Five Years...

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This one is based on true events and is inspired by Eminem's "Leaving Heaven"

It's been five years since it happened and I still sometimes struggle to survive here, I've got to admit, some nights I cry tears, my fear is that he lies near

I still sometimes see him out and about, try acting like it's nowt but then the doubt begins to sprout, I feel like I could shout but I try not to, instead I try navigate a new route

I still think about that poor kid, his brother left a comment on one of your vids, I saw it, should have listened to the warning but chose to ignore it, instead, I had your back because that's what brothers do, told him he must be mistaken and even gave you some plaudits, confronted you about it, you told me it was "pure shit", I believed you too until you made me touch your d....

Don't need the details that I wish to keep confidential like Emails, only thing you need to know is that it caused my life to derail, made my parents think "we failed" and dealing with the situation both physically and mentally made me frail, sometimes I just want to curl up in my shell like a sea snail

What you did to me was just about dangerous but to do the same to young children too is just outrageous!

What you did almost ruined me, interrupted my life's fluency, you left a void in my life like you were playing truancy although your actions gave me fuel like quite a few MCs

And although I have people who saw the void and tried to fill it, because of you, my life from time to time is still shit, but you ain't getting away, I'ma grill you like a fillet then finish you in a skillet

Google spastic and you'll see a picture of yourself but there's more to unpack here than just poor health, you never saw this coming because of my pure stealth

But now I'm springing at you and I'm bringing a few

Disses, you don't deserve no hugs or kisses, I hope one day a group of thugs kill your missus

Or maybe she should get breast cancer, I have a thousand questions for you that you best answer

Like why'd you do it? Why'd you put me through shit? Why'd you try cloak it like a Druid? Do you think I'm stupid? Did you think you were Cupid? Are you off to violate a new kid? Why shouldn't I give you one final view wit' horrendous scenery whilst I drain your spinal fluids?

Crap are the memories but raps are the remedies and now I'm here to bury you like I work at the cemeteries

There's no hyperbolics when I say I hope a pack of wolves bite ya bollocks

Well if it isn't Mister Creepy Pig living up to the nickname and prying on sleepy kids

I was always told that at school you were a loner, probably because anyone you saw gave you a boner, seen as though you're his dumb simp son, dad should have named you Homer, I hope you wind up in a coma or get smacked up by a stoner or become an organ donor or die of fucking Corona, this is just the beginning, it's far from over

Wise guys like me are normally able to smell moles but not when they have a fake guise that takes you by surprise as they burrow out of Hell holes and when the bell tolls hopefully they tell Joel that you're the demon to whom people sell souls

You're just a no good ginger kiddy pincher, I'm here to light the fire that'll hopefully singe ya

Thoughts of the past still sting like nettles, I couldn't stand to see you again with your dry skin and your ugly freckles

How could you possibly think of doing shit like that to your bro? Am I going too hard on you? Of course no! If I see you again I'll put a gaping hole as wide as your jaw go straight into your torso

I rose to the top like a dead fish, a part of me died inside but now I'm on top spitting these rhymes that I scramble your head with

No amount of rhymes could ever make things better however I hope you are hurt by each and every letter

Still, I've never let it define me, even if the universe had me down on my knees like "blimey! This abuse is untimely! Why are you making me feel so tiny? And why are you kicking my heinie but not that of a slimy, grimy thug on a crime spree, slyly robbing shit that's shiny?, Shit, I don't mean to sound whiny, but I can't stand that my world is as spiny as the leaves of a pine tree!"

Sorry for the jokes, I'm just tryna lighten the mood, I don't want to frighten the dudes or even heighten the feud

I'm grateful for Julian, I truly am, the old me who began the sessions with him couldn't see he was acting like a hooligan but the new me can

So five years later, I acknowledge these things are sent to break ya, leave you hollow as a crater, slice through you like a sabre and leave you torn up like paper, it's never easy dealing with traitors but hip-hop has been my saviour, ever since I've started it I've felt a lot braver, in a strange way it's almost like you did me a favour, I've made a lot of progress and my life's never been greater

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