Bored! Me!

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well im bored i just updated and its late but im bored so i thought lets make a random update on wattpad! im going to just tell you about me cause one crazy mofo

My name is Chloe i dont have a middle name :P i only have a few people i truly trust Jennifer! Siobhan! Kati! Declan! and Amber i have never meet Amber but shes a sweet girl that is there to cheer me up when im down and we just make each other laugh

Siobhan i started becoming her friend in 3rd about 2 years ago shes crazy like moi but doesnt really like One direction but shes there for me as i am there for her :)

Kati well shes so funny has some imagination today in english i thought she was going to burst she was imagining the boys walking the door i was like calm down! she loves the boys as much as me and she can make me laugh no matter what!

Declan is i think the only boy i trust this much he lets me rant on about the boys all the time im sirprised he hasnt told me to calm down and shut up but he isnt like that he listens to me when i need him to he cheers me up when im down and always giving advice!

and then Jennifer my bestfriend i have known her since Primary 3 ehy then you ask she moved here at that age and we where friends till 1st year and she made friends i had a friend that went to a different primary but she made me stand outside her class until the bell and made me walk to my class so i got Jen to help me and she got me away from her one day soon she moved away and me and jen where bestfriends since she knows me inside and out and i know her! she likes the boys but she was in love with them but things changed and she doesnt as much but not like she hates them shes always been there for me stood up for me cause you know im shy until you get to know me strangers call me shy my frisnds wish i was because to them im the crazy mofo that doesnt stop talking about one direction but i dont care i love those boys with all my heart and wont stop i couldnt want my life any other way than what it is right now

now that i just ranted about friwnd and shiz some facts

i have blue eyes but im sure there green in there

brown hair with blonde highlights

im a fussy eatter

i have 2 dogs Jazzy and Misty not mine my parents but Misty is always with my like right now shes laying at the bottom of my bed :) both dogs are yorkies:P

i have 5 cats ...dont ask my mum just....Fudge Toby Sam Leo and Domino Fudge is oldest and a gurl! Sam and Toby about the same age i think but Sam had something wrong with him and had to get a leg removed so he has 3 legs but still one fast mofo Leo is the youngest cat and is a boy Domino is older than leo Toby sam and leo are nlack Fudge is brown black white mixed and Domino is black and white

that was about my pets there

my family i have 5 sisters 2 brother confusing family really my mum had Toni and Lisa with this guy and my dad had Kellie Sharlene and Andrew with this woman then my mum and dad had Me Nicola and Liam we have different last names but in school we got under as the same to stop confusing of if we where sisters and that

well i better go maybe i will do this when i wake up need sleep have school tomorrow and my mum is threating to take my phone off me if i stay on it to late so Night my Mofos!xxx

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