Messenger of the Great Lions

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I am Balozi, a lion with the keenest of eyes, a former Lion Guard member. I worked and am still working under Askari's lead. Askari's the original leader of the Lion Guard. Now he's a Great Lion of the Past. Although he's no longer a Lion Guard leader, he still keeps watch of Pridelands and the Circle of Life. He also constantly helps current Lion Guard leader and gives them advice. I was and still am the consultant and advisor of Askari. It is I who communicates with Rafiki and informs him Great Lions' thoughts and warnings.

The current Lion Guard leader is Kion. Amongst all the Great Lions, Mufasa talks with Kion most often. Today, however, after he finishes a talk with Kion, he looks somewhat worried.

Askari: Hey what's happened, Mufasa? You don't look well today.

I (Balozi): Is something wrong in the Pridelands?

Mufasa: Not...exactly. But something will go wrong if Kion and the Guards don't do something.

Askari: What is it?

Mufasa: Today when I talked with Kion, I noticed someone were around. They discovered the secret that Kion's able to communicate with me. One of them is a young mandrill. Her name is...Makini, I guess? She hid on a tree and eavesdropped the whole conversation.

At this point, Janna, a great lioness, happens to pass by. She's the queen of night tribe and she can communicate with us with ease. Sometimes she joins our discussion.

Janna: Makini? She's the new Royal Mjuzi. I handpicked her, remember?

Mufasa: Yeah, but I am not worrying about her. It's someone else. I don't know who he is yet but I can sense resentment, aggression and vengeful intent from him. I foresee that he can be a great danger to Kion and even the whole Pridelands.

Janna: that sounds awful. You must inform Kion about this.

Askari: Janna's right. He must be an Outlander, Pridelanders' enemy. He can also be a presence of evil. Hmmm...this does not sound good. If the Outlanders know Kion's secret, it might cause a great dispute in the Pridelands.

I: Absolutely. Mufasa, we need to warn the Lion Guards. I'll send a warning to Rafiki as well.

Mufasa: Wait a min Balozi! Don't do it! It's not as simple as you guys think. Well...the thing is, you see, I sense that the one with resentment and aggression is not an Outlander, but a Pridelander. This is what's been bothering me. Kion and the Lion Guards have been positively helping Pridelanders. The Pridelanders all love and respect them. How come someone harbors such vengeful intentions towards them?

Askari: Are you sure it's a Pridelander who has dangerous intents?

Mufasa: I am completely sure. I assume Kion and Lion Guards might have done something wrong. They still have no idea about this. I don't want to blame them. I want to warn Kion, but in a way that helps him learn and enhance his leadership ability. I need some help here, Askari, Balozi. Any advice?

Askari: Well, you can...warn him in a gentle way

I: Mufasa, I have an idea. I will come back to the Pridelands, take an identity of an anonymous lion and help Kion find out who that Pridelander is, and why he has ill intentions.

Janna: How, Balozi? You're a spirit now and you can't reach them in flesh. I can send my granddaughter Rani to talk with him.

I: Rani's too young, inexperienced to guide Kion and the others. We the Great Lions of the Past can possess living lions. I have already picked a candidate. He's a lone lion who lives close to the Pridelands. I will use his body as a vessel and travel to the Pridelands.

Mufasa: That's awesome, Balozi. I'm waiting for your good news.

I leave the conversation and go seek out the lone lion. His name is Jirani (meaning: neighbor). He has his own small hunting ground. I manages to take over his body when he's asleep. He's a fairly young lion, only slightly older than Kiara. He's strong and healthy. I uses his body to travel to the Pridelands without a rest or stop. Hopefully I can stop the unknown Pridelander from causing any danger to Kion, the Lion Guards and the Pridelanders in time.

NOTE: The meaning of Balozi in Swahili is ambassador, consul

to be continued...

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