74. Confrontations

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Kimmy folded her arms over her chest as she not so patiently waited for Aaron to open the front door to his house after ringing the doorbell.

She had been waiting for the boy to arrive for a few moments, Aaron taking much longer than he usually would, the girl sighing as she kicked small rocks that were resting on the steps she was on.

Just over a week had passed since Aaron had came to Kimmy asking for advice on what he was supposed to do regarding his situation with his family.

Kimmy hadn't wanted to put any sort of wedge between Aaron and Steve, however she would be lying if she would have said she wasn't annoyed in regard to what Aaron had told her.

She wasn't just annoyed; she was completely pissed off.

Kimmy knew that Steve could have an effect on his younger brother that not much others did, the brunette under the impression that this wasn't something the older boy was unaware of.

The fact Aaron was being ignored so drastically really irked her. What irked her even more was the fact that Aaron was actually considering apologising just so that it could be done with. So that Steve would talk to him.

In her opinion, Aaron didn't deserve to be treated in such a way, and it really bothered her that he was put into circumstances where he felt like he wasn't enough.

She knew that it probably wasn't best to show her distaste for the situation, knowing that it would probably stress the boy out more.

Kimmy suddenly flinched and her eyes widened slightly at the sound of abrupt yelling coming from the house, the girl straining to hear the muffled voices.

From what she could tell Aaron was definitely one of those yelling, the other voice much more rough and scratchy than the blond, most likely his father.

Kimmy felt bad listening in on what was happening, but the abrupt panic within her got the best of the girl. Fearing something would go wrong and end like it usually did when an argument broke out in her house.

Suddenly the sound of a door slamming rang loudly in Kimmy's ears, the force of the door closing must have been rather strong for Kimmy to have heard it so loudly from outside. And that worried her.

There was then silence, a silence so loud that Kimmy could practically hear herself breathing. She then heard the light sound of footsteps and the girl immediately rushed to move away from the door, trying to make it look like she hadn't heard anything.

Kimmy forced a smile onto her face when Aaron opened the front door, however the boy had not even tried to smile or say hello to the girl.

Instead he simply left the house and gently closed the door behind him, grabbing Kimmy's hand and pulling her along hastily.

The girl felt her smile drop and her brows furrow in confusion, the boy tugging her along as he walked much faster than usual.

"Sorry about that." Aaron murmured after a moment, not even trying to hide his embarrassed tone.

"What?" Kimmy obliviously asked, his words taking her by surprise.

"That." Aaron repeated in an awkward tone, gripping her hand tighter as he frowned, not once looking away from the sidewalk the two were walking along. "I know you heard."

Kimmy pursed her lips in thought, not sure what to say in response. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable but at the same time, she wanted to comfort and reassure him.

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