Chapter 33

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Ambers POV

"Dad you cant stop me from seeing him"i shouted "shes right hun"my mum said "and he seems a nice boy give him a chance"my mum said he signed "fine"he said i grinned he opened the door to see a rather scared and confused Liam "uh Hi"he said i walked over to Liam but my dad stopped me "if you want to date my daughter you have to answer some questions first"he said i facepalmed "dad"i moaned "ok sir"Liam said he let him in and we all sat down for dinner me next to Liam and my Mum and Dad across from us "So Liam have you had sex"he asked i choked on my food Liam quickly started patting my back and rubbin it "Thank you"i say he smiles kissin my cheek "umm no sir i havent"he said my dad nodded why does he want to know that! "you have a look of girls after you dont you i dont want my baby girl to come to me with a broken heart"he said "are you going to break her heart"he asked "no sir i dont plan on breaking her heart"he said "if you did i could find you and break you famous or not"he said i took Liams hand to calm him down "i would hurt myself if i ever hurt Amber she means to much to me"he said smiling at me my mum aww'ed "i still dont want you datting my daughter"my dad said my jaw fell what! Liam looked paniced scared "could you please leave"my dad asked my heart is slowly breaking i looked at my mum with sad eyes worse if i lose LIam i couldnt live Liam stood up and got to the kitchen door and i cried into my hands i cant not have him in my life "leave please"my dad said "No"i heard Liam say my head snapled up to see him noe facing us "excuse me"my dad said "i wont leave until you let me see Amber"he said "i said leave son your not dating her"my dad said "and why not i havent done anything wrong I Love Your daughter sir and nothing you say or do will stop me from loving her her beautiful brown eyes as they look at me makes me get lost in them when she smiles i cant help but smile back when she laughs i laugh with her i say a lame joke she will laugh at them when shes ever sad i will be there to make her happy again when she falls i will catch her every time im not perfect sir but who is i love Amber so much it hurts shes beautiful shes smart she makes me laugh smile she gets me and i get her she sees me Liam not Liam Payne from One Direction member of famous boyband I Love Her I Love Her I Love Her I Love Her she means the world to me and if lost her i would never be happy i couldnt live with my life you may stop me from seeing her but you will never and i mean never stop me from loving her to the moon and back i just want to let you know I Love Her and will never stop loving her"he said now tears streaming down his face my dad got up and walked over to Liam raiseing a hand oh Gosh! my eyes widen he wouldnt...

AN: Omg! Liams big rant about how he loves Amber soo cute and brave proud :D i wonder what hes going to do hit him? oh gosh almosted cryed writing this Liam saying that he loved her like 10 times dunno didnt count im to lazy ahaha!

well im in bed right now just thought you should know...i have a Biology exam in about 8 hours at 9ish i cant sleep so im listening to music and reading and updated here :D

i heard this weird noise had one earphone in and my dog went crazy barking so i got scared and now i dont want to move...i feel like a idiot it was prob just the wind! and just so you know still think of Harry as a cat...and today in my history exam a bit said something like 'London to eduiburgh took 43 hours now by train it takes 12 hours' around lose lines and my mind went to London then the boys live london i wonder what they are doing on tour right now will i ever meet them if i do will they like me then i remembered i was in an exam aha and had to start writing about i will seem to relate anything to the boys if i saw a shoes i would mange to get to think about the boys like i wonder if the boys have those shoes or...blah blah blah

and im on twitter and talking to a girl and shes trying to kill me with sexy pics of the boys i sent her one that said 'imagine somewhere one of the boys might be naked' along those lines and i wondered is one of them naked right now...!xxx well sorry for my long annoying AN im lonely and bored :) byeee!!xx

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