65. Battle Of Starcourt

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The group were now all stuck in the mall with no way out, the car was quite literally fucked and Billy was somewhere outside.

Obviously earlier when Mike explained to the group what had happened while they'd been away he'd mentioned Billy but Aaron was still sort of confused.

From what he had gathered, Max's brother Billy was a spy for the Mindflayer of some sort? Just like Will was the year before, however from what Aaron had taken from Mike's brief explanation was that it was a little more severe than what had happened to Will. As if the older boy was a completely different person, like he was possessed or something.

And with that said boy was outside trying to get to the group, if anything he could already have been inside the mall.

Mike was talking on his walkie trying to catch attention of Kimmy, Erica, Dustin, Steve and Robin, or how Lucas had given them their code-name - the Scoops Troop.

Aaron was sat at a table with Lucas who was messing around with his wrist-rocket, the blond boy bored out of his mind, desperate to find a distraction before he overthought himself into oblivion once more.

"How are you and Max getting on?" Aaron asked quietly, clearly not all that interested in his friends answer, just wanting a distraction.

"Fine." Lucas shrugged, looking up from his wrist-rocket to look at the blond sat across from him. "Haven't had any other breakups while you were away if that's what you're asking."

Aaron grinned at his friend and raised his brows, holding back a laugh as he spoke sarcastically. "Does it count as a breakup if she's the one always dumping you?"

"Very funny." Lucas rolled his eyes, dropping his wrist-rocket to the table and crossing his arms over his chest. "At least I have a girlfriend. You could have one if you would grow a pair and ask her out."

Lucas didn't need to say the girls name for the two boys to know who he was talking about.

"You can't exactly talk." Aaron scoffed, he too rolling his eyes while he spoke. "Max had to ask you out because you were too scared of her."

Lucas opened his mouth and went to say something but stopped himself, the two boys sat in silence for a brief moment as Lucas thought on how to defend himself against a very true claim.

"That's irrelevant." Lucas eventually muttered sourly, not knowing what else to say.

"And for your information, unlike you, I actually did ask her out." Aaron taunted teasingly, watching as Lucas' eyes widened at his words.

"I don't believe you." Lucas spoke quietly with an awestruck expression.

"I'm serious!" Aaron exclaimed with an offended laugh, finding his friends taken aback expression much funnier than he probably should have. "We're going out next week."

"Okay, you're going out. But you didn't actually ask her to be your girlfriend?" Lucas asked in a tone which Aaron couldn't really detect what he was implying.

"I mean..." Aaron trailed off, thinking back to his last conversation with the girl just before she had left to go with Dustin and Erica, they had spoken about it but Aaron hadn't actually asked her to be his girlfriend, no. "Technically, no. "

"Why not?" Lucas exclaimed, clearly somewhat disappointed in his friend. "She obviously likes you enough to go out with you so why didn't you ask her right then?"

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