Day Two

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Me and Cato stayed cuddled all night. When morning came around we all decided to go hunt.

Not the kind of hunting you'd think though. No not at all, we were hunting tributes.

"Hey lover boy, where's your girlfriend?" Clove asked Peeta.

He stared at the ground. Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, was our only mission today.

After a while of walking we noticed fire in the distance, but not some small fire created by an incompetent tribute. This fire was like a wild fire.

Cato gripped his sword and was about to charge in that direction. I grabbed his wrist and shook my head no.

He looked furiously at me, as if I ruined his master plan.

"If we go in there, we're not all coming out. That's a blazing wildfire. Plus if someone is already over in that area they're as good as dead now."

Cato let out a huff and agreed. We all headed back towards the cornucopia for a break. We killed a few tributes on the way.

We stayed bunkered at the cornucopia until the smoke from the wildfire has practically cleared out.

As a group we all started hiking through the woods of the arena again.

After what felt like hours we came across this small pond area. A smile drawn across my face.

"There she is!" Marvel called out.

Pointing with his spear our attention falls onto the district 12 girl who managed to score the same as someone from district 1.

We all started charging her way. We chased her all the way to a tree, where had climbed up.

Cato attempted to climb the tree. Clove kept yelling for him to kill her. Marvel kept yelling for him to go, I only laughed. Peeta stayed quiet.

Cato fell from the tree. His body type wasn't made for climbing trees obviously. He grabbed his sword and tried to throw it at her but ultimately missed.

Katniss made a smartass comment which pissed us all off. Peeta then finally spoke up.

"She can't stay up there forever, if we camp out down here we'll be able to kill her."

Cato scoffed a little, then turned to me. I shrugged, and he turned to everyone.

"Somebody make a fire." he said before we all dispersed.

Cato grabbed my wrist and pulled me to walk with him.

The two of us walked. I wasn't sure what we were trying to collect. But it didn't matter.

"We need to kill him." Cato mumbled.

"Why?" I asked.

"We got Katniss, so we don't need him anymore."

I smiled. He had a point. "Tomorrow, we can kill him, after we kill her."

He nodded. His hand interlocked with my hand we continued to walk.

All of a sudden, Cato had pushed me into a tree and kissed me. This one was passionate, however, still panicked. He kissed every time like it was the last one.

"We should get back." I smiled into the kiss. 

Cato only nodded and we grabbed some loose twigs and leaves on our way back to the group.  We camped out under the branch where Miss Coal Miner sat, watching.

We took turns on guard like the previous night, this time we had one person stay up the whole night to watch both Katniss and Peeta.  I was voted to be that person because of my diligence.

"Goodnight." Marvel laughed, "Expect Athena."

I stuck my tongue out at the boy.  It was relieving to me that even in our situation me and Marvel still act like the same kids we were back home.  All the jokes, and all the banter.  We were still kids no matter the circumstance.

I kept an eye on Peeta for a while, but after not too long of seeing him sleep I stopped watching.  I kept my eyes on Katniss.

My partner for this shift was Clove, who stared at me from where she sat on a log.  Knife in hand.

"I can see you staring at me Clove." I hummed.

She grumbled.  "Why do you think you're better than everyone else in this pack?" She asked l, rage imbedded in her words.

"I don't." I smiled, not moving my gaze from Katniss.

"Oh please, you've got Marvel and Cato wrapped around your little finger.  And when you scored an 11 Cato wasn't furious like he was when Katniss outshined him, no.  He cheered for you when he saw your 11.  Cato was supposed to be mine." Clove spat, her voice cracking g slightly on the last word.

"Clove, you are one deadly beast, and your skills are impressive for only being 15.  But I cannot control how others perceive me." I shrug, now looking at her.  "Cato wants me, and that's not in my control."

"It could be in mine." she huffed.  I understood her threat, but it didn't scare me.  Instead I stood from where I was sitting and moved next to her.

"You can try and kill me all you want Clove.  But I've been training since I can remember, and have been the best fighter in my academy for years.  You can threaten me all you want but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not scared of you.  I can do 10x worse things than you could ever dream of doing to me." I whispered in her ear.  I stood and went back to my seat and averted my gaze back to Katniss.

Clove was shocked, and then she scoffed.  "You- you don't scare me Athena.  You're all talk, you couldn't even kill that girl yesterday." She tried defending.

"I think your shift is up Clove, but if I were you I'd sleep with two knives tonight.  Not too sure if Marvel likes you that much and he's my next shift partner." I smiled.  She let out a heavy angry sigh and turned around and walked away.

I nudged Marvel and Clove got comfortable where he recently lay. 

"Morning sunshine." I joked as Marvel stretched like a baby waking up.

Rubbing his eyes and sat next to me.  "Morning" he gruffed out.

We watched for a while, Marvel ended up falling asleep again though.  I knew he would.  He's not the best when it comes to waking up.

So it was just me for a moment in time.  Until my eyes felt heavy and keeping watch on Katniss felt so hard.

I felt myself slipping away into a sleep, I fought to stay awake but eventually tiredness won.  I fell asleep.  No one woke up Cato for his shift.  The four of us were all vulnerable to if Katniss pulled something.  But I couldn't worry about that.  My eyes were now shut and my mind cleared into a dreamy haze where I wasn't in this arena.  My brother never got reaped.  And everything was perfect.  Until it wasn't.


i actualy posted a new part to this story?????

i go to new york in 2 days!!!
happy easter (it's tomorrow when i post this) to those who celebrate 🤭

i hope to write more tonight and it will most likely happen because i FINALLY have time to write

sorry for taking such a long break i hope you guys haven't forgotten about this story

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