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"How dare he only talk to me to try and get me to join the stupid career pack!" I thought to myself.

For the next few days I trained extra hard i. the training center.  Doing my best to ignore everyone there and just focussing on me.

Cato would try and talk to me but all he'd get from me is a "Fuck you."

"You seriously need to ease up, what happened to the playful flirting you shared with Cato?" Marvel asked me.

"He's a bitch."

"So are you but I still talk to you."

"Ha ha very funny." you answered sarcastically.

"But seriously what happened?"

"We were looking at the stars and having like a normal conversation and then he just asks me to join the career pack!" I rant, stabbing the dummy at the end of my sentence.

"I see." Marvel sighs.

"He's a stupid boy, and I'll kill him first in the arena."

Your attention shifts from the conversation as you hear Cato yelling at a boy from district six.

"I KNOW YOU TOOK MY KNIFE!" Cato yells at the boy.

You look up and see the little girl from eleven holding Cato's knife giggling.

You send her two thumbs up and mouth "good job" to her as Cato gets put into a time out.

You walk past him, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Nice tantrum babe, really intimidating."

He growls in anger as you walk back to Marvel.

"Poking the bear Athena?" Marvel asks with a smile.

"Always!" You laugh.

"Athena, I think you should join the pack." Marvel spoke up.

"Oh god, not you too." You sigh.

"Hey, think of it this way, it's just an alliance with me. Cato and Clive just happen to also be apart of it." Marvel tried to persuade.



"Fine, but just know I don't trust either of them."

"That's fine."

We leaving the training center and eat dinner. Tomorrow would be the evaluation of our skills.

"Do you guys feel ready?" Gloss asked.

"I feel confident enough in my ability." I respond.

"You're gonna do great Athena." Cashmere smiled.

"Marvel, you're gonna do great too." Cashmere added.

"Why don't you two get some rest so you have energy for tomorrow."

Me and Marvel nodded and headed to our rooms.

A few hours past and everyone was asleep.  I however, couldn't sleep at all.  I got up and went to the courtyard.  Surprised at the fact that Cato wasn't there.

I sat on the edge of the fountain and played with my necklace.  I stared up at the sky.

"I bet you're getting a kick out of this, huh?  You're little sister who was terrified of the games and losing you in the games, now volunteering for the games." you laugh.

You missed Apollo.  He would never believe you volunteered for the games.

"I miss you Apollo." you said to the sky, a tear falling from your eye.

I Wanna Be Yours- Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now