Part 15

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For the next two months, life at the Armstrong's was pretty amazing. I hadn't heard from my mother at all, but I had a job working at the local diner, and saved up a good amount of money. I had Thanksgiving with Billie Joe, Mike, Tre, and all of Billie's family, including his older siblings. Anna, Billie's sister had awesome music taste, and that's all we talked about. Christmas had come and gone, Billie, Mike, and Tre had gotten me a gift. A really, really good gift. My own guitar. I had begun to take an interest in their instruments, but found myself favoriting the guitar. I was so fascinated by the way Billie's fingers but the right chords, and plucked the right strings. He made it look easy. He had taught me basics, the three simple rock chords, A, C, and D. He showed me where to put my hands, how to hold the thing. I had gotten pretty good. When the time finally came, the guys presented my gift to me. It was black. It was a Fender Strat. The guys had bought it for $190, it was in pretty rough shape, but they all worked about a week on it. I was ecstatic.
In return, I had gotten all three of the guys, and myself tickets to see ACDC at the Oakland Oracle Arena this spring. They were floor tickets, but I got them super cheap. Only about thirty bucks; I had come to know someone from Gilman that scaffolded tickets and sold them cheap. The guys were stoked. Individually, I got Tre new drums sticks, and Mike new strings for his bass. For Billie, I got a leather stringed necklace, with a pure silver guitar pick attached to it. He loved it. I loved him.
Now, a month later, it's February 17th, Billie's birthday. He's 18 now, while I'm still 17.
We were going to celebrate at Gilman tonight, with all of his friends, now my friends. It should be a fun night.


"Hey scar? You ready?" Billie popped his head into the bathroom. He was obviously excited.
"Yeah! Just one sec!" I replied, straightening the last bit of my blonde hair. My mother never liked my hair straight.
Tonight, I was wearing a red flannel shirt, jean shorts, and black combat boots. Even though it was February, and still a little chilly, I didn't care, I looked rad. I even did my makeup with full eyeliner, mascara, and even bit of eyeshadow. I ran into the living room, and Billie was waiting by the door.
"Be careful Billie, and watch those damned train tracks, they can trip you up sometimes. Take care of Scar, and be home by-"
"Two, I know Ma," Billie said, smiling at his mother. She straightened his hair, and he took my hand.
"I'll see you at two, Ollie! Don't worry, I'll get him home safe." We both laughed together, and then Billie and I walked out the door, and got into his car.
"So, are you excited?" I asked Billie. "Turning 18 is a pretty big deal, you're an adult, you can buy my cigarettes!" I joked.
"Yeah!" He laughed, "but why smoke cigarettes when we've got something better? And more natural, if you wanna get all chemical about it." He said, and pulled a bag out of his jacket pocket. I knew it was weed. I'd smoked weed about 6 times now.
To his statements, I laughed, and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. Fuck, I love him so much.
As we drove up to Gilman, there was a crowd of punks, just waiting for our arrival. We walked into the building, and Mike and Tre were onstage.
"Billie, we wanted to give you something special for your birthday, but we'll have to meet you after the show to give you that... maybe outside... in the back... everyone's invited!" Mike said, and everyone cheered; he was practically rallying the troops. Once the two guys got off stage, the lights went out, and the party began.


After the show, everyone went out behind Gilman, and sure enough, it was yet another party. Mike was with Billie and I now, and we all walked out the back door. Mike has made Billie cover his eyes, and by the time he opened them, we were standing in front of one of the largest kegs of beer that I have ever seen.
"Holy shit Mike!! This is awesome!" Billie exclaimed, and he walked over to the stand, grabbing a cup, and then filling it with the foamy liquid.
"Here, Scar, have some!" He exclaimed, wide-eyed. I smiled.
"I'm not having any, someone's gotta drive you home, remember?" I told him, and he shrugged, sipping from his cup. We then walked over to where Charlie and Rose were hanging out. Charlie and Billie talked, while Rose and I, attempted.
"So... uh... how's the business?" I asked awkwardly.
"Fine." Rose sneered, not even looking at me.
I started to feel very uncomfortable, so I walked over to Billie and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Um, Billie, I think I'm going to go to the car for a little..." I said quietly. His eyes weren't as focused as normal.
"Yeah, sure!" He practically yelled. Then some people I hadn't recognized called him over, and he left my side, taking another cup of beer, and then laughing hysterically. I decided to sit against the chain linked fence instead of the car. Billie was making me a little nervous. He never really acted like this. So I waited until the beer ran out. I played with a stick, a few rocks.
A few hours passed and someone almost puked on me. I had to move from my spot. I checked my watch and it was already one o'clock. It was probably time to get Billie home.
I found him by the keg, slumped against a wooden post. I shook his shoulder.
"Billie? It's time to go, cmon."
His eyes opened, they were bloodshot. He was wasted.
"No, f-fuck you I'm sti...ll partyinggaa." He slurred.
"Billie, you have to go. I promised your mom-"
"I don't give a fuck!" He yelled.
"Yes you do." I countered. "Cmon." I said.
"Guessss... what." He started.
"I dropped... out of school." He said. Just then Mike was behind him, holding a wasted Blake.
"Oh fuck." Mike said, sober.
My eyes widened.
"You didn't..." I started.
"He was going to tell you Scarlett, I promise!" Mike tried to defend him. I looked at Billie.
"You dropped out of school? Billie why would you do that?!" I shook him. Didn't he see how much of a disaster life was after I was pulled out of school? Didn't he see that he just ruined his life? If his band never made it, he would never have a diploma!
This hurt me more than it should have.
"Yup. But shhhhhhh... don't tell Scarlett ... she'll get angryyyyy! She always does. She's so dram...atical sometimes... its real f-fuckin annoying!!" And all his buddies behind him laughed at me. A stupid, young girl. Stupid, stupid stupid! I should have never disobeyed my mom.
Billie laughed in my face. And then fell over, passed out. Tears welled up in my eyes.
Mike stood there, holding Blake, staring at me.
"Mike," I started. "Take Billie home, please. I'm gonna go home, to my mom."
I walked off. I was hurt. I was angry. I loved Billie. But for him to willingly do this? I mean, I get he's drunk, but... when drunk aren't people more truthful than sober? I can't believe him. I walked about a block down the street when I could finally hail a taxi. We drove in silence. If I went home now, after three months, and never hearing from my mom, what was I to expect? I don't know what I'd do. It'd just have to happen. I needed this space, and that was the only place I really knew to go. Of course I trusted Mike to bring Billie home. He was Blake's driver. I'm sure he would tell Ollie what had happened. She would understand.
The last thing I remember was that we were almost home, and my eyes got droopy. I was nearly completely asleep, when it happened. A loud siren, a beam of light, a collision. Then my vision turned to darkness.

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