Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

My hands were handcuffed behind my back as I was led inside the same building that I'd been tasked with infiltrating and possibly taking out. Not even two hours into my mission and I had already failed, being captured by HYDRA and having my powers forced to become dormant. A HYDRA agent stood on either side of me as we walked through the halls, the older scientist man walking ahead of us, his head held high and a smirk on his face. I wanted nothing more than to be able to slap the smirk off of his face.

"In here." They stopped me in front of a heavy metal door. One of the guards pulled a key out of his pocket and used it to unlock and open the door. As soon as it was opened I found myself being shoved into with the door quickly shut and relocked behind me.

"Ever heard of manners?!" I yelled at the closed door. With a huff I glanced around the room I'd been shoved into. Looking around I saw that there was a metal framed bed that looked as though it'd be as comfy as a pile of rocks, there was also a chair in one corner, and a shelf that was empty for the most part, only holding a couple books that looked to be in a language that I didn't recognize. What really caught my attention though was the window on the left side of my little cell. I was hesitant as I walked over it and stretched slightly to see through to the other side.

I found that the window looked into a small room that looked almost identical to my own. The only difference being that there was a man that look about the same age as me inside. I stayed silent, just watching what the young man and taking in his appearance. He was wearing baggy sweatpants, that didn't seem to fit him properly, as well as a tank top that displayed his muscular arms. He had interesting hair as well. At the roots it appeared to be a dark brown but it wasn't far from there that his hair took on a striking blonde color that almost appeared to be platinum. As I watched him he stood by his bed, twitching slightly, as if he were having trouble standing in place. I couldn't see his face since his head was turned downward, but it almost appeared as though he were in pain.

"Are you alright?" I found the question slipping from my lips without a second thought, concerned for the young man. The sound of my voice seemed to startle him as his head snapped upwards and his sharp blue eyes darted around the room until he spotted me through the window. In a blur he was in front of the window, his eyes narrowed at me with clear distrust in them.

"Who are you?" He asked in a sharp and heavily accented voice.

"I go by a lot of names." I shrugged. "The more important question at the moment is, who are you?"

"Pietro. Pietro Maximoff."


"V?" Pietro called my nickname a few hours after we had introduced ourselves. After he'd told me his name I had told him the nickname that Peter had given during my time at the school. I wasn't sure what HYDRA knew about me so far and what they didn't so I had no plans to tell him or anyone else here my full name, even if Pietro wasn't actually with HYDRA.

At him calling for me from the window I looked away from the ceiling of my cell and towards the window, not moving from where I was laying on the hard and uncomfortable bed that I'd been provided with.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you here?" He asked me, curiosity shining in his blue eyes.

"Now why would I tell you that?" I raised a brow at him. It was clear that he was even more clueless about all of this than I was which meant there would be plenty of entertainment for me here until Fury found a way to save my ass. Either that, or until I died.

"You don't seem like my sister or I." He almost seemed to be whispering this to himself, as though I weren't really meant to hear it. When he spoke again though his voice was louder. "What makes them interested in you? Did you sign up for this too?"

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