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Sabrinas POV.

As I was unwrapping, my ham and cheese sandwich that I got from the cafeteria ice model to myself I haven't ate anything since 6 o'clock this morning and the only thing I ate was an everything bagel with cream cheese and a yogurt. I've been feeling my stomach up with coffee when I took the first bite of my sandwich I smiled and let out a satisfying moan Chelsea and Ryan looked at me. I open my eyes and said what Chelsea laughed and said that I really look like I was enjoying that sandwich I said I can't help it that I was hungry. I haven't ate anything since 6 o'clock this morning.

Girl, I told you not to do that you need to have a good breakfast or you'll pass out! She said looking at me .

I told you that I have to be here right at 6:30. I don't have time to eat a big breakfast! I said drinking my soda.

Shit I can't even enjoy my lunch! Ryan said looking at his pager.

After Ryan left me and Chelsea talked for a little bit until my pager went off telling you that I had to go I told Chelsea that I'll talk to her whenever I see her she said OK I threw my lunch away and washed my hands I went outside while waiting for the ambulance on the ambulance came they open the back door while pulling out the gurney I asked Travis what do we have He said a 23-year-old woman passed out while driving her car and hit a pole I took out my little flashlight and check the ladies pupils as they took her off a gurney and put her on a bed. I started working on her wounds. I was cleaning up a really bad cut on her forehead when a doctor came in he put on some gloves.

Nurse give this woman some morphine she's clearly in pain! He said looking at me.

Yes, sir! I said getting the morphine .

I gave the women the morphine she was starting to wake up the doctor asked her if she can tell us her name before she can say anything she ended up spitting out blood the doctor told me to page the OR that she clearly has fluid in her chest 30 minutes later, I watched as they rolled her to the OR the doctor looked at me and told me to see if she has any family members I looked in, saw that the woman came here before about two months ago because she was getting headaches and they weren't going away when she was taking medicine her emergency contact was her husband so I called him he didn't answer so I left a message after I did that I finished my runs and I worked on new patients that came in.

I'm.. looking for my sister her name is Jenny. They said that she was brought in an hour ago from a car accident! A woman said at the front desk.

Hi, my name is Sabrina I am your sister's nurse! I said walking up to the woman .

Hi, I wanna talk to the doctor don't get me wrong. I know you're a nurse, but I feel like doctors know more than nurses! She said looking at me.

Well, that's very sweet of you, but the Doctor Who was working on your sister is currently in another surgery. I may be a nurse, but I know a lot your sister just got out of the OR about 15 minutes ago. Would you like to see her! I said, looking at the woman.

She awkwardly looked at me and said yes, I walked into the room, and the Lady sat down next to her sister, holding her hand. She was trying not to cry, while I checked on her sisters stats she looked at me and asked me what happened I told her that she passed out while driving a car and she hit a pole. I didn't looked at her sister and ask her if her husband was coming She shook her head and said that Man was so busy working that he barely has time for her she looked at me and asked me if this was from the stress. I was confused and I said what stress she told me that since her sister's husband is constantly working, she's the one that takes care of their three kids she told me that her sister, goes back-and-forth taking her three kids to school and then to other places they need to be.

I mean, if my sister isn't driving her son to football practice, she's taking her daughter to Girl Scouts and her youngest daughter to gymnastics I tried talking to her husband about it, but he said that he can't help out because he has to work to provide! She said looking at me.

When she told me that her sister does all those things I felt bad for her after I got done talking to her sister I left to go do my other stuff I was supposed to do I came back to check on the woman her sister asked if I can keep an eye on her while she goes to get coffee that was 10 minutes ago I was about to walk out of the room until she said hello I walked up to the woman's bed and asked her if she knows where she is she said judging by the noise she was at the hospital. I asked her if she can remember anything that happened. She said all she remembers is she was driving to go pick up her youngest daughter from gymnastics when she felt a sharp pain running down her arm and then it got numb she felt dizzy and then all of a sudden she passed out.

I told her what happened I've been told her that she's perfectly fine but she just has a little bit of a scratches here and there. I also told her she had fluid in her chest but the doctors got it out I told her that her sister is here when I mentioned her sister's name she smiled and asked me where she was. I said I got to go find her because she wants the big coffee but that was 10 minutes ago. I told her that I'll be right back but she told me not to leave her alone so I had one of the nurses stay with her while I go find her sister her sister was outside smoking a cigarette on the phone. She clearly was arguing with someone she aggressively hanged up and I asked her if she was OK she looked at me and said no.

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