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Sabrinas, POV, part two.

When I saw that Molly was calling me I was surprised I haven't talked to Molly in five years. The last time I saw her was during our high school graduation. We were supposed to go to college together, but she never showed up. Did try to call her but she never answered the phone. Her voicemail basically told anybody to call that she couldn't get the phone right now because she was busy, having the time of her life, which means that she was partying instead of going to college with me like she was supposed to I didn't answer the first time she called me, but when she called again, I put my fork down and answered it judging by her voice she sounded like she was more mature Now she said that she was sorry to call me so early, but she was meaning to call me anyways to talk to me.

It's OK I'm on my break what's up? I said picking at my salad.

Oh... I forgot you are a doctor now um.. I was just calling to see if you were busy next week I rented out the cabin that we used to go to when we were teenagers and figured that it's best. If we make up lost time! She said quietly.

Wow... I haven't been to that cabin since I was 18. I thought they tore it down isn't that with the owner told us our last day there? I said surprised.

That's what they said but I got in touch with the owner about two months ago and he said he wasn't going to tear down. He was just going to sell it but he said that we can spend one last week in it before he sells it! She said, with an excited voice.

When she asked me if I can go again I simply let her down easy and told her no explain to her that I'm a nurse now, so I can't just take time off like she can. I also told her that I'm too busy saving lives. She immediately said oh quiet weekends told me that she was sorry to bother me then she hanged up. I know that she was probably upset about what I said but it's true i'm too busy trying to become a doctor so I don't really have time to take a vacation for the rest of the day. I was on my feet running around with my head cut off like a chicken. I only have 30 minutes left and then I was off and I can go home take a shower and eat leftovers. Chelsea came up to me and she said I don't look so good.

You look like you just got hit by a bus! She said, looking at a clipboard .

Honestly, I feel like it. I've been running around the whole entire day I got thrown up on by a teenage girl I got hit in the arm because I was trying to give an aggressive person shot so he can calm down and to top it all off an old friend of mine, called me and asked me if I wanted to go to a cabin that we used to go to for a week! I said, putting the hair behind my ears.

Did you say yes? She said, putting the clipboard down and looking at me.

I looked at her and said, of course not I said I have to work. She asked me if the reason why I was working so much is because Dr. Jones is leaving when she said that I told her yes and no I explained to her that when I heard that Dr. Jones was leaving this hospital I was super excited because I can apply to become a doctor but the chief told me that it probably wasn't going to go to me because they replace the doctors that leave with new doctors from different hospitals She told me that I'm a good nurse that I've been a nurse for three years she put her hand on my arm and said that I'm a super smart girl who can accomplish anything but I look like shit and I need that vacation. She told me to talk to the chief after work to see if I can get a week off I try to tell her that I'm not gonna be getting paid if I take a week off she told me not to worry about that. She said I obviously haven't took a vacation in a long time and it's best if I go so here I was sitting in front of the chief talking to him.

I'm sorry sorry to bother you. I know that you're busy with meetings in trying to make sure the hospital doesn't go downhill I wanted to see if I was able to take a week off for a vacation! I said looking at him.

Oh I know Chelsea came up and told me that you needed one and I agree with her you do I've been keeping an eye on you Sabrina and I noticed that you've been putting an extra work that you don't have to put in! He said, putting his glasses down.

I just want to make my career bigger I mean growing up I wanted to be a nurse and then I told myself that I would work my way up to be a doctor and now that I'm a nurse, so I think I am ready to try to become a doctor! I said smiling at him .

And I think that's a wonderful idea I mean you practically know everything that doctors and nurses know I'll tell you what we just got a program and where we get paid for vacation time. I was going to tell everybody during a meeting, but I figured that you should be the first want to know so your vacation time is approved! He said writing something down.

When he told me that we were getting paid for vacation time, I wanted to jump up and hug him but all I did was just smile and say thank you when I went home, and I drank a glass of wine and relax on the couch Today was Saturday and I have to go back to work at six so I just have a few hours for time to myself after I drop that glass of wine I ended up going to sleep when I woke up it was already 1 o'clock in the evening I usually go to the gym on Saturday but I just decided to stay home. I looked at my phone and call Molly just to let her know that I will be coming. She said that was perfect I told her that I will see her Monday morning and she said OK.

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