Part 24

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*Scar's POV*

2:44 a.m.
Sleep was out of the question.
After Mike's graduation party with Billie and all of his friends, Billie went right to sleep. After my shower, I followed him to bed. I laid there, thinking about how I had to get up in just a couple of hours. I rolled over in bed to where I faced Billie. He was laying on his back, with his right arm over his chest, his left over his eyes, mouth wide open. He was lightly snoring. I smiled to myself, and thought about how lucky I was to be with him. I turned over on my back, and slowly, started to fall asleep.


"Hey, Scar, wake up, we gotta leave here soon..."
A warm hand touched the side of my face. Having stayed up so late last night, I definitely wasn't feeling it this morning.
"I let you sleep as long as time would let me, but you've gotta get up,"
Billie chuckled.
I rolled over to my other side, facing away from him, mumbling.
"I don't want to get up yet..."
Somehow, he understood me.
"So I guess you don't want to go on our very first tour?" He pushed.
"Oh please, you need me." I grumbled, throwing my pillow at him.
Suddenly, he was on top of me, his fingers digging playfully into my sides, touching my ribs and making the laughter escape from my body.
"Okay!" I squealed, "Okay! I surrender!" Billie pressed, completely sitting on top of me, holding my hands above my head.
"And you surrender to who?" He smirked.
I signed, and rolled my eyes, giving him attitude.
"I surrender to Billie Joe Armstrong."
"Who is he again? I sometimes forg-"
"Oh c'mon Billie!" I tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he only laughed.
"Who is he, Scar?" He smirked, once again.
"Billie Joe Armstrong, our lord and savior, King of punk rock. Happy?"
Billie let go of my wrists, and smiled.
"Very," he kissed me on the cheek, and got off of me.
He walked out of the room, and I got up out of bed to get changed.
Since we'd be traveling today, I threw my hair up into a bun and put on one of Billie's hoodies, with my plaid sweatpants. I grabbed my suitcase and headed towards the kitchen, where I could smell coffee brewing.
I was just about to step into the room, when I overheard Billie taking to his mother.
I put my back against the wall, and listened quietly.
"Are you sure you want to take her?" Ollie's voice whispered in a concerned tone, "I mean, what if you two decide you don't want to be with each other anymore?"
"Mom, that's not going to hap-"
"What're you going to do? Ignore her? Leave her somewhere? You have to think about this."
Billie sighed.
"And if I leave her here, what's going to happen? I'll come back and find her with another guy?"
"Or you'll come back here with another girl, and break her heart." Ollie argued.
"Mom, I'm not ever going to be with another girl other than her. I love her. She's coming with us."
I smiled to myself.
I stepped out from behind the wall, acting like I didn't hear the conversation, like it didn't bother me at all - even though it kinda did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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