Day One

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As I arrive to my post, I smell sap and dirt. I look around. I'm standing next to a thirteen year old boy and a fourteen year old girl. I swallow.

I look around again, trying to find familiar faces. I can't find Marvel. I can't find Clove. I continue to search, and finally I find Cato. He's maybe four tributes to my right.

He's already looking at me. He's pointing to the cornucopia. I have to go into the bloodbath. Careers always make it out alive, but my only chance of success is if I get ahold of a sword.

As we wait for the longest minute of our lives we finally hear "10"









My stomach drops.


The horn sounds.

All 24 of us all starting running. Some to the cornucopia, some to the forest. I make my way to the cornucopia and grab a sword. I also grab the closest knife I can.

As I'm trying to get some other supplies the district 7 boy comes from behind me.  I could hear him.  I immediately slit his throat and stabbed him in the stomach.

He died almost immediately.

I give up on grabbing supplies, I was sure the careers would make their way back to the cornucopia.

I look into the field, bloodied bodies lay everywhere.  I felt myself become nauseous at the sight of this.  At the fact I had just killed someone.

"Hey c'mon let's go!" I hear Marvel call out to me.

I start running towards the group and we walk around a while.

Marvel talked about so much and yet he didn't have a clue what he was saying.  Clove stuck close to Cato, not because she was scared or didn't trust me and Marvel, but because she didn't want to be near Marvel and his useless nonsense.

Unfortunately for her, Cato stuck right by my side and made Clove walk with Marvel.

"You know who I can't wait to kill?" Clove suddenly bursted.

"Who?" Marvel and Cato ask at the same time.

"That bitch from 12 who got an 11." Clove scoffed.

I had also gotten an 11.  Which made me wonder if I too was on Clove's kill list.

"Then let's kill her." Cato laughed.

"How will we even find her?" Marvel then asked.

"We could find boy from her district," I shrug, "he told the whole world he's in love with her."

"Alright, you heard the princess, let's go find lover boy!" Cato laughed.

Clove glared at me angrily.  Something about her scared me.  I didn't let it show.  Instead I let my cold hearted self and stuck to myself.

"How you doing Athena?" Marvel asked me.

"This was stupid.  Clove hates my guts and Cato won't stop looking at me like he's starving to kiss me."

"Oh it can't be that bad, you've got me."

I sigh and nudge his shoulder.  Me and Marvel walked behind Cato and Clove on our mission to find Peeta.

I Wanna Be Yours- Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now