Part 1

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First day of school, and the only thing I've done so far is ride the bus... and get balls of crumpled up paper tossed at me by a few dudes in leather with piercings. Not exactly how I expected it to go but you don't always get what you ask for. When we finally did pull up to the school I couldn't wait to get off of that bus. I walked directly into the building, picked up a map, and headed to my assigned locker. The whole school smelled brand new, but not at the same time... if that makes sense. It made my stomach turn. As I was packing my books and binders into my locker, I tried not to make any eye contact with anyone that didn't seem like the friendly type, which was basically the whole school. I shoved the last spiral into my locker and closed the door, and when I looked up, I ran into someone at the locker right to the left of mine. My pens and paper I carried with me flew everywhere, and I felt something wet between the person and I. I noticed I had run into a guy. He was taller than me, about two inches, and he had black hair and a huge stain on his shirt, which was my fault. It smelled like cranberry juice, and something else I wasn't quite sure of. I quickly began my apology speech.
"I'm so sorry! This was a total accident, I promise! I was just nervous and I only want to make friends here not enemies - I'm so so-"
"Hey, it's all good." He cut me off, in a chill voice. "I've got a back up plan."
He pulled the sides of his flannel shirt over the stained part of his white t-shirt and buttoned it up. He shrugged.
"See? No big deal." He smiled. I could feel my cheeks blushing, and I looked down at my shoes, still feeling bad.
"I'm sorry." I said again.
"It's fine," he said once again. "What's your name?"
This boy seemed a bit... different, he was nice.
"Scarlett Black." I said carefully.
"Sweet, can I call you Scar? It sounds cool." He said. "And uh, I'm Billie Joe Armstrong, or just Billie Joe, whichever."
"Uhm..." I muttered sheepishly as the bell for first period rang.
He chuckled. "See you around, Scar." He straightened his shirt, handed me a couple of my papers, and walked away. I was taken aback by his smoothness.
"Oh, okay..." I muttered under my breath, and headed to my class. Wow... my first day, and I've already messed up, been forgiven, and met a guy that would surely get me in trouble, all in the course of ten minutes.

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