Chapter 6

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Liams POV

i was confused the girl from the outside the area i couldnt help but smile and she was beautiful her perfect eyes her smile her laugh but the girl i texted she was funny and easy and fun to talk to i think i was falling for 2 girls when i clicked call holding it up to my ear looking down then i heard a phone ring my head snapped up and i saw Amber staring at the phone everyone else did the same she slowly picked it up she stared up then relisation hit her she clicked answer "hello"she said and i heard it come through my phone i closed my eyes relief came over me i wasnt falling for 2 girls just the one amazing funny girl that is here with me i looked at her i could see relief wash over her but why

Ambers POV

relief washed over me Me it was me how did i not catch on Liam and Liam i finally looked over at him looking at me "Umm Chloe i want to show you this really cool umm thing in my room"Niall said grabbing Chloes hand dragging her out "oh i want to see"Louis called running after them Zayn and Harry just ran after them Liam sat down "I dont know how i didnt know"he said "i didnt either"i said "i should of cought on your both Amber both have a very strange Friend"he said i giggled "Chloe is weird isnt she she picked me up with a sign sayinf Amber hurry up im hungry"i said laughing "weird"he said "and she fell down stairs broke her arm and still had a food fight"i said "oh and both of your friend got hurt and went to hospital im stupid"he said "your not your cute"i said but then covered my mouth Crap! he smiled "thanks"he said "no your the one thats cute"he said i giggled "well thank you"i said "wait dis i say that out loud"he asked i nodded he went red "You know im glad Your Random Number texted me"he said i smiled "and im glad you texted back"i said then Louis Zayn and Harry jumped in "is it clear of just syares have you talked"harry asked we nodded "good"louis said jumping down seat to me it was 11pm and we put another DvD in

Chloes POV

niall dragged me to his room and louis zayn and harry went in louis room we sat on his bed "what happened to your arm"he asked "oh i fell on the last couple steps and fell on my arm"i said "does it hurt"he asked "only little"i said he nodded i smiled at him he is so cute oh his eyes and his smile and when he laughs "whats your favourite colour"he asked "Baby blue and Pink"i said he nodded "Favourite song from us"he said i gaseped "your making me choose a song!"i said he laughed nodding "umm" "2 are what makes your beautiful and More than this"i said "why"he asked i looked down "what makes you beautiful everyone loves it and your first song and it made me feel beautiful listening to it because people just dont go up to you saying your beautiful mostly not me and more than this its like us fans always say your our boys we stuck with you through x factor the ups and downs and some people who you tweet or meet we feel we can love you more than that some fans even say they havent done enough for you boys you saved there life and your solo"i say "if im louder would you see me would you lay down in my arms and rescue me cause we are the same you saved me and when you leave its gone again"i sing "we think if were louder would you see us you rescued us and we are the same in some way and when you leave"i said "i bet i sound stupid"i say "you are beautiful and no you dont i get it now really use think you dont do enough for us but you do really more than we thought you would at first we think we dont do enough for you guys"he said "you do you do your concerts your signings you visit fans in hospital your always helping you try and make us all happy by changing sometimes but we just want you boys to be who you are we love you for that and admire you boys because you showed us you start from the bottom and make it to the top"i said he smiled "why do you have a necklace saying crazy"he asked i looked down "oh me and Amber sent each other one when she was in america and we choosed a word for the other she picked Crazy because she thinks im Crazy"i say "and crazy by hyper weird and being stupid from time to time"i say he laughs he got up walking out his room and i followed he walked over to Amber and looked at her necklace but Amber thought different "Niall why you stareing at my boobs"she screamed he went red i burst out laughing and fell to the floor "I was looking at you necklace to see what it said because Chloes said Crazy"he said "oh sorry Niall it says Random"she says i get up and calmed down "Yeah because shes random"i say "Plus it now matches how me and Amber started talking"Liam says smiling "Random Number"he says Niall sat on the last seat that i was just about to sit on i glared at him he smiled at me "Niall can i sit there"i say he shakes his head no watching the movie i sat on his lap getting comfy "umm Chloe what you doing"Amber asked looking at me weird i wiggled my bum to get comfy "getting comfy since theres no seat"i say i turn Niall who was bright red and his breathing was uneven he was just stareing at the movie "Niall you ok..i can move"i whispered "no its fine"he says my eyes start to get heavy i yawn and lay my head on Nialls chest his heart is beating so fast i just smiled close and the last thing before i went to sleep was Niall wrapping his arms around me "Goodnight"he whispered i fell asleep with a smile on my face

AN:aww Niall blushed and Amber thinking Niall was looking at her boobs! Lol :)xxxx

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