Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Midnight Club

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Betty's Voiceover
Previously on Riverdale...
In Coopers house,Living Room
Evelyn says to Betty "The first time any of us heard of Gryphons and Gargoyles was from your mother."
In Betty's bedroom
Betty says to Alice "Ben and Dilton killed themselves,all to appease some creature called the Gargoyle King."
In Corner's office
Dr Curdle Jr says to Bughead "The toxicology report revealed lethal levels of cyanide in Mr. Doiley's blood.There's something dimly familiar about this."
In Hermione's office
Hermione says to everyone "We made a vow in high school.The secret that we buried all those years ago."
Tom says to Hermione "We made a pact to never revisit that night."
In Science classroom
Jughead says to Ethel "Do you have a rule book or a player's manual?"
In Dilton's bunker
Ethel says to Jughead "Flip for your fate."
Jughead says to Ethel "Promise to give me the scripture?"
Ethel says to Jughead "I promise."
Jughead says to Ethel "Salute."
Jughead drinks it
In FP's trailer
FP yells at Jughead "Have you been playing the game?"
Jughead says to FP "No."
FP yells at Jughead "Don't lie to me,boy!I can still see the blue on your lips."
Outside of FP's trailer
Jughead says to FP "No one's gonna play Gryphons and Gargoyles,but that book may be
our best shot of figuring out what happened to Dilton and Ben."
FP throws the book on the fire
In Hermione's office
Hermione says to everyone "All our children. They're in danger."
In School Hallway
Jughead says to Cheryl "Where'd you get this?"
Cheryl says to Jughead "It was in my locker.Same with everyone else."
In the episode
Jughead's voiceover
A deadly mutating virus had been introduced to the ecosystem of Riverdale and it was spreading
like an epidemic.For every manual confiscated, two popped up in its place.And the ever-resourceful students of Riverdale High were playing it everywhere.Why? Because for us,the game is an escape from our nightmarish reality.A fantasy land at our fingertips.But for our parents,it was a death-dealing nightmare."
In English classroom
Hermione says to the students "Two students have taken their lives.A third tried.The common thread linking these tragedies,all three victims were playing the game known as Gryphons and Gargoyles."
Jughead says to Hermione "Wait,so you are admitting the game killed Dilton and Ben?"
Hermione says to Jughead "Yes,Mr. Jones."
Betty says to Hermione "But where did G&G come from? Where did Ben and Dilton even get it?" Hermione says to the students "Well,we still don't have many answers.But from the little that we do know about it,the game seems targeted at impressionable developing minds. Namely,teens like yourselves."
Reggie says to Hermione "Um,challenge accepted."
Cheryl says to Hermione "Respect to the dead,but some among our flock are shepherds,not sheep."
Hermione says to the students "The game's quests and role-playing scenarios are specifically designed to foster delusion,paranoia,and ultimately violence.As mayor,I'm officially banning Gryphons and Gargoyles.Mrs. Burble is gonna be holding extended office hours and I've set up a 24-hour crisis hotline overseen by Kevin Keller."
Kevin says to everyone "FYI,I'm only there after school."
Hermione says to the students "As a parent,I'm imploring you,take care of yourselves.And stay away from this game."
In Newspaper Room
Veronica says to Betty "Newsflash,Mom.Banning something only makes it more interesting."
Veronica gives Betty coffee
Betty says to Veronica "Thank you."
Veronica says to Betty "And now,this stupid game is literally all anyone is talking about."
Betty says to Veronica "You are not playing,are you,Vee?"
Veronica says to Betty "Bee,you don't make Fibes 20 Under 20 by prancing around the woods in a deer carcass.Are you and Jughead playing?"
Betty says to Veronica "No.We are still trying to figure out why my mom and his dad were so triggered by us having the manuals."
Phone ringing
Betty says to Dr Curdle Jr "Hello.""
Dr Curdle Jr says to Betty "Miss Cooper,this is Dr. Curdle Jr.Are you alone?"
Betty puts one finger to Veronica
Betty says to Dr Curdle Jr "Hi,Dr. Curdle,yes, have you had any luck?"
Dr Curdle Jr says to Betty "Per your request,I did some digging in the morgue archives.And I found something I think you'll be interested in."
In Coopers house,Dining Room
Betty says to Alice "Dr. Curdle Jr told me and Jughead that the circumstances of Dilton Doiley's suicide felt oddly familiar to him."
Betty slams a file on the table
Betty says to Alice "That file is why.A case from when his dad was coroner."
Alice says to Betty "I am right in the middle of my Affirmations meeting..."
Betty says to Alice "Trust me,Mom,you're gonna
wanna take a look at this."
Alice looks shocked and Alice looks through the file
Betty says to Alice "Per your Farm testimony, you've clearly played G&G before and now I have concrete evidence that when you were my age,there was another suspicious death.Maybe a murder that took place at Riverdale High where the corpse had blue lips.I can keep digging,or you can just tell me what you know about G&G."
Alice says to Betty "All right."
Betty says to Alice "Wait,really?"
Alice says to Betty "You're right,Betty.You deserve to know the whole truth.If for no other reason,for your own protection.It was our junior year.Phones had cords,Winona had Johnny,and everything smelled like Teen Spirit.The world was a very different place and we were very different people.Back then,I was Alice Smith.A bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks with enviable hair,no real friends..."
In Girls Bathroom
Young Alice says to herself "Please no,please no, please no."
In Coopers house,Living Room
Alice says to Betty "And one huge problem."
In Girls Bathroom
Young Alice says to herself "Damn it!"
Young Alice punches a wall and Young Alice sobbing and Young Hermione hears young Alice sobbing and Young Hermione knocks on the bathroom door
Young Hermione says to Alice "Everything okay in there?"
Hermione opens the door
Young Alice says to Young Hermione "God,mind your own business,Hermione,shouldn't you be in a church?"
Young Hermione says to young Alice "Oh,crap, girl.Are you..."
Young Alice shoves past Hermione
Young Alice says to Young Hermione "It's probably a false positive.It happens all the time."
Young Sierra says to Young Alice "Like 3% of the time." Young Hermione says to Young Sierra "No one's talking to you,Sierra."
Young Alice says to Young Hermione "Oh,what am I gonna do? I tried to talk to him and he blew me off for some vixen he is screwing.Ha,classic.FP Jones."
Young Hermione and Young Sierra says to Young Alice "FP Jones?"
Young Penelope walks in
Young Penelope says to the girls "Well,well, well...I thought I heard a party in here.Hall passes,ladies."
Young Hermione gives hers to Penelope
Young Alice says to Young Penelope "Oh,it's up your ass,Penelope.
Young Penelope says to Young Alice "Classy as always,Alice Smith.Just curious.Were you born with that mouth?Or is it something Southside mothers teach their bastard babies?"
Young Sierra says to Herself "Wow!"
Young Alice Slaps Penelope
Young Hermione gasps

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