Part 8

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Screams broke out all across the club and my eyes struggled to focus in the darkness, but all I could see were figured beginning to mosh. They were jumping, running, screaming. Panic settled in my chest, I was about to run out of the club when I thought I saw someone get onto the stage in front of me. Oh god... please don't stage dive... I'm not ready! In the midst of my panicking, I heard the speakers and amps turn on.
"Hey... what's up?!" Someone shouted over the microphone. It was Billie! Oh thank god.
"How's everyone doing tonight, huh?!" Mike followed. Everyone screamed, and then the lights turned on, and the boys started their show.


The first song flew by, it was called "Why Do You Want Him?" and it was so freakin catchy. The next few songs went just as fast, and the crowd just got crazier. I found myself jumping along to the music, helping people crowd surf, and just watching Billie go crazy on his guitar. This was honestly going to be the best night of my life.
When the show ended, everyone started to clear out of the building. I was absolutely drenched in sweat, and my adrenaline was still pumping through my veins as all of the lights were turned back on. I began to follow the crowd through the front door, when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around, ready to hit someone, or scream, or fight... I'm sure I'm only like this because of the adrenaline, but when I did turn around, it was Billie. I smiled, and he did too. He let go of my arm, took my hand instead, and led me to the back, and out the door. The parking lot we were standing in earlier was filled with people, and someone had also built a fire pit. Grasping Billie's hand, he led me directly to Mike, Tre, and a few other people; I had no idea who they were. There were three guys, older than me, maybe mid 20's, and two girls of the same age. One of the guys handed Billie a beer, and Billie introduced me.
"Scarlett," he said, pointing to the guy, "this is James, one of the first guys I met here. Plus he buys my beer. Then there's Alex, his brother, and Sam, his sister." The two smiled at me, and I shook Sam's hand.
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Scarlett." I smiled. The two people Billie hadn't named were still standing in the group with us, and I looked to Billie for an explanation.
"Oh yeah, fuck." He said. "This is Charlie and Rose, they uh... supply us with... uh..."
"They sell us our weed." Mike said, surprising me, by putting his arm around me.
"You smoke weed?" I asked Billie. James laughed.
"Of course he does, they don't call him Two Dollar Bill for nothin!" He laughed again, and Billie's face turned a little pink. Charlie and Rose walked away from the fire pit, and Sam motioned me to her side.
She said to me quietly, "Billie sells joints around the school and behind Gilman for two bucks, he buys from others, smokes half and sells half. Pretty smart move in my opinion."
I was taken aback. I walked back over to Billie's side.
"I can't believe I didn't know you smoked weed!" I exclaimed. He chuckled.
"What? And you haven't?" He said with laughter in his eyes. I kinda just looked at him.
"Oh my god, you really haven't!" He said.
"Why are you so surprised? Have you seen my parents?" I asked him.
"Well, yeah! But I thought a girl like you, who wasn't like her family, yknow, liked to break the rules, but I guess I'm wrong." He said, acting all smug.
"What makes you think I won't break the rules?" I said to him, flirty as frick.
His eyes widened, and he reached in his pocket, and pulled out a cigarette, which probably wasn't any normal cigarette.
"Prove it," He said, just as flirty. "Smoke this with me, and I'll believe you." He smiled. I bit my lip.
"Deal." I confirmed, still smiling. Billie took my hand again, and led me to the side of the building, where there weren't many people. He stood me against the wall, and reached into his pocket once again for his lighter. He handed it to me, and put the cigarette to his mouth, and I lit it. Billie then inhaled, held in the smoke, and then exhaled a bitter, but also kind of appealing smelling smoke. He took the joint from his mouth,
"Now, you try. When you're inhaling, try to hold it in your lungs, and then let it out. You're gonna cough a bit, but you know what they say, you gotta cough to get off!" He smiled.
I took the joint. I don't know exactly what I was thinking when I said I'd do this, but it was crazy. It was wrong. Gah, fuck it. It was exciting, exhilarating. There was so much adrenaline pumping in my system that I forgot about everything, and I put my lips around he joint and did as Billie said. I squeezed my eyes as I held in the smoke. I don't know why I did, it just helped. I let the smoke enter my lungs and then I exhaled... sorta. I started coughing. Coughing embarrassingly loud. Kinda like when you're in school and you're taking a test and you get a piece of dust in your throat or something and you just start coughing like crazy.
Billie, patted me on the back, laughing, and taking the joint from my hands. My eyes were watering, and I tried to get a hold of myself before my makeup started to run. When there was a pause in my coughing, I took a deep breath, and whimpered,
"That wasn't too bad."
Billie took another effortless hit, and as he did, he became even more attractive to me. He passed the joint to me, and I tried another puff, and I still coughed, but not as much.
I looked at Billie, and he was looking at me - just... smiling.
I took a step closer to him.
"Told you I would do it." I said.
"You did!" He exclaimed, starting to laugh. And then, I started to laugh. I don't really know why, but I REALLY started laughing. I was laughing because Billie was laughing, and my brain felt kinda fuzzy, but like, perfect at the same time. It's hard to explain the feeling I got, but when I was looking at Billie, it was like I was seeing another angle of him that I'd never seen before. He was relaxed. Extremely beautiful. I wanted to try something...
When we stopped laughing, I looked into his eyes, and I got a little closer. He got even more closer to me, and then touched his thumb to my cheek, and down to my chin. He slowly tilted my lips to his, and then closed the space. I felt literal fireworks go off in my stomach. Billie Joe was kissing me. I was high (I think) and Billie Joe was kissing me.
When he pulled away, I sighed. He smiled at me. "...Wow..." was all he said, and then his lips were on mine once again. This time, the kiss got a little more erratic, and he left my lips, trailing down my neck, and kissed my collarbone, and then back. My fingers were tangled in his hair, and I kissed him with everything I had. God, he was good. Honestly, I could've made out with him all night long, but all of that changed, when the cops showed up.

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