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Jughead's Voiceover
Spirt Week had arrived at Riverdale High. And for the first time in years,the students had something to celebrate. The long-suffering Bulldogs,in large part thanks to breakout star Munroe Moore,were finally going to the state finals where they would take on the undisputed titans of the gridiron, the Stonewall Stallions. For Principal Honey,who commissioned an article about the game from ace reporter Betty Cooper,the championship was,at last,something positive to promote. But for Riverdale's star QB,Archie Andrews, this Spirit Week was special for a different reason. It would be the last of his career.
In Stonewall preps,dorm room
Bret says to Jughead "Jones. How long have you had that machine?"
Jughead says to Bret "Feels like forever. Why?"
Bret says to Jughead "Think it's about time for an upgrade?"
Jughead says to Bret "No,keys are used to my fingertips. Plus,I'm sentimental and superstitious."
Bret Chuckles
Computer chimes
Jughead says to Bret "Oh,crap. I gotta go. Mr.DuPont's summoned me for some reason."
Jughead shuts his laptop
Jughead stands up
Jughead opens the door,then closes
Jughead walks out
Bret smirks
In the classroom
Jughead says to Francis "How did I get an interview with Yale? I didn't even apply."
Francis says to Jughead "Yes,but the recruiter is a friend of mine so I slipped him your short stories and he was quite impressed. I assume you're interested?"
Jughead says to Francis "Yale is my girlfriend's dream school and she didn't get in,so..."
Francis says to Jughead "Yes,well,the heart can be a different minefield to navigate, but take my advice:Figure it out,don't be foolish."
In La Bonne Nuit
Reggie says to Ronnie "Mm. Gotta go with number three. It's damn good,Ronnie."
Reggie drinking the rum
Veronica says to Reggie "It's my special shimmy on Abuelita's recipe."
Reggie says to Veronica "I thought your dad patented the recipe so you couldn't use it."
Veronica says to Reggie "Daddy may have patented our family recipe for his own profit,but this is a modified spiced rum,with a unique flavour profile. Now it's time to introduce Luna Rum to the outside world."
In school hallway
School bell rings
Choni holding hands
Holden says to Cheryl "Cheryl."
Holden says to the River Vixens "Girls,how fortuitous. I'd like you to meet someone."
Cheryl says to Holden "No time to chat,Mr. Honey. We're on our way to practice our Spirit Week musical routine,which will,naturally,be epic."
Cheryl was about to walk away
Holden says to Cheryl "On that subject,as was discussed with Mrs.Burble,I have brought no Miss Appleyard to be your new coach."
Cheryl says to Holden "But cheer season is almost done,Me.Honey."
Appleyard says to Holden "I can handle this,Mr.Holden."
Holden says to Appleyard "Hmm."
Holden walks off
Cheryl says to Appleyard "I'm not sure what Honey has told you,but we don't need a coach. I run the show around here. Howevs,we are looking for a launder woman."
Appleyard says to Cheryl "From now on,we're gonna change things up. The Vixens are a cheer squad,so we'll be focusing on cheers,not singing and dancing to pop songs. Now,gather the rest of the girls and meet me out on the field so we can practice some drills,okay?"
Cheryl says to Appleyard "I'm sorry,am I hallucinating,or did you just give me an order?"
Appleyard says to Cheryl "I led my last team to nationals theee years in a row. I think I know what I'm doing here."
In the blue & Gold newspaper
Reggie says to Munroe "That's right."
Reggie fists bumps Munroe
Betty says to the boys "Okay. So,last game of the season."
Archie exhales sharply
Betty says to Archie "How do you feel,Arch?"
Archie says to Betty "Honestly? Like we're gonna win."
Munroe says to himself "Mm-hm."
Betty says to herself "Hmm."
Betty says to Munroe "Munroe,what about you?"
Munroe says to Betty "I'm just happy to be playing for the Championship."
Reggie whoops
Archie says to Betty "He's being humble,Betty. A recruiter from Notre Dame is coming just to see him."
Betty says to Reggie "Reggie,care to comment?"
Reggie says to Betty "You want a quote,Betts?"
Betty says to Reggie "Sure."
Reggie says to Betty "I'll give you a quote:Stonewall sucks."
Munroe says to himself "Mmm."
Reggie says to Betty "The only reason why they're undefeated is because they play dirty."
Munroe says to Betty "Dirty. Mm-hm."
Reggie says to Betty "Every team that's gone up against them this year has suffered a horrible injury."
Betty says to Reggie "What do you mean?"
Reggie says to Betty "I mean,they don't play to win. They play to hurt."
Betty writes "Play to hurt."
Reggie says to Betty "But...they haven't gone up against our guy."
Reggie and Munroe fists bumps
Reggie says to Munroe "Munroe."
In the Andrews house,living room
Frank says to Archie "So,you excited for the big game?"
Archie says to Frank "Everyone's pumped."
Archie and Frank is eating Chinese food
Frank says to Archie "Can't wait to see you play. If your arm's half as good as your dad's was,I bet you got a hell of a throw."
Archie says to Frank "Hey,Uncle Frank. I've been thinking."
Frank says to Archie "Mm-hm. Yeah,me too. Look...I really appreciate you putting me up here for the last couple of weeks. Getting to meet you,getting to know you. You're a great kid,Archie. Your dad raised you well. But,uh...I think it's time I moved on. I've paid my respects."
Archie says to Frank "I was actually wondering...what if you didn't leave? You could help out here or Andrews Construction."
Frank says to Archie "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. Problem is,that means telling..."
Archie says to Frank "Telling my mom you're in town."
Frank says to Archie "Yeah. Like I've said not a lot of love lost there."
Archie says to Frank "Whatever happened between you guys in the past,I'm sure you can work it out. Hell,she'll probably be happy to see you."
Mary looks sad
Mary says to Frank "Let me ask you Frank,have you even visited your brother's grave? You didn't bother to show up for the funeral."
Frank says to Mary "I was on a crab boat,Mary. I didn't get the news till a month ago."
Archie says to Mary "Mom,I was thinking maybe Uncle Frank could get a job at Andrews Construction."
Mary says to Frank "You asked my son for a job?"
Archie says to Mary "No,Mom,the job was my idea."
Mary exhales sharply
Mary says to Archie "Okay,fine. But mark my words,Archie. The second your uncle has to do even an ounce of hard work,he will bolt so fast,your head will spin."
Mary stands up
Mary walks out
Mary walks upstairs
In Pop's

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