Part 19

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I went to her house not knowing what to expect. Truthfully, I wasn't really thinking. I was too pissed. And shit - I had a lot to say.
I parked my car in the driveway in front of the closed garage door. I took a deep breath, and stepped out. I had sorta come up with this plan to try to be as nice as I can. Maybe her mom would listen if I didn't act like I hated her guts; but I did. I really did. I walked up the front porch steps, and knocked on the door. It took a moment or two, but then heard footsteps, and as soon as the doorknob turned, my stomach dropped into my knees. Scar's mom opened the door, I was frozen. She stood just as still.
Finally, I smiled.
"Can we talk?" I asked, overly nice.
"Uhm, sure." She muttered, opening the door wider so I could walk in passed her. She closed the door behind me, and motioned me to the living room to talk. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost six.
"What a nice home you have." I complimented, taking notice of all the expensive shit hanging on the walls, sitting on the shelves. Hell, I bet the pillow I just sat on cost about a hundred bucks. I didn't care. Scar's mom only smiled.
"So, how has life been?" I asked casually.
"I know you didn't come here to make small talk." She spat.
"Actually no. I didn't come here for that."
She sneered. I continued.
"Your daughter is sick. She's in the hospital right now with a broken arm and a nearly broken wrist. She's running a fever and taking meds like nobody's business. You're sitting your ass, not giving a shit - or acting like it - by the way, I saw your husband at the hospital. How's he? Okay? Knowing his little girl almost died?" It all came out so fast.
"Get out of my fucking house." Her mother didn't even look at me. I'd blown it. But I didn't care. I was too upset to try to fix it. It was stupid to come here in the first place.
"Yeah, sure! My pleasure! Act like you didn't raise a daughter! Because you know what? You didn't. She is kind, she has morals. She raised herself to be the way she is. And if you can accept the fact that she will never, ever be like you, then you need to rethink your life, because you are, and will always be her one true enemy." I finished, got up, left. I got in my car and headed back to the hospital. I pulled over at the 7-11 on the way. I broke down. I'm not entirely sure. But I mean, how can a parent just abandon their child? Leave them to grow up on their own without an authority figure? How could he leave? Didn't he know I needed him?!
I sat on that curb by the 7-11 for about thirty minutes. I finally stood up to leave, still enraged. Still emotional.
I drove back to the hospital in silence. I couldn't listen to the radio. I couldn't stop thinking about Scar. Her whole life she was led to believe that certain things were wrong. That having a boyfriend or going to a simple show was wrong. Even now, while Scar is completely away from that evil bitch, she still has attacks. She still thinks that if she goes to a show, or out on a walk at night, or if even if she kisses me...  her mother will come to find her, and punish her.
And if that's not fucked... then I don't know what is. But the catch is, she doesn't tell me these things. I see it when I'm playing at the show, when we're out on walks, when she kisses me. She gets a look in her eyes that is cold fear. She gets up in the middle of the night almost every night. I don't know if it's guilt... or something deeper. I'm starting to worry about her.
I made a stop at my house to pick up some weed. Mike was there and I smoked with him.
The whole thing was quiet. We both sat in silence for about ten minutes, until Mike spoke.
"Billie, where did you go? You were at the hospital, but then you left..." he said carefully.
"I..." I had to push the words out of me.
"Scar's dad came to the hospital. I went over to their house and spoke with her mother." I stared at the ground, and put my mouth around the joint, inhaling.
"Oh... shit. What happened?" Mike asked.
"Nothing." I looked at him, exhaling.
"Not a fuckin thing."



My back hurts. My legs hurt, my arms, my neck, my mind. I grabbed the pills Nurse Jane had left at my bedside for me to take, and downed them with one gulp of water. I relaxed for a few seconds, to let the pills work their magic. In a few seconds, all of my pain was gone.
The nurse told me Billie came back at around midnight last night. It was good that he returned, but... where did he go? She said when he left he was obviously pissed, but when he came back he was all lit up. Definitely stoned. She promised not to tell.
I had nightmares all night. These big fires were chasing me, burning everything in their path. There were people yelling at me in all different directions. Some were violent, some were distressed. I heard voices of my mother, my father, Billie... various people screaming in my ears.
I woke up this morning, trembling. Billie hadn't been in my room all morning, the nurse said he was sleeping in the lobby. I wanted to get up to see him, but mainly, I just wanted to get up. I wanted to be able to do it on my own.
I pushed down the guard rail on the bed, and started to swing my huge casted leg across the bed. I grabbed one of my crutches, and my IV/morphine stand. I sat on the bed with my legs dangling. I looked at my broken bone. Doctor Brad said I would be able to wear a soft boot cast, that I could take on and off, instead of a hard cast in about a month or so, depending on how my bone is healing.
I sighed a huge, depressed sigh and hoisted myself up on the crutch, clicking the morphine button. I could feel it rush through my veins. Liquid comfort.
I had gotten pretty used to the nauseous effect it had when I stood, so I wasn't as sick to my stomach when I was actually up. I took a step with my crutch, and pulled my IV bag, then a step, a pull.
I walked through the hallways of the hospital, feeling proud of myself for being able to walk on my own. Plus, my leg didn't even hurt. Nothing hurt. It's amazing what all those little pills can do for pain. Mental and physical.
I rounded the last corner and stepped into the lobby. Billie was definitely asleep. He was sitting in the chair with his head slumped over, and his mouth wide open. Mike was right next to him, looking at a tabloid magazine. Ollie and Blake were on the other side of Billie, both asleep as well.
Mike looked up, his eyes wide. We made eye contact and he smiled. He threw the magazine down, waking Billie from his sleep, and he walked over to me.
"Oh my god Scar, you're walking! She's walking!!" Mike yelled in the lobby.
"Shhhh, Mike! Yeah! I'm walking!" I smiled. It may have looked really stupid, but to me, being able to do just this one thing on my own felt amazing. I felt strong. I felt together.
Billie came over to me, and hugged me so gently that if he were to hug me too hard, I'd break. I wrapped my good arm around him, and started to cry. At this point, I didn't care where he went or what he did. I just knew that this was the most amazing feeling, right here, right now.
I opened my eyes, still holding on to Billie, when I saw my worst nightmare standing in the doorway of the lobby, a frown on her face. I tensed and I could feel my eyes widen, my heart race.
Why was it, that when something good happened to me everything comes crashing down?
And that - is exactly what happened.

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