Chapter 13

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I woke up to a scream i jumped out of bed and ran down stairs there stood the boys tired then i saw Chloe on the floor taking deep breaths "who screamed and why"i asked rubbing my eyes "i woke up to have a snack before the boys came and picked us up but when i came down they all just stood there so i screamed"she said i nodded and helped her up "well are you ready babe"Liam asks me putting an arm around me "uhh let me go to the bathroom"i said he nodded and i ran upstairs and brushed my teeth and washed my face then ran back down stairs "Niall im hungry"Chloe moaned to him he smiled down at her "We will get food because im hungry too"he said wrapping his arms around her waist did Chloe tell me there dating i must ask her later we got our bags and the boys carried them to the car "Liam let me carry a bag"i said "no"he said "why its my stuff"i said "im carrying my beautiful girlfriends bags to the car if i didnt what kind of boyfriend would i be"he said looking at me "dont know lets see"i said grabing a bag and running he ran after me i turned back around to see where i was going when i banged into someone "ow"i said as i fell on my ass "Amber!"Liam shouted running over "im so Sorry Amber"Someone said i looked up to see Eleanor i screamed and jumped up hugging her "Thank You"i whispered to her "what for making you fall"she said they boys started putting our bags in the car well its kind of a van car van oh i dunno "no for dragging us to nandos so the boys could explain"i said she smiled "No Problem everything good now so how was your dates"she asked me and Chloe we got in the...van and drove to the air port we said we would tell Eleanor when the boys arnt listening when we got on the plane me El and Chloe sat further away from the boys this plane was just for us awesome "So Amber first"El said she nodded and explained her full date "terrible guy next time i see him i will slap him"she said and we laughed and then she explained how i was watching there kiss "aww Chloe you should of called me"El said and we laughed "So Chloe hos did your date with Nialler go"she asked "aww it was good we sat in the hotel room cuddling watching movies"i said "did you kiss"she asked "No we were about to i thought 3rd time luckey because the other times people ran in"she said "this time i was so close but then Louis burst in shouting about Harry chasing him so we jumped apart and soon after he fell asleep i didnt want to wake him so i went home myself"i said she nodded "aww 2min"she said standing up and walking over to the boys we watched her she went over to Louis "Hey babe"he said smiling and she hit him over the head then whispered something in his ear and walked back he mouthed 'Sorry' to Chloe aww she told him "El!"She said "yes"El said sitting down "why did you tell him" Chloe asked "i couldnt hit him over the head without a reason"she said "plus now he wont jump out of nowhere"she said i smiled "Chloe!"Niall shouted "yeah"she said "come here"he said we all ended up getting up i sat with Liam and El with Louis and Chloe with Niall they really are a cute couple i remember how me and Chloe started talking


i was sitting in my room on twitter shipping people with the boys when a girl asked to be shipped wow she was really pretty i coyld see her with Niall im being serious so i shipped her with Niall and she said that she gets shipped with him alot and i told her i could see him and her together and since then we talked we skyped a few times but mostly twitter we used to spam Niall and Liam telling the boys we loved them and how much it would mean if the followed us and when Chloe tweeted about how Niall makes her heart skip a beat his laugh and smile make her do it too and she gets lost in his eyes i thought it was cute but then she tweeted 'Im not trying to get a follow or reply i just wanted you too know im being serious' she was some weird girl but so was i

*end flashback*

i got brought out my thoughts with shaking "Amber were here"Liam said i smiled and got up and got off the plane and there was screaming fans everywhere i gripped out Liams hand he pulled me closer i saw Chloe looking terrified she said something to Niall and he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close and walking they waved to some fans and then was about to get in the car "if you want you can go sign and take pictures we dont mind"Chloe said i nodded "No-"Louis was saying "Go"El said they smiled and Paul said to be quick so the ran and started signing things and taking pictures "Chloe!Amber!Eleanor!"someone shouted we turned to see a girl grin at us we walked over "Hi"i said "could i get a picture with you girls"she asked we nodded "who takes the picture"i asked i saw Liam close by "Liam"i said he looked over i waited till he gog here "Could you take the pic"i asked he nodded and we got ready then liam took the pic and smiled getting a pic with the girl and signing something once they fibished we got in the van and drove to the hotel once we got there "Since we already booked hotel in advance we only booked 5 rooms so you will have to share"Paul said walking to his room we walked up to the rooms "Ok boys you have the 4 rooms us girls will share one room gives us girl time"El said taking one of the keys and we got in the room 2 double beds "i got an idea"I shout "Right El push that bed this way"i said and me and Chloe pushed the other to the middle "there 1 big bed for us"i said we unpacked our stuff and sat on the bed then there was banging on the door "come in"Chloe shouted "that could be a killer and you told thdm to come in"I said "Im not a killer its Niall!"he shouted i saw Chloe grin and jump up and open the door "Hey"she said "Could i talk to you Chloe"he asks she nodded and stepped outside and closed the door me and El looked at each other then jumped off the bed and went to the door to listen

Chloes POV

I stepped out and smiled at Niall "Chloe i was going to do this yesterday"he said "but i fell asleep"he said he rubbed the back of his neck "Do you want to come to our concert tonight"he says oh thought he was going to be his girlfriend maybe he didnt like the date or me "uhh yeah"i said looking up faking a smile and walking in my room as he walked away Amber and Eleanor looked at me "i dont think he likes me"i said sitting on the bed "dont be silly he does"El said "i thought he was going to ask to be my girlfriend but he didnt"i said im being stupid i would never have a chance with Niall someone chapped the door its 5am now and we are going to catch some sleep "Who is it"i asked "Liam"he said i got up and answeres "just came to tell yoj the concert is at 5pm but we have rehersals at 1pm just incase you wonder were we are if you fall asleep"he says "Ok"i said then shut the door and jumped in bed and we fell asleep...

AN: Hello another Chapter :D

me and my mum watched this movie 'down will come baby' the woman in it creeps me out stalking the lassie weirds me out but it was good hope you liked this chapter

right i have to share a double bed with my sister until we get single beds and last night i had to take my pillows and sleep at the bottom of the bed because she had her elbow in my back and her phone kept going off i really wanted to slap her... Well Bye Amber you like :Dxxx

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