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Change. Most people welcome it, most people are scared of it. Me? Well, I'm a bit of both. I don't see things in only black and white like everyone else I know, but instead I think things through, draw things out, and try my best to see the better side of people even if they're at their worst. That's the things about me. I care too much. I put myself out there for people to walk all over, and sometimes I get hurt. We all have our friends, but some of us have our enemies. Just like I see all the shades of grey in between, I have friends and enemies. My enemies don't have to be people. They can be a thought, or an action or hell, even an emotion. I know I need to defeat or even befriend these things that jump out at me - whether it be love, religion, what's right and what's wrong... but in order to do that I have to know what I'm up against, if I can cross that bridge or not. Love is a difficult thing to cope with; not just anyone can handle it. Doing the right thing is hard as well, because who knows what the right thing actually is? Because if your enemy believes they're doing the right thing, then, do you really know your enemy?

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