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Sabrinas, POV, part two.

I told Jenny's Sister that she was awake and she wanted to see her so as they were talking, I was filling out some paperwork while checking on other patients I smile to myself while looking at Jenny and her sister that used to be me and my sister before we had that big argument I haven't seen any of my siblings in five years Last time I saw them I was 19 and still in college. I was home for Christmas break I didn't stay the whole week because of that argument I was walking around trying to get everything done. My feet was hurting but I ignored it. That's what usually have to do whenever you are a nurse for work a job that has you on your feet, 24 seven.

I was starting to lose my energy so I went to go get me a cup of coffee I grabbed a cup of coffee and started drinking it and I wasn't even halfway through my coffee with my pager started going off I looked and saw that it was coming from another patient's room that I had. I quickly threw my coffee in the trash and ran towards the room. The little girl was having a seizure and the mom was trying to get her to stop. I told the woman to back up and I put the little girl on her side after a little girl got done having a seizure I checked all her vitals I looked at the woman and ask her what happened.

I don't know we were talking and laughing and she was watching a video on her tablet when all of a sudden she dazed out and then she started having a seizure why is she having seizures? We were only here because her asthma was acting up! The woman said, holding her daughters hand.

As the doctor was checking the little girls chest to see if her asthma was the cause of her seizures. I saw the tablet on the ground. It was cracked a little bit so I picked up the video was still playing. I saw that it was a video of a cat and it was flashing on and off I smiled at the woman, handed her back to tablet and told her that I'll be back real quick. I sat down at the front desk searching up something Ryan came up to me and asked me if I ever did CPR on a newborn before I wasn't really paying attention so you ask me again I said yeah it's not really hard. Just have to be careful when you do it because you don't want to smash them.

He asked me what I was doing and I told him that I have a little girl who is here for her asthma, but she just had a seizure He asked me what I'm searching up and I told him that any medical condition that causes seizures He told me that there's a few he asked me what she was doing before she had a seizure. I said she was watching a video of a cat dancing and it was flashing back-and-forth he told me that it sounded like an epileptic seizure he said he went to school with a boy who was a few years younger then him who would always have epileptic seizures whenever flashing lights were in his face.

So I searched up the definition of epileptic I told him thank you he asked me if I could help him out with his problem, and I told him yes after I do this I went into the room. The doctor asked me what I was doing. He was fixing to put a tube in the little girls mouth to help her breathe better. I told him no the seizure isn't from her asthma it's because she might have epilepsy the woman was confused and asked me what that was before I can say anything the doctor said it's basically a medical condition that some people have it causes seizures whenever flashing lights or a pattern of flashing lights are in their face. I told the woman that it's most likely your daughter had a seizure because she was watching the video on her tablet.

Epilepsy is not curable, but there are some things you can do to not cause the seizures If she watches her tablet, make sure it's not too bright, or has flashing lights! The doctor said looking at the woman.

I was going to tell the woman that I would pray her out of Broshear but the doctor looked at me. I'm guessing he's upset because I keep interrupting him. He told me that I should probably go see if there's any blood transfusions or blood test or any other test that needs to be run or any other patients so I left before I knew it. It was time for me to go home I was talking to Chelsea telling her the day I had Ryan was going to go get a couple of drinks with us, but he had to be at work at 5 o'clock in the morning tomorrow so he went home to get some sleep as soon as I was about to get on the elevator, someone called my name I looked, and I saw it was the doctor that helped me on the little girl who had the epilepsy he asked if you can talk to me privately, so I said OK.

Look, I understand that you're a nurse trying to become a doctor, but I don't need your help especially when I'm trying to explain to the patients family members what they have! He said looking at me.

I'm... sorry I didn't mean anything by it. It's just I thought she should know before you stick a tube down her daughters throat! I said looking at him.

Just stay out of my way If anything like this happens again I'm kicking you off of my cases! He said before getting on the elevator.

I walked up to Chelsea. She asked me what the hell was that about I told her that I'll tell her later as me and Chelsea were at the bar having a couple of drinks. I told her what the doctor said she looked at me and said screw him she said he always had a stick up his butt every since his wife got a divorce She said what I really need is a vacation. She said I've been working a lot lately trying to prove to the other doctors and the chief that I am good enough to be a doctor which is true I've been working 55 hours every week I'm supposed to get 15 minute breaks, but I usually only get about three I told her I don't have time to take a vacation she shook her head and said that I should probably just think about it when I got home, I took a hot shower and went straight to bed I was on the night shift tomorrow so I had to be at work at 8:00 PM.

I wouldn't get off until 6 o'clock in the morning the next morning when I heard the birds chirping, I knew it was morning time. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 9 o'clock in the morning. I didn't want to spend my whole entire day sleeping in my bed before I go to work so I decided to go treat myself to a shopping spree.

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