Heaven (alt ending)

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hey yall, alt ending because you guys wanted one where cato and athena live. soooo here you go, you ask so you shall receive. however, this does mean i have to kill katniss and peeta...sorry not sorry. for the most part this chapter is an exact replica of last chapter but with a different ending!! i hope you enjoy!!

Cato now realized what had happened. He grabbed me into an embrace. Holding me tightly and not letting go until I was ready.

When I finally pulled away, Clove cleared her throat.

"Not trying to interfere in this moment of grief, but there are still others out there."

I spoke up, words coming out shakey.

"I want that bitch Katniss dead." I said, with no emotion but anger laced in my words.

(i'm so sorry i love katniss but for the plot we as athena need to hate her)

Clove smirked, for once we agreed on something.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Cato laughed. "Let's go kill the bitch!"

As we trecked along I couldn't shake the feeling of Marvel being gone. The image of the arrow impaling him, the blood drowning him.

We walked for a day and a half and I felt like running away from the group. They didn't need me. They could both go home if I died. And if I died I'd be with Apollo and Marvel, and I'd be happy.

I wanted to drop them so many times. Sure Cato cared about me, but this was the Hunger Games. We would never work. We were from two different districts. One of us would have to die for one of us to win. They didn't need me.

After a few days of walking and not finding a single sign of Katniss, the three of us gave up. We made camp in this area in the forest.

We waited there, when Claudius Templesmith made another announcement. This one inviting us to the Feast.

Cato let Clove go. Before she left I grabbed her wrist pulling her back.

"Remember Katniss is MY kill." she sighed.

"How about this, if I see her I'll give the audience one hell of a show."

I smiled and nodded. Either way she would be gone, couldn't argue with that.

Cato and I sat for a while Clove went to the Feast.

Cato looked at me longingly.

"Hey Princess." he smiled.

I turned my gaze to him. "Hey babe." I sheepishly replied.

"I'm really sorry about Mar-"

I cut him off. "Please, do not say his name. Not until I have killed the bitch who killed him."


"What." I sniffled.


I looked at him, whatever he was about to say would only make everything worse. I just a had a feeling.

"I love you, Athena."

I stared at him. This was bad, how could he love me. I mean either of us could die at any moment, how could he love me.

"You shouldn't." I responded dryly.

"Why are you like that?" he asked angrily.

"Like what?"

"You refuse anything good in life. I just told you I love you and you can't even say it back?"

Truth was, I wasn't sure what I felt for Cato. He made me feel safe, and made me feel like even when I'm ugly and gross I'm still beautiful. I've never doubted myself with him. He made me feel all the right things. Except, I felt like I didn't give him what he deserved at all. I treated him horribly, and he didn't deserve that. I would never be able to love him the way he loves me.

I Wanna Be Yours- Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now