Penelope's been killing people for years, and she's literally getting away with murder. Daryl Doiley was poisoned with oleander, which is something only the Blossoms grow. Featherhead, poisoned. The nuns, poisoned. And now, Claudius. I just can't prove any of it. It's like she's committed the perfect murders."
Hal says to Betty "You've already found the pattern, murders disguised as suicides. Who else died by suicide near Penelope? Think, now."
Betty says to Hal "Clifford. But he hung himself."Hal says to Betty "Perhaps. I wonder, though, if that's the whole story. Who was there that night?"
Betty says to Hal "Penelope.And Cheryl."
Hal says to Betty "If there's a witness, it's not a perfect murder."
Jughead's Voiceover
Meanwhile, Archie Andrews no longer felt hunted by Hiram Lodge,but he was still haunted. Trapped in that in-between place, avoiding his destined face-to-face with the Man in Black, Archie struggled, searching for a sense of purpose.
In Andrews house,kitchen
Fred says to Archie "What's going on, son? Is it your break-up with Veronica?"
Archie says to Fred "No, Dad, it's not..."
Archie Sighs
Archie says to Fred "I've been thinking. Maybe college isn't for me. Maybe I can try working with you in the construction company again."
Fred says to Archie "Well, there's no shame in hard work, son, but where's this coming from?"Archie says to Fred "After the crap I've seen these last few months, I just wanna get out of my head. Work with my hands,try to make peace with things."
Fred says to Archie "Well, if you're serious about it, you better get your butt in gear. Shift starts in about an hour."
Fred puts his hand on Archie's shoulder
Jughead's Voiceover
The only thing Archie knew for sure:was he was angry. And hitting things made it better.
At Andrews Construction
Vic Blows whistle
Vic says to everyone "Meal break, boys!"
Vic says to Archie "Andrews.This is a union crew. You need to take your mandatory break. Stop working."
Vic blows whistle
Vic says to Archie "When I say stop, you stop."
Archie says to Vic "Back off. I don't need a break."
Vic says to Archie "You don't want to do this, kid. I got you by about 100 pounds."
Archie pushes Vic
Vic says to Archie "That's it.I don't care if you are Fred's kid, you're off my crew."
Archie yells at Vic "The hell I am!"
Archie pushed Vic
Jughead's Voiceover
With Hiram laid up in the hospital clinging to life, there was blood in the water,and sharks were closing in on the mobster's daughter, Veronica Lodge.
In La Bonne Nuit
Elio says to Veronica "From my family to yours. While I love a grand gesture, Elio, diamonds are a girl's best friend."
Elio says to Veronica "These are for your father. I heard he was still in the hospital,and wanted to come here personally to let you know I'm praying he pulls through."
Veronica says to Elio "To paraphrase Samuel Clemens, reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated."
Elio says to Veronica "The vultures are circling, Veronica. They're eager to swoop in on your father's territory."
Veronica says to Elio "Are you talking about yourself?"
Elio says to Veronica "I'm offering some friendly advice. Jobs like the hit on your father,it's very rare they go unfinished."
Jughead's Voiceover
Yes, we all had our problems. The town was drowning in them. And a hell of a good-looking one was about to walk through my door.
In Fp's trailer
Jughead says to Veronica "Nice hat, Bacall."
Veronica walks in
Veronica says to Jughead "I've got a job for you, Jones. I want find out who shot my father."
Veronica puts some money in a envelope on the table
Veronica says to Jughead "You'll get the other half when you give me their name."
Jughead Whistles
Jughead says to Veronica "That is a big job. I think half the people in this town wanna see your old man kick the maple barrel, no offense."
Veronica says to Jughead "None taken. I'll give you your first suspect. My mother. A few weeks ago, I overheard my parents arguing. It was right before the quarantine, after I had my seizure."
In Veronica's bedroom
Hermione says to  Hiram "No, I supported you. You swore to me that this wouldn't happen."
Veronica says to Hiram and Hermione "What is going on?"
In Fp's Trailer
Veronica says to Jughead "My mother was berating my father. Something about breaking a promise."
Jughead says to Veronica "What if you don't like what I find?"
Veronica says to Jughead "I'm a big girl, I can take it."
Jughead says to Veronica "Well, then..."
Jughead stands up
Jughead says to Veronica "Consider me your Philip Marlowe."
Jughead and Veronica shake hands
Jughead's Voiceover
I didn't mind playing detective, especially for this price.But if I'd known then and there where this investigation would lead me,
Veronica walks out
Jughead's Voiceover
I never would've taken the money.

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