Chapter 17

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Ambers POV

Its been a week since started touring with the boys and its so fun me and Liam are going well and so is Niall and Chloe right now we are going somewhere Nandos i think. we are in Manchester (AN:Spelling?) got a concert tonight and then an interview tomorrow then we are going to wales tomorrow night "Where here"paul said Chloe and Niall jumped up they linked hands and ran to the door to the tour bus next El and Louis ran off the bus behind Niall and Chloe then Zayn and Harry i stood up and so did Liam and he held out his hand i smiled and took it and walked out i still get butterflies when we hold hands we walked into Nandos its was rather empty Niall was ordering stuff with the other boys and El and Chloe sat down at a big table i kissed Liam cheek and told him what i wanted and sat with the girls and juat chatted about random stuff till the boys came and Niall had the most he sat Chloes down and then his and Liam gave me mine "Thanks"i said he smiled sitting next to me and we all started eatting then i heard something fall i looked up to see Chloe stareing at the food on the floor she pouted "aww"she said then turned to Niall "You mad me drop my food what did they do to you there died"she said pretending to sob into his shoulder "here babe have some of mine"he said "Niall sharing food!"Liam gasps "quick someone take a picture this is a rare moment"he said then there was a flash and Niall and Chloe looked at El giggling "Memories"was all she said Niall feed her a bit "Niall i can feed myself"she giggled "but i like feeding you"he says taking a bite then giving a bit to Chloe i smiled and started eatting my food again "Chloe how did you drop your food"i asked as i finished "Niall tickled me and i jumped and my food fell off the table"she said "Sorry"Niall said pecking her lips "Right come on the concert starts in an hour"Liam says we all nod and Niall and Chloe finish and we put our rubbish in the bin and get back on the tour bus i sat down next to Liam cuddling into him

When we reached the Arena and we all got out and the boys signed stuff while me Chloe and Eleanor ran inside and started looking about when i saw Chloe fall over and a girl walk past "Hey!"Eleanor shouted I helped Chloe up the girl turned around wow! Bit much make-up Chloe put her hand over her mouth "Do you not want to push over my friend or i will put you down to the ground"El said "Shut up who do you think you are!"She said "Im Eleanor not nice to meet you!"El said "why dont you just go back to the circus (Spelling?) im sure the other clowns are looking for you"i said Chloe burst out laughing and i smirked "What you laughing at Fatty Stupid slut"She said Chloe stopped laughing and looked at the ground "Oh Hell Naw!"Me and El shouted and we jumped on her "Wow! Amber!"i heard Liam shout "El!"Louis shouted they got us off her she got up and walked off i turned to see Chloe quietly sobbing quietly into Nialls chest Me and El went over to her "Are you ok"we asked she stayed quiet "Chloe tell me why your crying please babe"Niall asked stokeing her hair Liam turned me around and Louis with El "what the hell are you doing"they asked "well the clown over there pushed Chloe then called her fat stupid and a slut!"I said i was so angry Chloe was like a sister to me! "what!"Louis almost shouted we turned to see Chloe talking to Zayn and Niall i walked over "you ok"i asked she nodded her eyes where red she takes stuff like that to heart because when she talked to me on twitter she told me how she always got called fat ugly and she would hide her feelings i want to slap that girl "Guys!"i heard Harry say we all turned Niall had his arm around Chloes and she had her arms around his waist we all looked at Harry and he had his arm around the clown "guys meet Hannah my girlfriend"He said...

AN: Heres another Chapter! ohh some drama! Well keeping this Note short watching the voice on record because i was watch bgt :)

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