Chapter 39

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Ambers POV

*a week later*

We are back in London the boys have a bunch of stuff to do here then America we where all sitting in the house watching Dvds Niall had his arm around Chloe staring down at her with sad eyes why is he sad i pulled my phone out and sent him a text 'whats wrong?'i hit send i saw his eyes widen then pull his phone out looking at it he looked releved then my phone lit up 'yeah why?'he sent back i saw he was still looking at Chloe im sure i saw a tear 'because you look sad tell me whats wrong'i watched as he typed away on his phone then mine went off 'nothing but can you promise me sonething'it said i looked at him then my phone 'what?' 'look after Chloe for me'he said i was confused i was going to ask about the text but when i looked up Niall and Chloe was gone but then soon after Niall came running down the stairs in tears and walked out the door "Niall!"i yelled wait Chloe "Liam go after Niall!"i said running upstairs i got to Nialls room and saw Chloe on the bed in tears "Chloe what happened"i asked "he broke up with me"she choked out i pulled her into a hug but she stood up and started packing up her things "Chloe what are you doing"i asked "i cant stay here Amber not with him"she said once she finished "tell the boys i love them and dont look for me please i will stay in contact with you tho Amber"she said hugging me then she walked down stairs "Chlor where you going"i heard Harry say she turned around with watery eyes "im going Harry but its ok im not going far im going somewhere i know i will be wanted and away from drama"she said she hugged Harry "Amber do one thing for me"she said i nodded "tell Niall i love him"she said then ran out the door

Later that night Niall came in with Liam Zayn and Louis Nialls eyes all red and pufy good he broke Chloes heart but there was one thing confusing me "wheres Chloe"Niall said looking down "first what fid you mean take care of Chloe"i said hr looked at me then looked at he 3 boys beside him i looked at Harry who was sitting there crying him and Chloe where close "I was getting texts threating to kill Chloe if i didnt break up with her i was trying to protect her thats why i said you where to to look after her because what if they dont care i broke up with her and still kill her now where is she"he said tears running down his face Harry had jumped up at the word kill "she left!"Harry said "what!"niall shouted "she left"i said the thought of Chlor out there and she could be in danger i pulled out my phone and clicked her number it started ringing "Hello"i heard Chloe say "Chloe where are you"i said "im out at a club having a few drinks to get Niall off my mind"she said "Chloe come back home now please"i said "noo"she said giggling shes drunk great "im stayig with my sister tonight then maybe go to Canada or America is it nice there"she asked "Chloe please come home"i said "oh this songs good bye Amber talk later!"she shouted then the line went dead ok she said her sisters house umm it was like 1am and i saw now all the boys have fell asleep as i took the call in the kitchen i sat next to Liam and fell asleep

I woke up to someone ringing my phone i answered "hello"i said "Hello is this Amber"i heard a girl ask "yes im Amber whos this"i asked "its Kellie Chloes sister she said she was was staying last night but her stuffs now gone she must of left this morning she told me about Niall thats weird why would he do that is she with you"Kellie said "No she isnt and Niall got told if he did they would kill Chlor he was trying to protect her but she left before Niall camr back and explained"i said "oh my"Kellie said "im sorry but i got to go i think i know where she is"i said "if you get her tell me please"she says "i will bye"i said and hanged up "Guys wake up!"i shout everyone jumps up "Chloe has already left"I said Niall was first to out to the car bare feeted everyone else grabbed shoes running out we all jumped in the car i saw Niall shaking behind me "Niall its going to be ok"i said he shaked his head "she hates me"he said "oh and she told me to tell you before she left that she loves you"i said "Drive Liam!"Niall said "Niall i cant go any faster"Liam says shaking his head once we reach the airport "where she going"Niall said paniced "Canada or America"i said looking about "me Liam Harry will go to the America part You Louis and Zayn go to Canada part if you find her call me"i said he nodded and we ran off we looked about but no sign of her but then i noticed the plane she would of got on was taking off i pulled my phone out and dialed Niall "Hello"i said "have you found her"he asked hopful "no have you"i asked "the plane took off and America plane has aswell hasnt it"he said "yeah"i said then i heard that he dropped the phone then sobbing "hello"Louis said "whats wrong"i asked "Niall dropped to the floor"he said "on my way"i said and we ran off to where Niall Louis and Zayn was Louis was right Niall was on the floor and crying i sat next to him "Niall sitting here wont help getting her back"i said "im stupid i should of told someone about this person which is still out there and is laughing at me i bet"he said "its ok Niall we will find out who it is and we will get Chloe back here"i said "okk"he says standing up and we got to the car and climbed in and drove home when we got home Niall went straight upto his room and soon i heard crying i cuddled to Liam "i hate this"i mumbled "me to"Liam says kissing my head

AN: sorry i would of updated earlier today but i was sucked into this Niam Fanfic serious i cant get enough of Niam i think im addicted to Niam...i have a problem i need help! but i dont want help i like read Niam fanfics there cute but i spend most of my time reading them or other kinds of story see if i would write about these in school i would! if i could write fanfics as my work in english i would trust me i would...

My nephew is staing tonight well its like half 1 in the morning hes sleeping but meh! so funny me my brother nephew and sisters boyfriend sat throwing paper planes about everywhere my mum wasnt so happy about the mess and made me and my brother clean it as my nephew is only my family... :)xx

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