The Tribute Parade

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As the capitol people in the remake center waved me and made me feel like a lotioned slug they sent me to a dark room.

I sat there naked waiting for my stylist.

In walked a tall lady. She was skinny, and beautiful. Even with the tattooed striped and cosmetic whiskers.

"Hello Athena."

"Hello.." I responded.


"Hello Tigris."

"I'm going to be your stylist for this years hunger games."

"Yippee!" I sarcastically cheered.

"I like you already." Tigris smirked.

As she took my measurements I felt myself slipping out of my cold exterior.

She dressed me in a hot pink dress and a hairstyle similar to the one I had for the reaping

She dressed me in a hot pink dress and a hairstyle similar to the one I had for the reaping

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yall can change it if you don't like it 😘

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yall can change it if you don't like it 😘

"I feel like a Barbie." I smile.

"All eyes will be on you. You're pretty. Show them." Tigris winked.

I walked out to where the carriages were. I spotted Marvel. He was in a similar looking ensemble as me. We both mounted our carriage.

just enjoy jack quaid's goofy ass in this picture because i laugh at this often

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just enjoy jack quaid's goofy ass in this picture because i laugh at this often

As we ride through the capitol I find myself smiling and cheering for the people of Panem.

"You're pretty. Show them." Played on repeat in my head. I can't make the people of Panem think I'm a horrible stone cold bitch.

As we parked, President Snow started talking about something, but I didn't listen. I felt eyes on me. And not the eyes of Panem.

As me and Marvel dismounted the carriage I left him to go socialize. I stood standing my my horse.

"If it isn't miss volunteer." I hear a voice call out.

I role my eyes preparing to talk to someone I'll probably stab in the games.

I turn around finding myself looking up a down the tall broad structure of a boy in a golden gladiator costume.

"Nice costume." you scoff. "You should let me borrow it sometime."

The boy has a scowl growing on his face.

"Listen princess, me and Marvel and Clive want an alliance. Were the career pack. You have to join us. You're from one anyways." He says.

"I'd love to babe, but I think I'd rather kill you in your sleep than trust you on watch duty." I smile.

His anger became for visible.

I blew the boy a kiss before walking away.

I walked towards the building I'd be sleeping in. I walked straight to my room, which was on the bottom floor.

"Good job sweetheart!" Gloss smiled.

"Thanks, the show was stolen by the twelvers and their fire though."

"Hey, you looked gorgeous out there." Cashmere smiled.

"Thank you, hope I was pretty enough to appease the capitol."

"Can you not be snarky for five minutes Athena!" Velvet began to crack.

"Depends, can you stop getting excited about sending kids in an arena to die every year." I dramatically smiled.

Velvet only scoffed and left the room.

I ate dinner with everyone and then got changed into comfier clothes.

A pair of yoga pants and a cropped sweat shirt.

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling before remembering that I was in the fucking capitol.

I snuck out of the apartment and went into the courtyard of the building.

In the middle of the courtyard was an open patch of grass along with a fountain.

I laid on the ground and looked at the stars. I looked at the constellations. That was something me and Apollo would do all the time as kids. We would find our constellations.

I laid out in the courtyard for about 30 minutes before I was interrupted.

"Hey princess."

"Ugh what do you want?" I questioned, sitting up.

"Why are you such a bitch?" he asked with anger hidden in his tone as he sat on the edge of the fountain.

"Maybe because being nice got me no where so I had to manage." I smiled.

"Would you please join the career pack?"

"That's what you came out here to ask me? Seriously?" you scoffed.

"The capitol will hate you if you don't." He tried to reason.

I sat next to him on the edge of the fountain.

I stared into his eyes. 

"And what do I get if I join your little pack?"

"Immunity, from me and Clove."

"Wowww." I responded.  "What a steal."

"And I'll protect you." he answered again, scoffing slightly closer to me.

"Babe, I don't need protection." you whispered.

"You'll be the one needing protection from me." you kissed his cheek.

You got up and walked away towards the building again.

"Let's do this again sometime princess!" he called out.

You looked back and sent the boy a wink.

He's gonna be easy to play.

"Athena what the hell was that?" Marvel whisper yelled as I came inside.

"Oh please Marvel, just some innocent flirting."

"Athena I know you, you're trying to screw with him."

"My biggest weapon is my word Marvel, I can't help that I know how to wield my weapon." I shrug.

"Athena, one wrong move and you'll be the first person he goes after in the games."

"Sounds fun." You smiled.

"Athena, please just." Marvel sighs, "Please be safe."

"Always." You hug him.

"Goodnight Athena, I love you."

"Love you more Marvel, goodnight."

awww tbh you and marvel are the cutest best friends ever

also flirting with cato
however we don't even know his name lmao

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