The End of the Good Days

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My dream land was perfect.  It always was.  Every night I dreamed the same dream.  Me, Mom, and Apollo happy about life.  My mom's wig shop was so successful that we didn't even need to work the extra hours to scrape by.

Apollo never got reaped and we would hang out everyday.  We would do all the things siblings do, hang out, party together, watch each other grow into well rounded out adults.

Me, Marvel, and Glimmer were still inseparable and everyone was happy.  I was happy.  I wasn't the stone cold bitch everyone in district 1 believed I was.

I loved my dream land.  Everything was perfect.  Until it wasn't.

I, along with the other had a rude awakening. The entire event of it is a blurry mess in my brain.

One moment I was sleeping, the next I was smacking tracker jackers off my body, screaming in pain as they punctured me with their poison.

We all ran like chickens with our heads cut off. We found the river, not too far from where we were. We all emerged ourselves underwater, only peaking for air when needed.

It had to be Katniss. God damnit how stupid could I have been falling asleep on the job like that. We were all safe, no one had died.

Marvel, Clove, and I stood up out of the water and rested against a large rock.

"Wait a minute? Where's Cato?" Clove asked.

Before I could answer, I heard and agonized scream erupt from a male voice. I couldn't distinguish whose it was though. I ran to the source to see Cato had cut into Peeta's leg, deep.

"That's the last time you try and save your little girlfriend, lover boy." He scoffed and he motioned for us to follow him.

We walked back to the cornucopia in a tense silence. Cato reached for my hand, and I took it. He was angry, fuming. But I knew deep down he was also hurt. From what I picked up, Peeta went back for Katniss and warned her. He backstabbed us.

And sure, Cato planned on killing him soon anyways to rid of him once we got what we wanted. But a part of him felt betrayed by Peeta.

I reassuringly squeezed his hand. "He'll be gone soon, there's no chance he doesn't bleed out from that."

Cato squeezed back, and returned a smile.

When we arrived at the cornucopia I spotted a boy. The district 3 boy. When he caught glimpse of us he started to run. But we were quicker. We ran toward him.

Marvel grabbed his shoulders and held him in a tight position. Cato stood in front of him.

"We don't want to kill you." He smiled. Clove looked astounded at this. A smile grew on my face at how shocked she looked.

"Y-you d-don't?" he trembled.

"Nope, but we need something from you. You're from the tech district right?" Cato asked. The boy nodded in response. "We need you to set up mines for us."

The boy looked shocked and confused. "With what?" Clove asked Cato. "The mines from under our platforms obviously." Cato answered looking at the boy still.

"Can you do it?" I asked. The boy turned his gaze to me. He nodded quickly. I looked and Cato, and he looked at Marvel and gave a small nod. Marvel released his grasp on the boy.

Almost immediately the boy went to work with digging up the mines and rewiring them. A bunch of tech stuff that didn't make sense.

While he did that, the four of us moved all the food into a pile and had the boy install mines throughout our stash.

We all chilled for a while as he set up the mines. Until Marvel noticed a fire in the distance. He pointed to it and we all ran toward it.

"Stay and watch!" Cato yelled to the district 3 boy.

We all ran in the direction to the huge fire. We ran and ran until we reached the bro of the forest.

"We need to split up, Clove go with Marvel." Cato ordered. "We'll have a better chance of getting this person if we move in from two sides."

We agreed and tracked inwards.

As we continued there was another large smoke cloud swirling in the artificial sky a little ways away. Cato found Marvel by the first source of smoke. "Go to the second one." Cato ordered the two.

Before they could agree a loud boom roared through the arena. Cato and Clove ran back to the Cornucopia, Marvel taking off toward the second fire. I stayed out searching around the first fire trying to find any sign of life. As we looked a heard a blood curdling scream calling for Rue. She was the little girl from 11.

The voice was Katniss', calling for sweet little Rue. I heard her a faint scream come from a small voice, crying for Katniss.

As I ran toward the voices I come to a halt. Katniss laying over top of Rue's small, lifeless body. What lay next to her made me sick, Marvel's spear. I turned my head slightly to see Marvel's dead, emotionless body. Arrow proceed through his chest.

I ran over to him, tears falling from my face. Katniss rose her bow in my direction and I held up my arms.

"Please. Marvel was my only family left." I cried. She back down, and left to go get flowers for Rue. I stayed laying with Marvel. Clutching his lifeless hand.

"Please don't leave me." I cried. I stayed there for a while. Until the hovercrafts came in a whisked away his body. And just like that, my best friend, who'd been there for me since the beginning, gone forever.

I sobbed in a painful unorthodox manner. It was embarrassing. I was uncontrollably sobbing. Katniss had spared me, and I spared her. I don't know why. She was the reason my best friend was gone forever. The gray film that flooded my eyes was now a shade of crimson.

I was going to avenge my Marvel if it was the last thing I did. I went back to the group, tears stained on my skin. As I walked back, Claudius Templesmith made an announcement.

"Tributes from the same district can both be declared winner if they are the last two tributes alive."

I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't contain myself anymore. Before I could even grasp the idea, my lunch from earlier made a reappearance.

They were telling me that I couldn't GONE HOME with my best friend. But not anymore, that chance was long gone. After I retched up whatever my stomach contained, I finally made it back to the group.

The food supply, gone. The district 3 boy dead, gone. I was stuck with Cato and Clove.

As I stood there taking in the situation, I began to sob again. Everything was gone.

"Athena!" Cato yelled as he ran to me.

"Where's Marvel?" he asked. I only cried more. "Athena, where is Marvel?!" he yelled this time?

Before I could answer the Anthem of Panem played, and there in the sky, staring back at me was a smiling Marvel. The brunette boy who found a smile and joke in everything, gone.

Cato turned back to me with shock painted on his face.


oh damn

sooo yeah marvel is dead 😔

also lowkey forgot the timeline of this scene buttt we're not gonna talk about that

I Wanna Be Yours- Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now