The Reaping

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"Mornin Ma." I called as I passed my mom.  She was drunk, and passed out.  Her face in her bowl of porridge.  I scoffed at her state.

I walked over to Marvel's house.  I knocked on his door only to be greeted by his mom.

"Hey Ma." I smiled.

"Why hello Athena, why so chipper this morning?" She greeted.

"Well, this is the last year I can be reaped, then I don't have to worry about it!" I smiled.

"Well sweetheart, that's so great for you!" she smiled pulling me into a hug.

"Come in darling we're having breakfast."

"Thanks Ma!"

I loved Mrs. Sanford, and truly saw her more of a mother than my sorry excuse of one.  The amount of nights I spent here at the Sanford's because my mom locked me out was ridiculous.

I stayed over so often Mrs. Sanford got me a room in the house.  She got me bedsheets and a blanket.  Got me my own soaps and stuff for the bathroom.  She loved me like her own child.

"Hey Athena." Marvel said with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Hey Marvel!" I said in a sing-songy voice.

"Woah, the dark and edgy Athena is happy?" Marvel joked.

I punched his arm.

"One last time Marvel, then I'm safe to live a life of making wigs and hats." I sighed happily.

"Oh Athena, you are somethin." He smiled.

"Hey Marvel, let's go do something." I proposed.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Let's go back to the training center, the little kids section, for old times sake!"

He looked at me confused.

"Cmon!  Let's go back there, and sit in our corner, and talk about nonsense!"

He sighed and held his wrist out.  I grabbed it and dragged him to the training center.

While we were there I had a smile plastered across my face, Marvel with a similar smile.

"What are you two doing here?" Gloss asked.

Without thinking I jumped up on my feet and gave Gloss a hug.

"Hello to you too Athena, why the good mood?" he asked.

"It's her last year eligible." Marvel spoke up.

Gloss laughed.  "It's good to see you smiling again Athena."

The rest of the day was full of laughter and happiness spent with Marvel.

I went to bed in Apollo's room that night.

When I woke up I showered and got dressed.

I wore a sage green dress with ruffles at the top.

I wore a sage green dress with ruffles at the top

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