Chapter 42

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Harrys POV

I sat on the phone to Kati Chloes friend she sounds nice i want to meet her i sat talking with her until i heard Chloe scream Nialls name i heard the bed move my eyes widened oh my gosh! i burst out laughing "what"Kati asked "uhh now i know why Chloe is taking so long"i said "why"she asked "think shes busy with Niall..."i said she then burst out laughing "Harry why you saying that"she said giggling aww she has a cute giggle "well shes screaming Nialls name the bed is moving"i said then waited i heard someone run down stairs i looked to see Niall and Chloe walk down the last steps and Chloes hair is a mess "and crazy hair"i whispered Kati giggled again when i handed the phone back

After i cleaned the glass i went back to the livingroom watching tv when i felt a hit to the back of the head "Ow!"i shouted soon Louis came skipping down the steps "Boo Bear Chloe hurt me"i said pouting "well you stop being dirty minded!"she said "oh while where on dirty how was your time in the bathroom"i said "Harry we didnt have sex!"she shouted soon i heard someone burst out laughing i saw it was Amber and Liam and Amber was laughing as Liam just looked about us all "ok Chloe"Amber says "Niall take her upstairs to calm down before she slaps Harry"Amber said Niall lead her upstairs "have fun!"i shouted "Fuck you Harry!"she shouted back "Niall wouldnt like that he would rather you f-"i said but got cut off withAmber hitting me to the back of the head "Ow! Is this hit Harry on the back of the head day"i said then another hit to the head i looked and glared at Louis smiling innocently at me "i felt left out"he said i rolled my eyes "of course"i said shaking my head

Chloes POV

I cant believe they thought we had sex! I sat on the bed pouting "Chloe stop pouting its cute when you pout"Niall said sitting beside me "we didnt have sex"i mumble "yeah i know babe if we did im sure i would know about it"he said grinnig at me "i'd make sure the world knew"he whispered in my ear i blushed looking down "have you calmed down you wont slap Harry"Niall asked i nodded he smiled as we walked down stairs and Zayn Liam Amber Louis and Harry all sat just about to start a movie i walked over to a seat on my way kicking Harry "dirty minded ass"i mumbled "Ow!"he yelled we sat down "what"Louis said "she kicked me"Harry said pointing to me "Chloe you said you wouldnt hit him"Niall said "no i said i wouldnt slap him i said nothing about kicking"i said smartly "you crazy girl"he mumbled putting an arm around me "but i love ya"he said kissing my head "love ya to"i said pecking his cheek as we settled down for the movie


I was on the plane on our way to Ireland to see Nialls family i was excited yet nervous what if they dont like me? Or dont think im good enough for Niall "Chloe"Niall says shakin my arms "Mhmm"i said "you zoned out whats up"he asked "the sky"i said keeping a serious face "no i mean whats wrong?"he asked "nothing"i said showing him a smile "please put your seatbelts on we are about to land"a voice said i put my seat belt on i hated landing and taking off i closed my eyes waiting for us to touch the ground when i felt a warm hand take mine "its going to be fine everything will be fine"he said kissing my hand and grinning at mebi grinned back gosh i love this boy

I was looking for my bag ugh where is it "Chloe i found it"Niall shouted trying to grab my bag but fell instead i giggled then grabbed my bag helping him up "Thanks"he says "now come on im hungry"i said grabbing his arm running out the airport

Once we reached his house we grabbed out bags out the boot paid the taxi and walked to the door Niall chapped the door as we waited a woman opened the door and straight away i knew it was Nialls mum Maura i smiled "Niall!"she said grabbing him pulling him in for a hug she pulled away as we walked in "and you must be Chloe"she said pulling me in for a hug giggled "nice meeting you"i said "nice to finally meet you to sweetie"she said "Nialls been hiding you from us"she said i looked at Niall "thats not very nice is it"i said he pouted "i knew i shouldnt of brought you my mother and my girlfriend going to gang up on me now"he said pouting even more showing me the sad eyes "im not falling for the sad eyes"Maura said laughing going into the kitchen i turned my head nope stay strong show him your strong "still think im not very nice"he asked "your very nice"i said "you going to give me a kiss"he asked i shaked my head "no"i said smirking i started walking away when i felt sonething on my sides no not this again i started giggling as he tickled me "Niall no let me go"i said "not until you give me a kiss"he said "ok ok"i said he let go and we lean in as he closed his eyes i licked his cheek running into the kitchen "what the Chloe.."he moaned i giggled hey Maura what you cooking"i ask "food"she says "sounds good"i say nodding my head sitting on one of the stools as Niall walked in i grinned at him "you licked my cheek"he said shocked i just nodded "strange girl"he said "but you love me"i said "yes i do"he said kissing my cheek

Ambers POV

Im goin to be meeting Liams parents in like 2seconds and im scared meeting my parents didnt go so well now i know why my dad did it i have had 2 other boys over to my house my dad did the same time but the difference between those 2 and Liam is Liam never left when my dad said so he turned and showed how much he wanted me and how much he loved me Liam chapped on his door as a women answered "oh my gosh you must be Amber"I noticed as Karen she pulled me in for a hug as we entered the house "woah nice to know my mum loves my girlfriend more than she loves me"i heard Liam say "oh Liam dont be silly"she said hugging him i giggled Liam grinned as he hugged his mum i found it adorable "so whos all here"Liam asked "your sisters are in the kitchen"she says "no we are here"2girls saying jumping in hugging me "great my sisters aswell"he says i giggle as they hug him "love you little bro"they both said "your dad will be back soon"his mum says he nods we go upstairs and sit our bags in his room "keep that bedroom door open no funny bussiness in that room guests sleep there!"I heard Ruth shout up i giggle as Liam face palms "Ruth!"he shouts "mum tell her to stop"He shouts "im with your sister Liam!"his mum shouts "no fun on that bed"she shouts i laugh more as LIam groans "Liam what was that noise "Nicola shouts "please stop!"he shouts down and i hear laughing from the kitchen "sorry"Liam mumbles to me "its fine Liam"i say kissing his cheek "i love you"he said smiling at me "i love you to"i said kissing him on the lips

AN:woooo update!! well my sister is here in scotland havr seen here twice and again on saterday before she goes back to england on sunday really missed her the 2 times i havr seen her she has been here since 6 to like midnight and its juat great to ser her again:D and Keera and Mac and Alex but going to miss her after she leaves. Well this chapter is mostly just Amber and Chloe meeting Liam and Nialls parents :D and i got my hair brown! hopefully i will update again soon maybe Sunday i will be going to my grans so i could update while my dad is driving :)xx

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