Part 12

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The next week was hard. I was still grounded, and forbidden to see or talk to Billie Joe, Mike, or Tre. But I still talked to and hung out with them at school. That was different, my mother didn't know about that. She also didn't know that for the past two weeks, Ive been sneaking out of the house at around 2 every night, to see Billie Joe. It wasn't like we were having sex or anything... We both haven't gotten there yet. Mainly we just made out.
Last night Billie invited me to another one of his shows back at Gilman, later in the night. The band's performance itself didn't start until around 11, but my parents would still probably be awake. Which was fine, because I already had a plan. Earlier in the week I had met a girl at school who was friends with Billie Joe. Her name was Blake. It wasn't like we were best friends or anything, plus, she had a thing for Mike. Anyway, we had worked out that if we ever were in trouble, we could use each other as back up, meaning she would be my excuse to go with Billie to the show tonight. Basically, Blake would pick me up tonight and then we'd go to the show together, but tell our parents we were sleeping over at each other's houses. Simple, but effective, I hope. My parents met Blake last week, before we went to "study". Blake was really loyal, and I just hoped things wouldn't go sour between her and Mike anytime soon.


Tonight I had dinner with my family, everything simmered down, and my mom had un-grounded me. When I got ready to go to the show, everything was perfect. I brought my makeup in a bag with some clothes that I would be changing into when Blake and I got to Billie's and I packed some extra money my dad had given me in my wallet. I remembered the last show, how perfect, and nearly magical it was. I haven't smoked weed since that night, but tonight, I would be ready - for anything. When Blake knocked on my front door, my dad answered, and let her in. Blake was a very good communicator, and could easily handle my parents and go along with anything I might've told them, so when I got downstairs, my mom and dad were happily laughing with Blake at the front door. I said goodbye to my parents and shut the door behind me.
"Oh my gosh, Scar," Blake started. Everyone called me Scar now, because of Billie. "They totally bought it! I think this might actually work!"
"I freakin hope so!" I said, enthused.
Blake and I loaded into her car, and we drove to Billie's.
On the way we were nearly hit by that damn train again. We had just crossed the tracks and not a second later the thing came barreling around the corner.
"Holy shit we almost died!!" Blake exclaimed. I was grabbing at my heart, speechless.
"Oh my fuck..." I panted as we pulled into Billie's driveway, where he was standing with Mike, loading equipment into a van. The second Blake put the car in park, she jumped out and ran over to Mike, pulling him away from the van, and started to make out with him. I got out of the car and walked over to Billie, who was smiling like crazy. I smiled back.
"It's good to see that Mike has someone. He's never really had a real girlfriend. This is good for him." Billie said, then turning to look at me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he leaned down to kiss me. And we did just that, until Tre pulled up.
"Hey you horny fuckers! Let's get this shit together and get to Berkeley!" He exclaimed, and we all helped load his kit into the van, then we took off.


The show that night was simply incredible, as always. Billie had written a few new songs, and everyone in the crowd went wild, including Blake and I. After the show ended, we all smoked a little weed. I had gotten better at it, considering I only coughed a little bit on the first hit. Billie was impressed. Tre drove on the way home, dropping us off at Billie's, and then going back to his house, with a girl he picked up at the show. Tre was crazy, but he was also charming.
Blake, Billie, Mike, and I all walked into Billie's house. We said hi to Billie's mom, Ollie, who was cool as fuck, and then we all headed to Billie's room. We rounded the last corner in the hallway until Billie said goodnight to Mike. Blake and Mike headed down the staircase to the left, leading to the basement, while Billie and I walked into his room to the right, alone. When I walked in, I noticed there was only one queen bed in the room, and all of Mike's stuff was missing.
"Mike moved down into the basement," Billie informed, noticing my curiosity. "He likes it down there, he can play his bass really loud and no one can hear." Billie laughed.
"Yeah, his own personal man cave." I acknowledged, sitting on the end of Billie's bed. He came and sat next to me. I laid down on my back, my feet dangling over the edge of the bed. Billie followed. I rolled over to face him,vand he did the same. I started to giggle. Here we were, playing this game of copy cat, and just relaxing. Something we both hadn't done in a while. As I laughed, a strand of hair fell in front of my eyes. Billie reached out, and tucked it behind my ear, his hand lingering on my cheek.
He started to get closer, and then his lips were on mine once again. We laid there, gently kissing, and then he rolled on top of me, kissing my lips, my neck, my collarbone, my chest. He lifted my shirt off of me, leaving me only in my bra and jeans. He pulled his shirt off, without skipping a beat, and continued to kiss me. I felt very comforted, sheltered; somehow I felt I wanted to take control. I rolled on top of Billie.
"Whoa..." he said, surprised. "Where did that come from?" He laughed.
"I don't know," I said, laughing too, now embarrassed. Billie Joe sat up, pulling my legs around him, and kissed me again. He pushed me back, and I started to unbutton my pants, he did the same. I went to kiss him again, but then he stopped me.
"Whoa, wait a sec," he said, and we just sat there, for a few seconds. We didn't say anything; we didn't have to.
"God, you're so beautiful." Billie finay said. And pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that for a while, just... breathing. We were both so relaxed, I couldn't tell if it was the weed, or... or how much we were both in love with each other. Then he started to undo the clasp on my bra, but stopped.
"Scar?" He asked. I looked into his eyes, he was worried. "Are you ready? For this? If you don't want to go this far, we can stop right here and -"
"Shhhhh..." I interrupted, and then kissed him lightly. "I want this, I'm ready."
He kissed me once more.
"Scarlett, I love you. I really fucking love you." I smiled, tears welling up in my eyes. "No no no... don't cry!" He said, wiping the one tear that rolled down my cheek.
"I'm just so happy," I said. "I love you too Billie Joe, so fucking much."
And with that, Billie Joe and I did what I will never, ever forget. It was exactly how I'd dreamed of, and laying in bed with him that night, I knew there was nothing that would ever hurt us.
Little did I know then, that all of hat would change, just three short months later.

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