Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Sir, Veronica, are you both okay?" Leo asked Coulson and I as we flew back towards base, Jemma had opted to sit in the cockpit with Antoine for the ride.

"She said I never lied to her." Couslon spoke just above a whisper, clearly still thinking about Audrey. "Today, I did. But she's alive and safe. We did that, at least."

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?" Leo asked.

"I will. Someday, I guess, when there's a chance she'll understand." He shook his head. "When we get back, I need to make things right with May. How can I expect Audrey to forgive me if I'm not willing to do the same?"

"I'm gonna check with Trip and see how much longer we have." Coulson got up as Jemma came in. I watched as he left and Jemma walked over so she was standing in front of Leo.

"We need to talk." She told him.

"We do?" He frowned, clearly confused.

"Agent Triplett thinks he's done something to upset you." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Fitz, if you're questioning his loyalty in any way, I can assure you-"

"It's not him." Leo cut her off.

"Well, what is it, then?" She asked.

"Uh you know how I can be. I hate change." I could tell that he was lying, but Jemma seemed to buy it. She just nodded before sitting down next to him. For a moment I just watched them talk with one another before I got up and walked over to that area and to another place on the jet. Once I was alone I pulled out my phone and began to dial a familiar number. It began to ring as I held the phone to my ear, waiting for someone to answer on the other end.

"Hello?" Scott's voice filled my ear after the second ring. He sounded tired, likely having been asleep before my call. "Hello? Is someone there?"

I literally held my breath as I listened to him talk, sounding confused as to why no one was answering him. After a moment I ended the call, holding the phone to my chest as I rested my head back against the metal wall of the jet.

"You okay?" I glanced to my left to see Leo standing there, looking at me with a confused and worried expression.

"Yeah." I lied through my teeth as I stuck my phone into my pants pocket.

"You're crying." He pointed out, causing my hands to fly to my cheeks and I hurriedly wiped away my tears. "What is it?"

"It's nothing," I brushed it off.

"It's not nothing." He shook his head as he walked over to me, concern still filling his features. "You can tell me."

"It's just..." I cut myself off, not knowing what to say to him. "Love sucks."


"Where's our bus?" Jemma asked once we'd landed at the base and were walking around. Right where their huge jet had been there was nothing and there wasn't any sign of someone being around. It was like the base was completely deserted.

"And our team?" Leo pointed out.

"I don't know." Coulson shook his head, seeming to be just as shocked as the rest of us.

"Skye," I set off running towards the doors that led deeper into the base. I could hear Coulson and Leo call after me, but I didn't care. I kept running through the base in search of Skye. I knew that she was close to Ward and if they were alone together then there was no telling what he may have done to her.

I hurried to her room first, but it was empty. Next I went towards Eric's room, maybe they could be there working together. When I reached that room it was empty as well, Eric wasn't even there. Something was wrong, very wrong.

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