Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"So, who all is exactly coming?" Skye asked as she, Antoine, and I stood in the hanger, waiting for Storm and the others to arrive. She had already called to let me know that they were on their way and would be landing soon.

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure." I admitted to her. "I know that my friend Storm is bringing a small team, but she didn't tell me who all was a part of it."

"Is he going to be a part?" A smirk filled her lips.

"I doubt it," I shook my head. "I haven't spoke to him since I joined your team and I told Storm not to tell anyone about my updates with her. As far as I know he thinks I'm half way around the world right now."

"You didn't even let him know about your near death experience?" Antoine raised a brow at me. Over the past few months he and I had gotten closer, though we weren't as close as I was with Skye and Leo.

"Why would I tell him about that?" I frowned. "That's the last thing any of them needed to hear about. If they knew then they would have been on our doorstep within an hour, demanding that I left with them for my own safety."

"Still," he cut himself off though as the overhead doors opened and a familiar black jet came into sight as it slowly lowered down, landing several yards away from us in the open hanger.

"I take it that's them?" Skye assumed as the overhead doors closed again.

"Yep." I nodded as the ramp of the jet opened to reveal five familiar faces.

"Nic!" Rogue was the first to come running off of their jet as she threw her arms around me in a tight hug.

"Nice to see you too," I chuckled as she released me, only for me to be picked up into a bone crushing hug by Peter.

"I've missed you squirt!" He grinned as he let go of me.

"I am older than you." I reminded him. "All of you, actually."

"Keep telling yourself that." He patted me on the shoulder. Peter and Rogue's greetings were followed by more toned down ones from Kitty and Bobby who both hugged me as well, but not nearly as tightly. After them came Storm who had her usual gentle smile on her face as she gave me a hug too.

"I was surprised by your call." She told me.

"What can I say, we needed help." I shrugged before I turned back to Skye and Antoine again to see them both watching all of us in confusion. "Guys, these are my teammates Skye and Antoine. Skye and Antoine, these are my friends Bobby, Rogue, Kitty, Peter, and Storm."

"There's actually one more." Kitty informed me.

"Please tell me you didn't bring Logan." I frowned as I looked back towards the jet. When I spotted who was standing on the ramp though I froze, silently wishing that it had been Logan instead.

He looked the same, but different at the same time. His dark brown hair was messy and a little longer than it'd been the last time I saw him. He stood tall and tense at the same time. From the shocked look on his face I could tell that this wasn't what he'd been expecting, to see me here.

"Scott." I forced his name from my lips as he finally came out of the jet, stopping next to Storm, a few feet away from me.

"Veronica." His tone matched my own.

"Uh, Skye and Antoine this is Scott." I introduced them to him and I could see the shock in Skye's eyes. I had told her quite a bit about Scott and I over the months and now she was meeting the man behind the stories, I couldn't begin to imagine what all she was thinking.

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