Connor Victorson (The Convict)

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This one is somewhat inspired by Pacewon's "Won (Part 2)"

Connor will make you implode like the Titan submarine, he's so evil he'll shove marines and snub the Queen all because he loves the green

Victorson's impact shows on Richter Scales, in any sort of fight, the convict prevails he could certainly kick your ass in one hit ya frail

He's infectious like an earworm, he'll burn you quicker than beer burns when your family see you next, they'll only see an urn, he'll have you wishing you could go back and be a sperm, he's got you fearing him like a germaphobe fears germs

The light on his spy device is glistening, he decides to listen in, it seems his target is visiting a christening

Everyone claims to spit the best until their head hits the desk and the impact splits their neck, his way with words makes scenes vivid and picturesque

Sort of spasmed when writing rhymes but every time the pen twitched the lyrics became enriched they started off light but then switched, your rhymes are just whack shit a group of old men pitched or if you used computers, I guarantee that ten glitched

You're fucking with the wrong prick, you can't constrict the conflict, Connor Victorson the convict could wipe you out with one click of his fingers, then fry you in a nonstick pan until your blood has gone thick

He's inbound for the impound, the grim sound coming from the bin wound up leaving him found, they locked him in the cells and took away his tin crown, now he awaits his demise by having all his limbs ground for letting his Sims drowned

Crush every vertebrae, couldn't think of a worser way to hurt ya prey, he's on the straight and narrow now so his inertia stays

Don't mess with the monster who hides under beds, conjures dread, stuns the feds, won the bread and then attacked the dunderheads, guns the speds and leaves nuns for dead

Connor Victorson the convict says "blonder chicks are dumb" rhymes made to punish you like when a momma hits her son, none are bigger scum than a suicide bomber with a gun

The cobra sign on his jacket attracted this girl who's so divine her looks were over nine, he made her toe the line and hypnotised her with his sober rhymes

Connor will leave you a goner, invert you like a comma then slice you up like doner

You wanted a rapper, you've gotten an incredible dude, your style is rotten like inedible food, he's plottin' an inevitable feud, sign the contract at the bottom signature illegibly skewed

Humour void humanoid computer droid whoes rhymes quell the brain like tumour 'roids whilst still leaving you annoyed

King of vaudeville with impressive vocal chord skills committing fraud still, knowing a druggie horde will pay extra for correctly stored pills, his overlord kills a couple of bored MILFs

You'll get jabbed like a rabies shot and rocked like a babies cot if you want to remain conscious, You better pray he stops, He saw this girl and thought "Damn that ladies hot", then he saw her nose leaking crazy snot and thought "then again, maybe not"

He's gambling that you let the vandal in, when he grabs you, don't question the handling, looks like you're the one his murderous hands killing, he's got your glands filling with ample things that he found some chemist sampling, throw your body to the floor and start trampling, write your family a note rambling in Mandarin, he also left a recording of him playing his mandolin

A giant like André shooting beams of terror, one wave concaves your mom's grave. Trons glaze at prom raves whilst vom sprays from baes mouth after eating flambé
entrées from the wrong tray

Rarely seen recluse thought you saw him hanging from a noose but that was just a ruse, he floats like a cruise able to reduce your body to the consistency of strawberry mousse when he gets loose, what sort of response can you produce? I haven't any clues, all I know is that you best pay him his dues before he chases you like a wild goose and blends you into juice, either that or he'll stomp you with spiked shoes, leave you in a room full of dynamite and light the fuse, he'll let you choose

Beware the villain who'll leave a butchers store barren then pour gallons of raw salmon and boar gammon into four cannons then orgasm as he blasts them at your salon whilst you get a manicure Karen

Legion of Doom, crashed a wedding and started beatin' the groom whilst eatin' a shroom, then beat up the bridesmaids before leavin' the room as for the bride, you'll be grievin' her soon

Fuck with your head, you'll be needing Adderall, you best give your ass a haul, if you mess with him, he'll cut you into casserole

Wrestle your daughter, crush her bones like a pestle and mortar, fill her blood vessels with water then nessel reporters into desolate authors

He's a barbaric Spartan in tartan unhinged like Tarzan and he just escaped Arkham

Time traveled from the turn of the millennium, here to reclaim the game, from these lunatic mumblers who only rap about fame and cocaine

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