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Xavier's POV part two.

As i watched Anna having a full-blown conversation with Sabrina I try not to look so awkward and trust me, it was very awkward. I was at the table with my ex girlfriend who I made out with three weeks ago, who is dating a new man but then again, this is what Sabrina must have been feeling when she found out that I was in a relationship The guy cleared his throat and asked me how long me and Anna have been together.

Oh we have been dating for a year. I asked her to marry me about two months ago! I said looking at him.

A year wow, the way Sabrina was talking about you guys. I thought you've had been dating for a little bit longer! He said drinking his water.

No... so where did you and Sabrina meet each other? I said looking at him up and down.

Well, I was heading to work figured I would stop and get me some coffee and I ended up turning around and bumped into this pretty little lady I am mediately gave her my number and asked her out! He said, holding Sabrina's hand.

I quietly just rolled my eyes, making sure that no one saw it, but Sabrina was looking at me, so I guess she saw what I did. Sabrina smiled and said that Gregory owns his own construction company Gregory smiled and said it's true that he is a very successful construction worker. I honestly felt like Sabrina was mentioning this so she can make me jealous. I wanted to show her that it wasn't working but deep down inside I knew it was all of a sudden Anna smiled and said that must be a fun and interesting job to do she then proceeded to tell Gregory that I was a construction worker Gregory smile and asked me how long have I been a construction worker I told him that I wasn't a construction worker.

I was a construction worker, but I quit I figured it wasn't what I wanted to do I am actually currently a mechanic! I said quietly.

Now that I said that I realize that it's not exciting! I said, shaking my head .

What a mechanic is pretty cool I mean it means you're great at fixing things that are broken! He said looking at me.

As soon as he said that, I fix things that are broken I looked at Sabrina said yeah I guess I do. The rest of the night was awkward we would have conversations, but it wouldn't last that long after we finished with dinner Gregory smiled and said that he will see us tomorrow I heard that we were going on a boat. I was going to lie and say that there wasn't any room, but Anna said yes that we were and that she was looking forward to seeing him when we walked into the hotel room and I kept saying that Gregory seem like a nice person and Sabrina looked honestly happy All I said was yes and I'm happy for her quietly Anna asked me if I was OK and I told her yeah I was fine. I told her that I was just going to go take a shower and head to bed because I have a headache. She said OK after I got out of the shower I saw that she was already asleep. She must've been really tired.

I closed her book that she was reading and put it up. I kissed her on the cheek and told her good night I got in bed and turned my back towards her. I couldn't help but still think about Gregory and Sabrina and wondering what the hell they were doing behind closed doors I tried to get my mind off of that but all I can think about was Sabrina in that dress it up, shaking off the memories and went to sleep the next morning. I saw that and I was gone. I looked everywhere in our room, but she wasn't there, so I got dressed and went down to the reception desk to see if she was down there the girl at the reception desk smiled and said that she was glad to see I was awake. She said my fiancé just left to go to the breakfast bar she gave me directions, and I told her thank you. When I walked into the breakfast bar, I saw the rest of the group, including Sabrina and Gregory, laughing and talking. When Jacob saw me, he waved towards me to come have breakfast with them. I only ended up eating a blueberry muffin and a glass of orange juice. I didn't wanna full breakfast especially when we're going on a boat.

After breakfast, we headed towards the boat we were going to get on the tour guy said that he was excited to be our tour guide and he was looking forward to our little ocean adventure. He said he was going to show us the most beautiful spots that most tourist like to go to as we were on the ocean, I was having a conversation with Jacob and Gregory honestly, I have no idea why Gregory OK hold is truth as we were having a conversation together I looked and saw that Sabrina was talking to Anna. She was looking at us, but she quickly looked away. I continued her conversation that she was having with Anna and Beverly. I have to talk to Sabrina just to make sure that we're going to be OK. I want her to understand that I'm not upset that she left and I want her to realize that we can still be friends.

As the boat stopped, the tour guy smiled and said that this was the most popular spot that people like to go to to relax, and I said that there was a shark when we looked the guy said that the shark bone attack is that this kind of shark was very friendly He smiled and said that there was a scuba diving class that we can take if we would like to explore the ocean more as he continued on with the tour he was telling us about a nice, romantic spot that couples go to he said it's a great way for couples to spend time with each other and get away from their kids.

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