Part 21

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I was pissed. I JUST started to get comfortable working there while staying in the band. But I mean fucking one hundred forty six dollars? What kind of joke is this?!
I didn't go anywhere in particular after I left the house. Once I actually started driving, I remembered how low I was on gas. I used the rest of my cash at the gas station, and drove to the cemetery. Whenever I was really hurt or scared or upset I went there. I parked the car out by the front gate, and climbed the fence. The gate was supposed to be closed after daytime hours, but it never stopped me before. I walked the path I knew by heart, and I sat down beside my dad.
I didn't say anything for a while. I kinda just sat there, looking at the stars. I heard thunder in the distance.
The night I found out my father died, was the hardest night in my entire life. To this day I don't talk about it a lot. No one in my family does. Mike doesn't talk to me about it since the day he asked where my dad was. I thought yknow, maybe one day I'll be able to write a song about him but... not now. Too hard.
"What am I doing wrong?" I mumbled to myself.
I hadn't done anything right lately. It's all just been blown up in my face. I'm just hoping to turn all this shit around once Scar gets her cast off, and we can go places and have the time of our lives. There's nothing stopping us. I mean, fuck. Maybe we can even go on tour or something. It'd be great to get out of California.
I say there with my dad for about thirty more minutes. Then the rain came. I stood up and pulled my hood over my head as big fat rain drops fell from the sky. I got in my car, and headed back to the house.


The next day I drove Scar to the clinic to get her cast off. It wasn't a super big ordeal, they just took a mini saw to the thing and cut it right off. She nearly cried of relief once she got to move her foot. They gave her this huge assed bionic boot thing and we left.
As we were driving home, I thought about touring. Mike and Tre and I were pretty serious about it, but if we were to go out on the road, I wanted her to come with me.
"Hey..." I started.
She looked at me and smiled.
"What's up?"
"I was wondering. The guys wanna go on the road. We wanna go outside of Gilman and play actual gigs. We wanna go out of state."
I wasn't quite sure what the look on her face meant. I bit my lip.
"Sounds fun, I'm going!" She smiled.
I leaned over and kissed her quickly, still driving.
"Sweet, we're leaving sometime next week!"
"As soon as possible." She mumbled to herself, turning up the radio, and looking out the window.



Over the next week, Billie used the rest of his savings for college to buy a new van for the road. It was big enough to hold the gear, and have room for us to sleep in case we couldn't find a house to sleep in after a gig.
This tour was all Billie and the guys had been talking about for the past week, only there was a problem. Money. Billie and Mike had close to none, and Mike didn't have a job. He was graduating this Saturday, and we were planning on leaving this Sunday.
The guys already had a couple of gigs booked, but it was going to be hard to find a substantial amount of money for gas and food and whatnot.
It was already Wednesday, a week after I got my cast off. It's crazy how different a hard cast and a boot cast is. It's great to shower and sleep freely, but I only get to wear one shoe, and it has to be level with the boot. Still, I'll take anything other than that damn cast.
On Friday, the guys have their last show at Gilman. I was excited to go, I hadn't been in so long. But I was nervous. The last time I had been there, I got into my crash right after. It was stupid of me to leave that night. I shouldn't have left Billie; no matter what he said.
Thinking back to that night made me feel sick. I decided to push the feeling away. I took another round of my pills, just as Billie jumped on the couch beside me.
"Hey," he started, "we're going somewhere tonight." He smiled. I did too.
"Oh yeah? Where?"
"That's for me to know, and you to find out!" He laughed as I shoved him.
"Cmon, you can't just tell me?!" I whined.
"No! It's a surprise!"
"Will Mike or Blake or Tre be there?" I pushed.
"Nope," he said, "just us." He smiled, and leaned in closer to me, touching his lips against mine.
God, he was amazing.


I just finished straightening the last bit of my stubborn brown hair, when Billie came into the bathroom.
"Oh, you're almost done. I was gonna take a shower, ask you to join..." he winked. I smiled at him.
"What a shame, it could've been interesting." I set my straightener down, and the second I unplugged it from the wall, Billie jumped me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I screamed with surprise as he held me tighter, not letting me get away, no matter how hard I fought.
"Billie! Let go!" I laughed.
"Not a chance!" He chuckled, and buried his face into my neck, tickling me with his lips and tongue.
When we were eye level, he smiled real big. His teeth were always crooked, but it gave him personality. His hair was getting a bit long, and it was covering his eyes. I reached up with my free arm, and moved it away.
He let go of me, and looked at himself in the mirror.
"I'm thinkin about dyeing it blonde, yknow? I'd think it'd be pretty punk rock." He smirked.
"If you dye it, I dye mine." I challenged.
"Haha, no you won't." He chuckled.
"Remember the last time you told me that?" I remembered the night Billie and I smoked.
His eyes got wide, and he smiled big again.
"You got it, Blondie." He said.
"Right back at ya!" I laughed, and grabbed all of my stuff from the bathroom, letting Billie take his shower.
I went back into his room, and turned on my record player, picking a record from the box Billie and I share, and placing the needle on top.
Of course, it was a Beatles record. Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Beautiful record. I laid on the bed and got about halfway through the third song when Mike came into the room.
"Hey, Scar. You got time?" He asked.
"Yeah, Billie's in the shower, I'm just listening to my records. What's up?"
He sighed and sat on the bed next to me.
"Well, I told Blake that we were going on the road last week, and she was all excited about it. But now... she won't even talk to me. She's not returning my calls, whenever I go to her house, her parents say she's not home, but I see the light on in her room through the window. I don't know. Could you talk to her?"
"Of course," I comforted, putting my hand on Mike's shoulder.
"Thanks, Scar." He said, and hugged me.
"Hey Scar..." I heard Billie's voice down the hall. I pulled away from Mike and we both watched as Billie walked into the room, his towel left wide open, everything out in the open.
"Oh SHIT!" He exclaimed, after seeing Mike next to me on the bed. He quickly covered himself up with the towel and turned bright red.
Mike and I burst into laughter.
"Oh Scar..." Mike mocked, and I cracked up.
"Oh shut up!" Billie said, starting to laugh at himself.
Mike stood and walked out of the room making kissy faces at Billie. Billie closed the door behind him, and plopped on the bed, towel still wrapped around him.
He groaned into the pillow.
"Way to impress me and Mike." I joked. He threw one of his pillows at me. I laughed again, and smacked his ass.
"Ow!" He exclaimed and I laughed even harder.
He started towards me, but stopped in place, and smiled at me. I got closer to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed me softly, at first. Our lips moved in sync with each other. His fingers tangled up in my hair, mine in his. He pulled away.
"I gotta get dressed, we gotta get going soon." He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine.
I smiled and turned the record player back on as he got dressed.
In a way, we sorta matched. I wore a pair of his jeans, one Converse shoe, and a black tank top.
He wore his own jeans, Converse, and his own black shirt.
When we left, my hair had already begun to wave. Billie said he liked it better wavy anyway.
We drove for about an hour, the sun had gone down, and the moon had come out. We were stopped in a parking lot, next to an abandon building. Billie put the car in park, and smiled,
"We're here."

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