Chapter 35

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*2 days later*

Liams POV

Amber has been acting weird she snaps at me and shes acting weird i want to know whats bugging her right now shes down stairs with Chloe and they are watching some tv as all the boys are up here "there something up with Amber"i said "like what"Harry said "she snaps and acting weird"i said "i dont know have you did something wrong"Zayn asked "i dont think so"i said we all got up and went down stairs Amber shaked her head at Chloe as Chloe got up to leave i pulled her aside"whats wrong with Amber shes acting weird"i asked "thats something for her to tell you"she said tapping my shoulder and walking into the kitchen i sat next to Amber she smiled at me and Chloe came through with popcorn Movie! yay!

about half way through the movie Amber leaned forward holding her side "you ok babe"i asked she nodded and sat back and layed on my chest i stroked her hair as we watched the movie throughout the movie i could see pain in her eyes why? When the movie finished i saw everyone was asleep accept me and Amber "Amber"i say she lifts her head looking at me "yeah"she says rubbing her eyes "can you tell me whats wrong"i asked "its nothing Liam"she says laying back on my chest "Amber ple-'"i started "Its nothing Liam!"she shouted then stood up walking upstairs i look back to see Chloe stareing at me "what did i do"i asked she shakes her head running up stairs was that a shake of the head to see tut tut what you done or saying no you didnt do anything "guys am i doing something wrong"i asked "no i dont think so"Zayn says i run a hand through my hair

Chloes POV

I shaked my head to Liam to tell him its not his fault and chase after Amber shes in hers and Liams room why doesnt she tell him yes it be weird to tell your boyfriend that with all your friends about i walked in shutting the door after me "Amber i saw i was dark the lights where off i heared a quiet sob i found the light and turned it on and say her sitting on the bed knees upto chest head on knees "Amber"i said sitting next to her i pull her in for a hug "i hate being a girl"she said i giggled "yeah it suck sometimes but theres no need to keep this from Liam he should know why his girlfriend snaps then happy and now crying"i said she nodded "its just weird to try tell a boy this"she says i nod it will be fine"i said i got up "will you be ok"i asked she nodded "im just going to go to sleep"she says i nod and walk back down stairs to ser the boys all sitting there then i saw Liam pulling at his hair rubbing over his face "what have i done"he says oh my i sit next to him rubbing his back "trust me you have done nothing wrong"i say he looks at me "whats wrong tell me Chloe"he says you could see in his eyes he will go crazy "you should just go to bed get some sleep you look tired"i said getting up going to the kitchen to get a drink of water "whats wrong babe"Niall asked from behind me i turned "nothing"i say smiling just dont want Liam and Amber to break up just because of her girl problems he pulls me into a hug "they wont break up"he whispers i was thinking aloud again wasnt i "c'mon lets go to bed"he says then lifts me up i scream "Niall put me down"i shout "nah"he says "night guys"he says then he turns i look up "night guys"i say with a pout they all laughed i see Liam has went to bed "Niall"i say "yeah"he says walking up stairs "I Love you"i say he throws me onto the bed "I Love You Too"he says smiling i yawned covering my mouth "Niall could you pass my umm"i say noddin off "Chloe"he says "hm"i say snapping my head up he walks over sitting me up he hands me one of his tops i smile i love his tops they smell of him and there comfy he walks out the room as i change into the top and a pair of shorts "Niall im ready"i said i got under the covers as he walked in striping to his boxers then climbing in behind me "Night"he said "Night"i say cloaing my eyes

Ambers POV

I lay in Liam and my bed i couldnt sleep i held my stomach why does this hurt so much i closed my eyes then i heard the door open then close "Amber"i heard Liam whisper i heard him move about then the covers getting lifted and the bed dipped behind meand the covers fell back down "What did i do to make you so angry Chloe says it wasnt me but why would you be angry if it wasnt"he whispered i felt him play with my hair he thinks he made me mad "what did i do wrong"he whispered "I Love You"he whispers kissing my head and wrapping his arms around me "I Love You To"i said taking his hand "and its not your fault i um"i says i roll over to face him so his hand and mine are between us "im uh"i said how do you tell him "im having woman problems"i whisper "wha-oh"he says "im sorry why didnt you just tell me"he said "i dont know its hard to tell your boyfriend that you know"i said "well now i know why you snapped but why did you keep moving duering the movie"he asked "do you know how much this hurts sometimes"i say "oh"he says he turns me so my backs to him he pulls me to him then rubs my stomach and kisses my head "go to sleep"he mumbles "Night"i say "Night Love you"he says "Love you to"i say then close my eyes and fall asleep feeling safe in Liams arms and a smile on my face knowing this is the boy i texted at random and i Love him

AN:Woop another chapter when did i last update i dont know i had this chapter ready to post awhile ago but in the mornings my mum wakes me up at 8 to watch the dogs while she drops my brother off at school sometimes she goes other places then home when shes out i tidy up alittle then i she helps when shes home then i have like 1hour with my mum watching tv or she wants my help on the computer then she leaves to get my brother and in that time im useually reading or listen to music or im dping something my mum asks before she leaves then when she comes back she makes my brothers dinner because hes annoying and cant wait until we are all getting dinner and useually at night is when i update but i have been watching BGT and then the voice on Saterdays

i wonder where my mum is she said she would be home 30min ago ahahah i left my dogs outside thought it was quiet :D

ugh wish i left them outside in the garden there loud:(

Well that would be awks i couldnt tell my boyfriend that ahaha Chloe stop kidding yourself you wont get a boyfriend great im talking to myself again i have a problem a guy just chapped my door asking if i wanted him to take the rubish in my dad trailer aha i was like uhh yeah if you want and hes like saves you going i was like ok and he took the broken tablr and chair ahaha nice :) these are always long aha cause i just rant im serious these are longer than the chapters :/ read these imagines and Niall was dead for saving the girl and she visited his grave gave him stuff fans gave her his guitar pick from there first concert but the end where it said 'Died jumping infront of a car saving his girlfriend'i was like OMG! :'( think i might start doing imagines :) hmm? should i?xxx

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