10 Years Ago

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"Athena!" my mother called. "Athena!"

I drown her out. I didn't want to go to the training center. My mother signed me up to train for the hunger games. I was 8, and my older brother Apollo complained about training all the time.

"Athena there you are, I've been calling for you!" My mother says exasperated as she grabs ahold of my arms.

"I don't wanna go." I whine.

"Too bad Athena, I want you prepared in case you get reaped! Plus, Apollo is doing it." She tried to persuade me.

I wasn't even in the running of getting reaped for another 4 years. My brother was 14 this year, eligible to get reaped.

My mother dragged me to the training center where a tall man stood.

"Hello Mrs. Stevens, happy to see you with another kid." the man smiled.

"Well, I want her prepared when time comes."

"Of course of course."

The man was tall, and strong. He looked familiar, but not just because he lived in District 1 with me.

"Well Athena, you're here with Mr. Gloss and Apollo is in a different room, have fun sweetie!" My mother quickly spat out before leaving the center.

That's where I knew the man. His name is Gloss, he won the Hunger Games last year.

"Well," he said bending down to my height, "Athena, we're gonna put you in the beginners class with the kids around your age."

I stared blankly at him.

"Kids will will be your age, learning how to wield weapons just like you."

"Was is scary?" I ask.

He looked at me blankly for a quick second.

"No, it wasn't. I had trained for years and ended up winning. This place will help keep you alive." He smiled.

He held out his large hand and walked me to a room with a bunch of other little kids.

"Go make some friends for today, don't worry about any training. The biggest weapon is your word Athena, never forget that."

And just like that, Gloss had left the room. I looked around the large grey room that had racks of different weapons. Lots of kids stood around the room looking frightened, and others looking excited.

I walked over to a boy, slightly shorter than me.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked the boy.

"Marvel." He responded sheepishly.

"Hi Marvel, I'm Athena."

"Hi Athena."

"How old are you Marvel?"

"I'm seven."

He was younger than me and in here. What kind of parents introduce such violence to a seven year old. Well, I guess a lot of parents. I mean, I was eight.

"Wanna be friends Marvel?" I asked.

"That sounds like fun!" he smiled. A big goody grin spread across his face.

Me and Marvel ended up sitting in a corner with each other just talking to each other, getting to know each other.

Before we knew it, hours had passed and it was time to go home.

"Mr. Gloss said training starts next week."

"Oh." I mumbled out.

The idea of holding a large spear in my tiny hands terrified me. What if I accidentally killed someone!

I Wanna Be Yours- Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now