Part 22

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"What is the place?" I ask Billie as he goes to the back of his car to get something.
"A place I like to go when I want to be alone, with no one to bother me. Here, take this," he hands me a blanket, and I take it, even though I still didn't know what he had planned.
He pulled his acoustic guitar out of the back of the car, and then led me around the back of the building. It was dark, and the only light to support us was the orange colored street light on the corner of the lot.
It was peaceful at this time of night. There were no cars on the streets, and the moon was out. It was quiet. A calming kind of quiet, with just the crickets making their chirping sounds.
Billie and I rounded the corner of the building, and he set down his guitar.
He grasped the handle of an old rusty door, and yanked. It slid open, making a creaky noise, and he picked up his guitar.
"Cmon," he said, a smile in his voice.
I stepped through the doorway and he slid it shut behind me. It was completely dark, the only light being the street light shining through the dusty windows.
We walked to the very back of the building where there was an old couch. I stood in front of Billie as he set his guitar down and jumped on it, getting in a comfortable position.
I sat next to him and leaned my head against his shoulder. He put his arm around me, and inhaled deeply.
"You know..." I started, "I never told you thank you."
"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.
"For letting me live with you. I kinda just showed up out of nowhere, a huge crying mess, and you took me in. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me for anything." He said, "How could I just let you roam the streets? That'd be real shitty to do to the girl I loved."
"But, you didn't love me then like you do now..."
"Scar, I've loved you since the day you ran into me and I spilled my alcoholic cranberry juice all over myself." He laughed.
I looked up at him. "Serious?"
"Serious." He confirmed, and moved his arm from its place around my shoulder, and reached for his guitar. I scooted over to the right a bit, to give him room to do whatever he was about to do. I sat cross legged, my back against the arm of the old couch, and he started to strum the chords on his guitar.
He tuned it up, then played a small riff, smiling.
"Testing, testing..." he chuckled, noticing me eyeing him.
He started to play a soft tune. I closed my eyes, taking in the beautiful hum of the acoustic melody.
Billie surprised me, when he began to sing.
"With every breath that I'm worth here on Earth
I'm sending all my love to you
So if you dare to second guess you can rest assured
That all my love's for you,"
Tears began to well up in my eyes. The little tunes he's been humming since the first week I met him, were an exact match to what he played in front of me. My head began to bob to the rhythm of the guitar.
Billie looked up at me, still playing,
"My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles 'til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you..."
Billie strummed the last chord of the song, and began talking.
"It's not finished yet. I wanted to show you when it was finished but I couldn't wait."
"It's incredible." I spoke around tears.
"You really like it?"
I nodded. He smiled, "God what a relief." He chuckled.
Billie set down his guitar and reached into his pocket, pulling out a little baggie. I had gotten used to seeing these things. It was definitely weed.
He rolled a small amount of the bitter, yet sweet smelling herb into a piece of paper, and put it in front of my face. I took the joint with my teeth, and he lit it for me. I inhaled as he rolled his own. I lit it for him, still holding in the smoke.
I had really gotten better from the first time I'd smoked weed with Billie. I didn't even cough this time.
"So... Billie exhaled, smoke coming out of both his nose and lips, "Mike graduates... then we leave. Are you ready?" He asked, a bit nervously.
To be completely honest, I was nervous. I had never gone outside of Berkeley, rather than outside the whole state of California. To think we were headed to Reno... Vegas... maybe even the Great Lakes... it boggled my mind.
"I'm excited." I said, taking another drag.
"That's good," Billie smiled, finishing his joint, flicking the bud behind the couch.
He scooted closer to me. He reached his hand up to my my hair, and twirled a piece around his finger.
"I think I'm gonna go blonde." I stated bluntly, not really hearing what I was saying.
"You've told me." He smiled.
"I know," I blushed, and took one final drag from my joint, and then flicked it behind the couch, just as Billie did. "But I'm thinking I should do it tomorrow. We can both do it, yknow?"
His eyes met mine. "Sure, Scar." He chuckled.
His hand moved up to my cheek, and he pulled me even closer to him. Our lips touched, he kissed me softly, passionately.
I grasped the hem of his shirt, and lifted it up. We broke the kiss for only a second as he slid his shirt over his head, then his lips met my neck, just under my jawline. I sunk against the arm of the couch, laying on my back.
Billie trailed kissed up and down my neck, and lifted my shirt off of my body.
This would be the first time after my crash that we'd be this close. I had scars. After I was released from the hospital, I started to actually notice all of the little cuts on my body that weren't deep enough for stitches, but deep enough to leave a piece of remembrance.
I had one scar across my chest, on my left collarbone, only about three and a half inches long. I had multiple on my legs and arms, considering they were bare that night. And then I had the huge scar on the back of my shoulder blade that required stitches. I got my stitches out about two weeks ago, but it was still a little sore.
Billie reached behind me, and unclasped my bra, kissing down my neck, and passes my chest. He kissed my stomach, and then back up to my lips once again.
Scar was my now beginning to fall asleep. So many things crossed my mind. Mike graduating, going on the road, money, a place to sleep, food to eat... if we we're going to do this, we had to have some kind of plan... right?
I mean, sleeping in warehouses like this one isn't bad... but if you're in the Midwest in the winter...
And then there was the driving. I mean, I knew we'd take shifts, but we still need places to sleep in case we can't find a house. We have room in the back of the van for the guitars and shit... but...
I cleared my mind. At this rate, I wasn't going to sleep until we actually left on Sunday. I tried to close my eyes... I focused on Scar's breathing. It was soft, rhythmic. I tried to match mine to hers, and fell asleep almost instantly. Fuck, I really love her.

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